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Suicidal (42)

1 Name: Fir3_fly : 2012-09-28 23:31 ID:B8l5Gijb [Del]

FUUUUUUCK!!! I hate this soo much. I hate Being suicidal and wanting to kill myself and wantin to die when i'm alone. I hate it when i see a knife and fantazise about cutting myself over and over agin just to make it go away. I hate wanting to do drugs just to see what happens. I hate wanting to die.
I hate having to go through this Again! Just after 8 months of wanting to die.
Worst of all i want help but then i don't want help because i don't want to explain the shit that i go through everyday to some dude with spectacles trying to see what's hanennen in my brain. But i do want help. Meds. Something to keep me from feelin this way ALLL the FUckin Time!
All i want is relief and now when i think about bad things that have or could happen to me i think to myself " well if this happens I can always DO this Or Do that"

2 Name: vampcake : 2012-09-29 00:15 ID:pflhYJzl [Del]

i know how u feel... dont giv up just keep looking up and never giv in

3 Name: Juna : 2012-09-29 00:50 ID:sqAypjcV [Del]

Suicide, its always romantisized as the best possible way to end all pain, and to never have to deal with your problems. Its a parasite that eats away at you, makes things bad seem worse, and turns you into something of a husk of who you are. I know what that feels like, wanting to escape, but you cant let those negative feelings rule you. You gotta fight back bro(and or sis). For me, the way to stop feeling like that was to find something I love doing, and tie myself to that. Let those bad feelings filter out while I get my mind right. Keep your head up Fir3_fly. Dont let anyone get you down.

4 Name: 13 : 2012-09-29 02:29 ID:ZQHjJyZT [Del]

Do you really think that's the solution to everything...Do you even think what we'll happen if you commit suicide...How do you think the people who love you will feel...I might not know what is the cause of you being suicidal...But think it through first...Then decide whether to go through it or not...

Yours Truly

5 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-09-29 02:47 ID:jc4q+cPM [Del]

inb4 OP should become an hero
inb4 OP is just trying to get attention
inb4 OP needs to buck the fuck up and realize that life is rough

6 Name: James : 2012-09-29 08:48 ID:H45ItGcI [Del]

Hey Fir3_fly, I was reading old mission posts and I found one called the Butterfly Project and I figured you might want to check it out. I bumped it in case my link doesn't work, Good luck xD

>>4 that's not exactly the best way to go about this, she'll end up feeling trapped between her feelings and guilt over what would happen if she acted (not sure if I worded that right...)
experience get's us closest to understanding =D

>>5 that's pretty insensitive, don't you think?

7 Name: Fir3_fly : 2012-09-29 10:14 ID:a65796kE (Image: 500x357 jpg, 32 kb) [Del]

src/1348931666999.jpg: 500x357, 32 kb

8 Name: 13 : 2012-09-29 11:39 ID:h6dIjrkM [Del]

>>6 Just hoping she'll contemplate suicide and have finda reason t continue living...Don't know what else i can do...

9 Name: Pipa Zefyras : 2012-09-29 14:52 ID:QZQkGyV3 [Del]

Well I used to feel suicidal. Then I found life. Really, just forget everything that bothers you and go with the flow. I guess try using people as your distraction from death. It works for me. Or find a hobby, set a goal of some sorts. If it doesn't help. Find me. I'll try my best to be your friend.

10 Name: Ei : 2012-09-29 15:16 ID:Xt/ffceE [Del]

I don't want to sound cliche, but I'm a Christian, and every time I've contemplated suicide or fell into depression, I've been able to crush it through the sheer power that comes from knowing God is with me.
If that's not for you, I don't want to force anything on you. I, personally, am basically insane, and know what it's like to have no idea how to deal with what's in your head.
I'll be your friend, if you want.

11 Name: Z3R0 : 2012-09-29 16:55 ID:NfI+oPQX [Del]

>>1 Listen to me. I hated life, I was a nerd, a freak and thanks to that I shut my self down. I ignored my life and heard as people talk about me behind my back. I nearly committed suicide until my one and only TRUE friend stopped me. It has been a year since then and now I look back and Im seeing how much I have changed. I'm grateful for having a TRUE friend. How about you?

12 Name: Fir3_fly : 2012-09-29 17:36 ID:xdHi6Cs2 [Del]

I hate life. Nothing ever good comes from it.

13 Name: hardcore : 2012-09-29 20:15 ID:aglJKj2z [Del]

Just because nothing good ever happens to you, doesn't mean you should give. Get off your ass and change your situation.

14 Name: Ei : 2012-09-29 21:31 ID:weqnSNJw [Del]

The thing is, nothing good ever does come from life. That's because if you want anything out of it, you've gotta step up and take it. You rule your emotions, they don't rule you. Sometimes people forget this, and that's where they get off track.
Take life by the horns and show it who controls your life and your destiny.

15 Name: 0013Starri : 2012-09-29 21:35 ID:95fYpnxr [Del]

Okay, this is how it goes, girly. You say life is total bullshit? Well guess what?
That's bullshit.
Life is not all sorrow and 'oh I wanna freaking kill myself!'.
Life is full of boundless possibilities. You just have to get off your ass and do something to change your life.

Life is an art, the only thing is, you have to make it that way.
Think about that, now.

16 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-09-30 00:30 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

Grow the fuck up. You think your life is rough? Think about some of the people in Africa who would kill to be where you're at, and then be more grateful than anyone you've ever seen in your life.

17 Name: Stephen : 2012-09-30 03:14 ID:klfxdGRa [Del]

"If I ever have kids, and they are upset, I won’t tell them that people are starving in China or anything like that because it wouldn’t change the fact that they are upset. And even if somebody else has it much worse, that doesn’t really change the fact that you have what you have."

— The Perks of Being a Wallflower

18 Name: An'beth : 2012-09-30 06:26 ID:a8Jrel9z [Del]

Of course it sounds like he/she is seeking attention. That's because He/she is!
You cannot get help from anyone without their attention -
'Seeking attention' is just another way of saying 'begging for help' so please don't say it like it's a bad thing.
I personally just want the person that started this thread to find help and get better for good.

19 Name: kuchukuTulip!AKSwaLxXwA : 2012-09-30 07:06 ID:cXgAqq7i [Del]

to all the people who are trying to make fun. you should be immensely ashamed of yourself.
to all the people who dont get it, dont blabber shit.
to the person who made the thread: if you dont want to be suicidal, then you should try to take some help. i know talking to parents and family maybe hard but you need to tell someone. try to happy, be positive if something bad happens just think this will pass too. everyone has problems not everyone commits suicide. maybe being religious will help too.

20 Name: Axel Faraday VIII : 2012-09-30 20:53 ID:dRuGyWTI [Del]

Try being a narcissist. It's keeping me alive. Sorry but I'm suicidal too and I'm still getting better.

21 Name: Sid : 2012-09-30 22:43 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

Good news is you hate thinking about suicide, so you aren't quite at the brink yet. Second a therapist won't do shit. All they are is someone to fucking talk to, and my mom made me go as a kid, but I never opened up with them. Find something that helps relieve your stress is the best advice I can give. Mine was skating, but everyone is different. One thing that might help is just to start writing whatever is on your mind and organize your thoughts, or problems, that way. But like I said you hate thinking about suicide, so don't fret too much at the moment. The problem is when you just don't care about anything, and that is when you start to do suicidal shit, not just think about it.

22 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-10-01 02:41 ID:GPstzcKB [Del]

I wish more of the "suicidal and super angsty teens" would actually an hero already...

23 Name: sc13an : 2012-10-01 11:59 ID:Hp2xczpi [Del]

simple become a sadist

24 Name: Ryumora : 2012-10-01 14:20 ID:f/SFQr6R [Del]

dude fuck of go to emo society or something!!

25 Name: 0013Starri : 2012-10-01 14:55 ID:Q3s6Kwxp [Del]

>>24 There's such a thing as being a true emo, and then there are wannabes. Don't stick those wannabe cutter idiots in our place. True emo is a style, and a way of life, not that cutting, self-hate shit. Get it right.

26 Name: Sid : 2012-10-01 20:21 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

>>25 I was in the class of emo and goth. I fit the suicidal and cutting bill. But all of the whiny ass bitches that complain about how crappy life is are all full of shit. If they were truly that depressed they wouldn't have the energy, or motivation, to whine about that shit. Tgough sad thing was most of the emos at the high school I went to were those whiny bitches, so that is why I hung out with the goths.

27 Name: 0013Starri : 2012-10-02 08:07 ID:Q3s6Kwxp [Del]

>>25 As I have already stated once~

28 Name: Swift : 2012-10-02 17:10 ID:SA+xkg2U [Del]

>>26>>27 You guys are freaking great. I think I made a post similar to this a while back. Just more.... Douche-like.

29 Name: Fir3_fly : 2012-10-02 17:27 ID:hjZfMT/8 [Del]

Those of you being assholes just because you think I'm a "Whiny little bitch",let me correct you. You don't know what it's like to look in the mirror and wish you could just die. Have you ever washed dishes and held that knife in your hand with fear? No. You haven't so how about you back off. I don't need advice from people who are just going to ridicule me to make themselves feel better.

For everyone else who actually tried to help me, Thank You.

30 Name: Sid : 2012-10-02 17:35 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

Sorry if I'm one of those assholes, but I didn't really view you as a whiny bitch. Just those poser emos piss me off, since they all have nice lives and bitch about the stupidest shit.

Anyway, like I said before at least you fear death, and hate yourself for thinking about it. I never had that, I just didn't care and had no fear or hate that I wanted to die. The only reason I didn't is I didn't have a fool proof way, since slitting ones wrists doesn't always work. I guess to help out if you're depressed is to hang out with some friends, or just do something that relieves your stress.

31 Name: Swift : 2012-10-02 17:48 ID:SA+xkg2U [Del]

Oh. Sorry if I came off like that. And before you answer that we haven't, let us answer. I have. I bet some of the others have, too. Maybe not, but I have. Have you ever tried it? I have. On multiple accounts. So don't assume.

Now, my advice- just remember the good things in life. Face the problems, if you can. I know that you can't face all of them. I'm still fighting mine. It's not a fun process, but I think you can do it. You can still stand up for yourself. I can tell from >>29. So, stand up for yourself, against yourself. Get some close friends that you know you can go to.

And from a Dollars standpoint, remember: The World isn't as Bad as you Think.

32 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-10-02 18:21 ID:dyXLc6hi [Del]


You kind of lost any valid point by 'posting' about being suicidal over on the Internet. They have fucking "Suicide hotlines" for a reason, with actual professionals on the line to help. Does this look like a room full of professionals, such as "Therapists" to you?
Do we look like people who took the time out of our life, to want to care about individual nut-case fucks like you?

Now, don't get me wrong. It's cool that people replied and tried to help you, but otherwise this is just some lame excuse of a shit topic, in my honest opinion, that is trying to pull out assloads of sympathy from us. You WANT us to care about you, because for some God unknown reason, you must not have anyone else who fucking cares about you. Because what other explanation is there for coming onto a website to talk about killing yourself, when it's easier to dial a Toll-Free number dedicated to this shit?

33 Name: Fir3_fly : 2012-10-02 18:31 ID:hjZfMT/8 [Del]

All I needed was for some encouragement to keep me going the day I posted this. Though I do know I am a bit weird, I am not a "Fucking Nut-Case". I do have people who care about me that i do talk to when I feel low and want to hurt myself, bu hose individuals are not with me 24/7 365. By the way my parents don't know that I feel like this. So ya you may have a point, but the way you said it made you sound like a douche/ asshole.

34 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-10-02 18:58 ID:dyXLc6hi [Del]

And I should care about you thinking it sounded douchy, why?
If I cared, I'd not have been a douche on the matter.

35 Name: GHOST : 2012-10-02 19:11 ID:hjZfMT/8 [Del]

God if you don't care about this thread or about what I said then why,might I ask, are you on it and obviously checking what the replies are?

36 Name: Zeckarias !LoWvdc0uhQ : 2012-10-02 19:18 ID:ZToapPvW [Del]

>>35 Y'know...I actually agree.
OP you aren't going to change any minds here, and arguing takes away any sympathy anyone already had. Just let it die.

37 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-02 19:20 ID:kBkUdbhx [Del]

I've given my opinion on this topic before, but I guess I'll say it again.

You're not actually suicidal if you tell someone you are. If you seriously want to commit suicide, you're not going to go cry to someone about how you want to commit suicide - you'd just do it. People who say they're suicidal are often looking for attention.

"All I needed was for some encouragement to keep me going the day I posted this."

Translation: "All I wanted was some attention the day I posted this. I just wanted to know that people like me."

You're not suicidal; you're just feeling lonely and rejected and want someone to give a damn. Do you know what this is called? It's called feeling bad. Everyone has days like these. People who are really, overly emotional start to think it would be better for them to not be there, but to be frank, they're pussies whose logic I don't understand. There's no reason to off yourself for such stupid reasons like, "I don't have any friends!" or, "My parents hate me now!" or, "He won't go out with me!" or, "I'm so ugly!" or, "I'm stupid!" et cetera.

There's a lot more to life. You're not even paying bills yet, are you? When you're supporting two kids, paying bills, and unemployed with an abusive husband, then you can come back and say you want to commit suicide and those of us intelligent folks will start to give a damn and comfort you.

If you don't mind me being blunt...

You're just being hormonal and emotional. It's completely normal, but please don't play the suicide card this early in the game. Life is going to get a LOT worse. If you can't handle what you're dealing with now, you'll fail in Life before you're halfway 'round the board.

38 Name: GHOST : 2012-10-02 19:47 ID:hjZfMT/8 [Del]

Fact Check!!
1. I was sexually assaulted when i was 7 by my own father
2. My mother is verbally and emotionally abusive
3. Never assume you know me or what my life is like
4. I'm not EVER afraid to defend myself,even against masses
5. I have friends that I talk to everyday and one of them, I talk to about this. I don't need a boyfriend because I don't NEED someone telling me I'm beautiful everyday. Beauty is on the inside, not the outside. I am not stupid I make A's and B's
6. Depression runs in my family.

(I am not asking for pity. You just assume I am.)

39 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2012-10-02 20:06 ID:sSHY4vMl [Del]

>>38 Because you can't easily make all of that up and post it on the internet. I don't think you've figured it out yet: nobody cares about who you are off the site. We only care about the stupid shit you pull on the site.

40 Name: Gatzu !DFqtqWsVYk : 2012-10-02 20:10 ID:n93OSKsl [Del]

>>37 THIS! A million times this.

>>38 Depression can't run in a family. Also, good for fucking you. Go cry for help somewhere else. Your apparently fourteen now right? So it's been seven years. I know it's still disturbing, but get over it! Seriously, as long as he doesn't anymore it's fine. Good for you if you don't want a boyfriend. I don't care! If you're looking for serious help go to s psychiatrist or something. Not here.

41 Name: GHOST : 2012-10-02 20:19 ID:cV4z7gsS [Del]

I am jsut gonna let this thread die

42 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-02 20:39 ID:kBkUdbhx [Del]

>>38 Last I checked, I never made any assumptions. I was giving examples of what most people say. As >>39 said, IDGAF what your life is like. It doesn't change anything I said. Being assaulted when you're 7 isn't that big of a deal. It sucked at that age, yeah, but there's no reason to be clinging to that as a reason to be suicidal now. Everyone's mother is verbally and emotionally abusive in some way, intentional or not. Grades don't define intelligence. Beauty is in fact on the outside; even if you feel that personality is what matters, that won't change. Depression can run in a family, but depression =/= suicide.

>>41 That's a great idea.

OP has requested that this thread dies. Please stop commenting here.