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HELP!!! Pls. (10)

1 Name: James : 2012-10-12 05:37 ID:+bQML8az (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 150 kb) [Del]

src/1350038251873.jpg: 1024x768, 150 kb
Hey I need bro help here my GF ask me if I can take here to the movies and she also wants to eat in a fancy resturant. The problem is I plan to give her a gift the prob. is She is sure to give me the watch she promised me that was worth 150 dollars. What should I give her

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-12 05:40 ID:lXxokTk9 [Del]

Give her whatever you think she'll like. If she's not grateful because she spent more than you, she's a bitch who doesn't deserve anything better.

3 Name: Shina : 2012-10-12 05:47 ID:+bQML8az [Del]

Dude give here something that came from your love

4 Name: James : 2012-10-12 05:49 ID:+bQML8az [Del]

>>2 Like I said it most be special >>3 Shina your right be back

5 Name: Shina : 2012-10-12 05:49 ID:+bQML8az [Del]

>>4 No probs.

6 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-10-12 11:30 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>3 Semen?

If you know she's giving you a $150 item, give something of equal value.

7 Name: Zeckarias !LoWvdc0uhQ : 2012-10-12 14:41 ID:ZToapPvW [Del]

>>6 Like a lot of semen? What's the exchange rate for that stuff anyway?

8 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-10-12 14:43 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

I say convince her otherwise. 150$ be crazy.

9 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-10-12 14:45 ID:WwFCTJ7m [Del]

>>7 About two "donations" worth is about $150

10 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-12 15:36 ID:INhdiAEJ [Del]

>>4 So giving her something that came from your love is somehow different than you giving her what you can afford? You can only give her what you can afford. Don't put yourself in debt. You're already paying for her dinner; you don't need to get her a $150 gift. Dinner for two at a nice, fancy resturaunt is usually between 60 and 80 bucks. The most you should be spending on a gift for her outside of that is fifty bucks.

This is coming from a girl's POV, by the way. I'm not some shallow, douchey guy trying to get you dumped. However, if your girlfriend isn't satisfied because you don't spend as much as her, she's a bitch who doesn't deserve this amount of concern. Do you think your girlfriend's a shallow bitch?


Then don't be so concerned over how much you need to spend on her. You're just belittling her with this logic.

Just get her something you know she'll like. It doesn't have to be $150 dollars. The little things are generally the most special. Give her a nice dinner, a happy/romantic experience, and a few little things that you know she really likes.