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Height (23)

1 Name: Monochrome : 2012-09-28 18:32 ID:hSTAvne9 [Del]

Some people complain about being short, though for me it is an advantage.No one notices me and I can blend in very easily. What are your ideas on height?

2 Name: FlyingKnives : 2012-09-28 19:18 ID:6Eo001zJ [Del]

Hmm... A short girl, to me, is a very good trait in that it's cute. Also, being short means that you have a better chance in a fight in that you'd be difficult to catch. I really don't look at anyone differently based on how tall they are, I could care less if someone was 6' 2", or 4' 8".

3 Name: Luciferus Hellsing !ALCL315MiU : 2012-09-28 19:39 ID:xOJo55vH [Del]

It depends on the person. Often, people have a 'the grass is greener' mentality, and tall people yearn to be short and short people want to tall. I am quite tall but I tend to slouch over because I feel less conspicuous that way (I dislike people looking at me).

4 Name: 13 : 2012-09-29 03:27 ID:pwVaH0fk [Del]

Thy're probably insecure...Nothing more...There's no helping it...

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-29 06:49 ID:h+AgY2hu [Del]

>>2 However, you would also be easier to kick, elbow, and punch.

>>1 There's nothing wrong with being short, just like there's nothing wrong with being tall. Chances are, if you suddenly became taller after being short all your life, your personality just wouldn't fit with your appearances anymore. You would be awkward and weird.

6 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-29 07:43 ID:KTnJDGqj [Del]

I, personally, enjoy being tall. I'm not exceptionally tall, but I am a above average for my area. People don't take me lightly, and between my height, my features, and my personality, I often have a strong presence in a room. I enjoy that, even though it means that I can't get away with the same things that others do.

7 Name: Handle : 2012-09-29 08:33 ID:PiTZmT6Y [Del]

>>5 This

I honestly can't really complain about my short height. Sure, there might be some disadvantages, in that I can't reach for certain things without assistance, but you just have to adjust according to your circumstances, y'know?

To me, the level height is more dependent on where you are, and the comparison with those in your area. There's no real set standard for what is really 'short' and what is really 'tall', but we seem to be almost certain about the extremities for both.
In my current location, Melbourne, Australia, I was considered to be one of the shortest people in my class. However, when I went to Japan for my study tour, I found that compared to many of the Japanese girls that I talked and hung out with, I was one of the tallest in the group. Really, the matter of height varies from one place to another.

But back to the discussion we're having at hand here, you just have to adapt to whatever height you are. Despite being considered vertically challenged by many of my peers, I don't really feel all that little anyhow. I don't think I could really explain how, exactly, but at the end of the day, how tall someone is has little significance to the way some things work. It is moreso to do with personality and the overall perceptions of a person, probably, as I can still pull off being taken seriously.

8 Name: Ei : 2012-09-29 21:51 ID:weqnSNJw [Del]

I think people wouldn't be the same people if they looked different from how they are. People's appearances often compliment their personalities.

Me, I'm sort of in the middle. I'm a 17-year-old guy who's shorter than a lot of the guys but taller than most of the girls, with plenty of exceptions on both sides.
Overall, I don't think it matters.

9 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-09-30 01:49 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

I'm 14 years old and 6'2". I'm almost the tallest person in my school (including teachers). Being tall isn’t exactly better than being small. I literally don't fit on the school bus, I often find myself hitting my head on something, I'm constantly asked favors by shorter people and it can be a pain to go shopping for shoes (the U.S. only sells whole sizes after 12 and I’m 12 and a half). On the other hand, I can be intimidating if I need to be and I can reach things most people can't.

10 Name: korakora59 : 2012-09-30 02:33 ID:9T9beBYU [Del]

Both have their advantages.

11 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-09-30 05:22 ID:UcHFxywB [Del]

I often have people coming up to me and wanting to fight me, so they can say that they beat up a tall guy. Stay short. It's much better.

12 Name: Ashe!0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-10-17 00:18 ID:dUS7e53K [Del]

I'm about 148-150cm tall.
I honestly don't mind being short, but I hate how people tease me because of that.

13 Name: Terra!97VVtImbHM : 2012-10-17 00:28 ID:x+cNSbZd [Del]

I'm heaps short for my age, but I'm pretty feisty so I don't get teased about my height that often. The only problem I have with being short is finding clothes that actually fit me :/

14 Name: Viotic !QyC34PSI76 : 2012-10-17 00:38 ID:YKD6orsd [Del]

Normally I stand out at 6'1" ... I don't mind being tall though.

15 Name: pokjhdbnxw!amuOBZI1yA : 2012-10-17 00:40 ID:B1/pWyBs [Del]

6'2" and 15 years of age reporting for duty

People don't mess with me because of my height, and I quite like it that way. As people have said above, I can reach things that most people can't. (going to the store means grabbing things on the top shelf for peoples)

I personally love being tall. there's way more pros than cons.

Some cons may include hitting my head getting off of the bus and never having ANY FUCKING LEG ROOM! haha, I don't really mind the leg room part as much as others do.

OH! It's incredibly hard to find jeans that fit me. You see, I suffer from Tall N' Skinny Syndrome, so being 6'2" and very thin makes clothing shopping rather difficult.

I don't have anything against shorter people, I just prefer being taller than most people.

16 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-10-17 01:14 ID:gc5anM9c [Del]

Until sort of recently I was under the impression that I was within an average height range. At 5'5" this is only true for my ethnicity, and not the whole of the US :|

Tall people do have an advantage. They are more noticeable, they carry a more intimidating presence physically, and they don't look like they are in the fourth grade. It's advantageous in several ways, socially!

They also have a higher frequency of having to worry about tree branches, small doorways, hiding in a crowd, turbulence in the stratosphere...

It comes with its ups and downs. Mostly ups, though.

Personally speaking I just prefer people around my height because I can stand next to them and speak to them without breaking my spine in either direction.

17 Name: Mo : 2012-10-17 04:22 ID:JAD67+Bc [Del]

I'm a girl and I stand at 5'2. I don't mind my height except at concerts. It can be hard to see if no one lifts me up.
Guys seem to like that I'm short.
Also, I hear short people live longer. Easier on the heart or something.

18 Name: Naso Distruttore : 2012-11-14 21:24 ID:bce8Lb3b [Del]

I am 6'23"/191 cm and quite thin and spindly, so it makes finding clothes difficult, especiially pants, because my legs are really long. I also wear size 14 shoes and have narrow, flat feet, so shoe shopping is fun.(!)

19 Name: Naso Distruttore : 2012-11-14 21:25 ID:bce8Lb3b [Del]

Oops, *6'3"*

20 Name: Kazehachi!V/vi9gujn6 : 2012-11-15 15:17 ID:qXkRIZ3k [Del]

Being a guy at 5'5" seems to shock people for some reason. A good portion of my friends are taller than me, so it can be a bit of a nuisance.

21 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-11-15 19:04 ID:+GfK+inc [Del]

Lol!! I'm 4'11" I'm not short. I'm fun size~ ;)

22 Name: Alexavier : 2012-11-15 19:12 ID:U27L6Sul [Del]

6'9". I'm a giant compared to people in the 16th century (who were only 5'5"- 5'6")

23 Name: x-Axis-x : 2012-11-15 19:42 ID:Q2IUor7R [Del]

>>21 I am too!