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I'm new to this.. (2)

1 Name: Natlee00 : 2012-11-04 12:23 ID:2TBv4YSD [Del]

I am a dunce when it comes to my love life. To be honest, I really don't pay much attention to it because I have other things to care about.
You see, I have this best friend. He's been around for a while, and we've been pretty cool with each other. But the one thing that could ruin everything was the fact that he has a crush on me. I've had this happen a bunch of times before, and I've always ran away from it to avoid that painful thing called awkwardness. I never really understood why he-or anyone- would like me! Of all the six billion people on Earth, it was me! I mean, I don't have a life, I'm not pretty, I'm a big awkward dork with a short temper, I know I can be annoying sometimes (Yeah right, more like most of the time)and finally, I AM PROBABLY THE MOST TERRIBLE GIRLFRIEND ANY GUY WOULD HAVE. For God's sake, I'm attracted to fictional characters! What the hell?!
Like I said, I'm stupid when it comes to these things..

2 Name: Z : 2012-11-04 12:59 ID:xsse5lqB [Del]

from what you said it sounds fairly normal form him to fall for you. Many people like a dork, and with love how pretty you are, or how annoying you are doesn't matter. who doesn't like fictional characters, and most people have no idea about their love life. It is also more likely for a friend to fall in love with someone then for a stranger to. I personally have fallen in love with a friend a few times. as for the awkwardness it will be awkward if you turn him down, and if you accept and the relationship fails. There is no helping the awkwardness. I suggest to determine how you feel about him. If you don't hate him, and don't have your eyes set on someone else then you should bet on a good relationship, only then will it not be awkward.