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I hate this age of kids. (15)

1 Name: Omeed Nyman : 2012-11-12 21:57 ID:os6/RVQo [Del]

Why cant we be like the old age of kids, no drama, no dating at middle school,
people had some great REAL music. Also, no facebook. It was great then, just wonderful. Kids arent even the tiniest bit thankful nowadays. They have no respect for adults! Minds consumed by phones and computers, no sunlight passes through there dead eyes.

2 Name: FlyingKnives : 2012-11-12 23:05 ID:6Eo001zJ [Del]

The reason that it isn't how you stated it should be is because times change, and though I hate to admit it myself (I'm a teenager), this is how it is. This is the "new normal." SWAG and YOLO are today's thing. Unfortunately, teens take too much pride in both those things, and they make themselves look ridiculous.

3 Name: NekoNeko : 2012-11-13 05:43 ID:rreyvD9l [Del]

I believe every generation feels that way: the next one is always lazier, stupider, worse, etc. I am 18 now but it started in my high school aswell. I tried to avoid it, to be different, to be "normal". I ended up being antisocial and weird for others. I wish I were stronger: I would have suffered less. But thinking about it, it made me stronger and I'm glad I wasn't part of the crowd.

Now I'm an university student on English-Japanese faculty and I can go out with people with the same interests. (no Dollars, though :( )

All i want to say is that there are normal kids nowadays aswell but they might want to become like the rest to not to remain alone. They are kids: they can't be accused of becoming shallow and closed-minded. It depends on their parents.

My mother raised me to be curious about the world and try to learn as many things as possible. This way I found animes which gave me strenght and power to avoid assimilating in this... Stuff.

Tl;dr for others, animewatchers are weird. All you can do about this is to raise your future children to be open-minded I believe ^^

4 Name: Raikura : 2012-11-13 06:44 ID:FJOXeHO8 [Del]

im not a villain yet i came from this age! some people in this age are evil but not everyone you shouldnt say everyone from this age are evil (sorry im juss so used to using words like villain and evil, adventure time fan here!)

5 Name: XavierMaddux !hMypHw1jWo : 2012-11-13 11:20 ID:u5aU8/Bj [Del]

The Generations are getting worse and worse as we continue in life. and the slope will get steeper and steeper of how bad they get.

6 Name: mr manboy : 2012-11-13 14:57 ID:Yv9S6Elt [Del]

first of all its those fat lazy parents that influence there kids and make them think they can just go around getting bailed out of punishments because there childhoods were ' hard’ . also most of you are probably just kids glued to your computer, with freakin world of warcraft accounts or some crap.

7 Name: awesome man : 2012-11-13 15:23 ID:Yv9S6Elt [Del]

u know what kids do u think u can get bailed outta everything ur wrong most parents are to overprotective let us do mhatever we want geez o my glob stop being to protective let us do what we want reply if u think im right im awesome man and i fight 4 u

8 Name: Sid : 2012-11-13 16:15 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

No most kids do get bailed out of almost everything nowadays. My little brother was the only one who was raised normal, according to today's society, and he turned out as a snob. My sister and I were beat into shape if we did something wrong, and sadly some kids need that nowadays.

On another note video games ruined the outside play. As a kid I played outside and did some stupid stuff, like lighting rocket engines with no rocket. But games reduced the times we went outside, and now I rarely see any kids playing outside.

9 Name: Alexavier : 2012-11-13 16:33 ID:aSaydtZS [Del]

This thread,,,

Okay. Yes, life as we know it has been reduced to this. Teens are glued to their phones, computers, video games, and TVs. OUtside play is more like sit in side and play a video game, when you can go outside and let your imagination wander off.

10 Name: Sola : 2012-11-13 16:50 ID:iOzqGwlo [Del]

I do agree with most of this although not all kids are like this there are a few who are not. I for one am not in drama but what bothers me is how people dress now. Short shorts and shirts that show almost everything, this is ridiculous shoe some respect. Also the amount a person swears is ridiculous you do not need those words in every sentence my goodness. But when there is an advancement in anything there is a price to pay so kids do not go outside because of these inventions.

11 Name: Sama Kime : 2012-11-13 21:04 ID:e036Fqpm [Del]

Now Now not all Kids these days with drama everyday and like this so called "Music" i know for a fact that i am not one of those people. I love elvis presly (Sorry if i misspelled that) and i absolutely hate the stupied clothing that people wear that supposely has "swag" and i get outside and play with a soccur ball till at least an hour after the sun sets everyday before i go inside and study

12 Name: Shade !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-11-13 22:54 ID:GyJYj+iG [Del]

Sorry to disappoint, but I seem to defy your logic. Yeah, when I was little, I spent alot of time outside, even had a small interest in sports. I still played video games, and was a hardcore gamer since the age of 2, but I still went outside. However, after my parents split, both my parents fell into depressions, my Dad mostly. There wasn't alot of comfort for either me or my older brother(by 5 and a half years.). Being only 8 at the time, I had a hard time coming to terms with everything. However, I eventually found comfort in Video Games and Anime. Places I could escape to and be happy. Now, its not working as much as it used to, but its still influencing me greatly, and in a good way. Yeah, I dislike sports now, and I rarely go outside unless its to do a chore. I've never lived anywhere, where I could go outside and play with friends, so eventually, I just got used to being inside all the time. And while I don't get the best grades. (B's and C's generally, with the occassional A), I can truthfully say that its misleading. Everyone who knows me always comments on how charming, polite(every other word that means the same thing), kind-hearted, and smart. I'm recognized as one of my school's nerds/geeks, but I don't get made fun of. People respect me, and I give everyone the respect they deserve. Something my Nana taught me long before she passed away, and its something Japanese culture(Which I took an interest in years ago) strengthened even further.

And my taste in music isn't half bad. I like Electronic music(No wub wub Dubstep), vocalless music, rock, orchestral, and classical music. I despise rap. I listen to quite a bit of pop as well(Mostly J-Pop)

I also hate fighting. Despise it in any form. I'm a Pacifist, though not a full one. I call myself a Neo-Pacifist. Certain conditions must be met in order for me to fight. To protect my family or friends, or even those that need help, doesn't matter if I know them or not. Other than that, I won't fight, not even if you knock me down one hundred times.

13 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-11-13 23:50 ID:kA3MJMq8 [Del]

People who say kids used to have no drama don't know anything about previous generations nor do they understand the teenage mind. People who use the term "real music" understand what real music is just as little as people that listen solely to pop and mainstream rap. People who claim facebook, cell phones, and the internet in general contributes to the ruination of our generation's morals don't understand the evolution of society alongside technology. People who think kids are completely unjust and thankless nowadays live in a bubble.

What ideal society do you hail from where everyone was thankful and modest, nobody took anything for granted, people spent all their time socializing and outdoors, everyone listened only to music that was considered high quality, and nobody every experienced drama? Was it the white picket fenced suburban idealism you mistook for fact, or perhaps the orthodox christian town from the 1800s?

Can anyone truly blame their own generation for deviating from old standards, for better or worse, as society and technology evolve in tandem faster than the new generation can even be born? It is, contrary to popular belief, not an unpopular opinion to do so. It's a pretentious cop-out for analyzing the how and why of society's changes, because it implies that you understand these things without ever proving it.

The previous generations would balk at our social freedom and instantaneous access to information and conveniences. They might even think our current music is great, because the mainstream has always been something shaped by what a majority of people think is enjoyable, not what is objectively superior in the sense of musicality. And frankly, I could name lots of things about the previous generations that make me prefer our current society.

14 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2012-11-14 03:13 ID:3O3C28GF [Del]

Okay, while I do agree with you that this generation sucks ass, I hate when people bitch about it like this. It makes you look like you just realised this and thought that nobody else had, and that makes you look stupid. However, I will commend you for the fact that you're willing to admit it.

>>3 This. This is pretty much how it will turn out for me in a couple of years, I'm sure of it. Until then, I'll bear with it.

15 Name: FlyingKnives : 2012-11-15 19:18 ID:6Eo001zJ [Del]

>>6 >>7 Don't samefag.