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Post Traumatic Stress Dissorder (9)

1 Name: notanotherzombie : 2012-10-15 23:53 ID:HVk2sky/ (Image: 200x200 png, 49 kb) [Del]

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anyone here know anyone with problems that could possibly relate to this? believe it or not, its actually really common.

i've copied this from a friend's status on FB, but i want to share it here because it relates, and he's already typed what i said.

"Don't just pity the victims of bullying. Pity the bullies, for they are most often victims of bullying themselves. How long will it take people to realize that the people who need the most help are often the ones inflicting harm on others? That, in order to help their victims, we must help them?
I have PTSD. I know how violence at a young age can destroy someone, can make them think - without conscious effort, or even conscious agreement - that violence is a solution, a means to an end. I knew I needed help, and I am getting help; I've made progress, too, by being supported by people who would rather understand me and love me than condemn me as inhuman and evil, labels even I have sometimes thought to bestow on myself.
Trauma is a cycle - a vicious circle given from abused parent to their abused children. Those abused children may become bullies, themselves victims of bullying in their own home. How can we justify hatred of people who are as much victims as we? How can hate someone in such a way for the wrongs they have committed for their mental condition and not logically condemn ourselves for it? Let's be productive, not hateful; understanding, not emotional. Let's pity ALL victims of bullying, including the bullies themselves; and, even if we can't pity them, can we at least not condemn them?
I've said my piece. I rarely stump speak about things, but this is something that touches a personal scar. I can't condone hatred; I'd be done for if it weren't for others who thought the same on my behalf. Help - don't hate."

any thoughts?

also this song

2 Name: Sid : 2012-10-16 01:35 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

I don't want to say too much, but this kind of thinking pisses me off. First off I was abused as a kid, only physically and verbally though. Secondly I was one of those being bullied, and you know what? Those who bullied me where stuck up rich kids with the stupidest problems. Also isn't usually the people who are being bullied that suffer the most and go crazy, like in Columbine. I will always support those who are being bullied, and I will always frown upon the ones doing it.

3 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-10-16 03:06 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

This isn't the place for this. This board is for those seeking personal advice.Any thoughts? Yeah, go read the FAQ.

4 Name: notanotherzombie : 2012-10-16 09:54 ID:HVk2sky/ [Del]

i am seeking some personal advice thou, i want to see what others are doing to deal with it. . .

@sid, that really sucks, i had the same kind of problem with bulling in middle school, all the "normal" kids casted me out cause i was weird, and i dont know too much about their home life, but what i imgaine that since they lived with so much, they developed this complex of superiority to get attention.

i do think its pathetic when people resort to picking on others to solve their own issues.

but in the case of abuse, usually the abuser was abused as well.

:/ i dont know if im explaining this right

5 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-10-16 13:13 ID:JGRp/wLp [Del]

Hmm... I think the most traumas I have now and will forever follow me is words that come out of people's mouths. They don't think before saying things that hurt me. Whether it's talking behind a person's back, how asian I am, or reading people's posts online, in my world everything revolves around words.
I don't know how to deal with this yet, but hopefully I'll find the solution.

6 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-10-16 14:21 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>4 You posted a quote and asked what people thought. That's not seeking advice.

7 Name: notanotherzombie : 2012-10-16 16:57 ID:HVk2sky/ [Del]

so what are the best ways that you can deal with disorders like that? is it difficult to tell people about it? what do they say to you?

8 Name: Sid : 2012-10-16 19:09 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

I don't know the best way, but instead of using ones past as an excuse deal with it. Writing helps organize one's thoughts on whatever is troubling them. Hanging out with friends now and then will ease some of the depression.

I never found it hard to talk about being abused, but I only did if others asked about my past. I didn't want people to treat me any different just because of having a rough childhood.

Also your quote is too vague to offer a lot of advice, since there is too many points that can be elaborated on. Like being bullied is one thing. Being a bully is another. Abuse is another as well. Also the information given doesn't offer any insight into what is truly troubling this person and what it is that they need help with.

9 Name: Sekaan : 2012-10-16 21:34 ID:X7yz7nXT [Del]

Normally when people have PTSD (This is an obvious part) that was caused by a traumatic experience that simply puts them under a large ordeal of pressure. This tends to cause them to have what I call "Memory wipes" Meaning that they tend to forget entire parts of their life or moments, and as fascinating as humans are, we tend to sub-consciously create new memories, whether it is what we desire most or tend to replace randomly by hearing of a simular memory or randomly. The only way to fix this is to face it or to find a way to live with it. Which is quite interesting, I would post more information about it, but I've taken up quite some space already.