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Afraid...Help me... (9)

1 Name: lynne : 2012-10-03 13:00 ID:Bs7jiKXw [Del]

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago. The doctors gave her a year, but her state got better. Half a year ago she was hospitilized in a special hospital for patients with cancer. Due to short visiting hours I visited her only once. Everyone was staring at me, since I was the only person in ages that dared to come close to them. It was horrible.
Earlier today, I was on my yearly exam and I had to tell my doctor about my family's diseasees. I was uncomfortable talking about it at first, but I got used to it and the doctor was really calm and almost friendly. I was on my way out of the room when I heared the doctor say to the nurse something like: ˝Call her doctor. This girl has to get to her doctor ASAP.˝ I thought that she was talking about someone else. Soon enough, the nurse followed me and gave me a lot of recommendation papers for a special doctor and tips how to diagnose breast cancer.
I thought it was just a precaution tip, until I saw my mothers face when I told her (she's a doctor too). She was really serious and changed the theme.
I'm currently in a state of panic and I don't know what to do. I'm to young to go to that special hospital... I'm not even 18... Does ANYONE have/had any similar problems? How can I calm down? What do I do? HELP ME PLEASE!
(I sincerely apologize if this isn't posted in the right topic, but I'm in a state of shock. I'm really sorry.)

2 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2012-10-03 13:04 ID:Ky6C8M4w [Del]

I have never dealt with something like this and I do feel sorry for you. I have no knowledge of breast cancer I wish I could do more to help.

3 Name: lols : 2012-10-03 14:23 ID:uuOthe7V [Del]

No need to be sorry. I hope you can handel it well. Sorry I cant help you. I wish you all luck in the world. One big red rose for you if that helps you

4 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-10-03 14:31 ID:b/qzlPna [Del]

You're correct, this is the perfect place for this sort of thing.
However, don't fret so much.
You're young, and that means that your body can handle itself a lot better than someone who's much older. If you can treat it early (which is what sounds like it should be in, if it's there at all), then you'll be just fine.
You'd be surprised how far medical science has advanced in the past few years, really. I'd actually be surprised if you would have to go through chemotherapy, but I doubt it.

Don't panic, check with your doctor frequently, do what they say, and you'll be perfectly fine, trust me. Older people who have it worse have made it out of this, so it's not unrealistic to say that you will as well. Just keep in mind that your mother expects the worse, if only out of her worry for you as a caring mother.

Best of luck.

5 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2012-10-03 16:49 ID:sSHY4vMl [Del]

The women in my family have a history of thyroid cancer. Two years ago my doctor sent me in for an ultrasound on my neck because he thought he felt something on my neck. I wasn't worried until they found something and called me in for a blood test. In the end it turned out everything was fine, but it still freaked me out. My mom even forgot to tell me the results from the blood test so I didn't even know if I was okay or not for months.

Like Black said, don't freak. Calm down, it'll probably be nothing. At the same time you should keep an eye on yourself to make sure nothing goes wrong. Since you know what you're looking for you'll probably catch anything early.

Good luck.

6 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-10-03 22:15 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

I'm not knowledgeable in cancer but from what I've read, it's not a 100% certain that you will get it just because your mom had it. Knowing your family has had a history with breast cancer actually helps you in a way. Both you and your doctor will be on alert for the early signs. The chances of you developing it with in the next few years is very slim anyways. Doctors have been known to make small problems seem bigger than they actually are. If you're that paranoid about it, do some research in your free time. Find out the beginning signs, when they show and the actual risk of you actually developing it. Don't panic. If something serious was wrong, your doctor would have told you face to face.

7 Name: Emerald : 2012-10-05 06:58 ID:OiAipENf [Del]

I went through the scare myself. It turned out to be a false alarm. But I just want yo to know it won't be the end. It's times like this you realise how strong you can really be.

8 Name: Toxical !LiveDVTV76 : 2012-10-05 12:16 ID:CyiHbNB/ [Del]

Hello girl!

I am sorry to hear that. But I have some stuff to say.
There is someone related to me that was 40 years-old and had brain cancer. The doctor said that she would have 3 months to live left, and there was nothing they could do to change it. She changed her life, and started living calmly waiting for her death. She went from the biggest city in our country to one small, changed what she was eating (fast-food for something healthy) and decided to life her new life - even if it was only for 3 months.

That was 6 years ago. The routine was killing her. She is still alive, but she said that she will never go to that city again.

What I have to say it that even if you do have cancer there are soooo many ways to treat it that you shouldn't freak out. At ALL.

Take care of your health, your mom had brest cancer, talk to her about it, tell her your fears... I will not be suprised if it is a false alarm.

Again what Black said is correct, but there are also lots of other treatments that you can find online. Still, you will be allright! :)

Best of luck girl! ^^

9 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-10-05 12:39 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

Do exactly what they doctors say. They've gone to school for about 8 years for this stuff. They're professionals who know what they're talking about.