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What has fucked up your day? (36)

1 Name: Hyouka : 2012-09-17 20:26 ID:XlvKlymm [Del]

I just wanted to know what fucked up everyone's day today? Mine would be losing someone important to me. And then getting a photo of the person crying. Totally fucked up my day and made me feel like a complete asshole. How about you?

2 Name: Windborne !SOtqYouajk : 2012-09-17 20:36 ID:dxqBCjse [Del]

Well I deal with severe depression and anxiety issues everyday, so you could say I do it to myself every day. However I think you should be asking what's made your day better instead of what's messed it up.

I'm sorry for your loss, I don't mean to belittle your feelings or your pain in anyway I just understand what it feels like and I hope you find something that makes your day better. Maybe even this post will help, at least that is my hope. ^.^

3 Name: Luciferus Hellsing !ALCL315MiU : 2012-09-17 20:57 ID:2Ig0mgCo [Del]

Having to put it with people in my class listening to rap and talking to each other loudly. Not a very good classroom, is it? But the teacher does not seem to mind, so... Well...

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5 Name: Hyouka : 2012-09-17 20:57 ID:XlvKlymm [Del]

Thank you Windborne. I hope you start to feel better yourself. I guess with the rain and everything, it makes an appropriate post for now..

6 Name: Hyouka : 2012-09-17 20:59 ID:XlvKlymm [Del]

I hate when teachers have no control of the classroom. Then the economy wonders why students have a hard time learning.

7 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-09-17 21:01 ID:WwFCTJ7m [Del]

>>6 I have a hard time learning because my teachers aren't in the classroom...

8 Name: Luciferus Hellsing !ALCL315MiU : 2012-09-17 21:03 ID:2Ig0mgCo [Del]

>>7 That happens to me a lot too. Often we are left out in the cold because the classroom is locked aswell.

9 Name: Windborne !SOtqYouajk : 2012-09-17 21:05 ID:dxqBCjse [Del]

>>5 Thanks! I hope that you are feeling better yourself. I'm really glad that my post helped you out, because I didn't always have people to talk to and that nearly led me to kill myself, more than once, when I was much younger.

So feel free to post anything here and if I'm around, I'll try to help out. I'm sure others would be always willing to, since this is a group of people with the purpose of helping out others in need.

Anyways if this person isn't dead you can always make up for any mistakes you've made, because they are still here and alive. Don't let anger get in the way of any love you feel towards another person because it's not worth it. The same goes for you, don't ever think that you dying would solve their problems, because it wont. It'll only make them sad and lonely and anyone else who loved you will be sad too.

10 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-09-17 21:06 ID:WwFCTJ7m [Del]

>>8 We're never locked out, teachers take roll then they just leave with no instructions so many of my classes are like free periods.

11 Name: Hyouka : 2012-09-17 21:06 ID:XlvKlymm [Del]

>>6 >>7
I had a time when I sat in the classroom waiting for the professor and she never came. So everyone just left. It was stupid.

12 Name: Hyouka : 2012-09-17 21:13 ID:XlvKlymm [Del]

Windborne: I am trying to feel better. Sometimes I think people on the internet help me alot more then people in person. I guess it's because you have that person who doesn't know you and listens to you.

The same goes for you. I hope you never feel like you are alone, because you are never alone. There is always people who care and love you, even if it's just people in cyber space. I will be coming on here myself alot as well, even though this is my first day.

Ah he isn't dead. I am trying my best to make up for the mistake that I made. I just wanted my family to be happy. I just wanted to stay in the house and not get kicked out. So I made the decision I made and ended up breaking his heart. Haha I am trying not to think that dying wouldn't solve anything. It's just a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

13 Name: Luciferus Hellsing !ALCL315MiU : 2012-09-17 21:15 ID:2Ig0mgCo [Del]

>>10 Really? Well, that is considerably worse. In my case, they can justify it by saying that they made a mistake with the rooms or something, but in your case, it is as if they are saying they do not care about your education. Can education get any worse? I earnestly hope not. All of the students are idiots and the teachers have no idea what the hell they are doing and it is obvious that they do not even care.

14 Name: Windborne !SOtqYouajk : 2012-09-17 21:18 ID:dxqBCjse [Del]

>>12 If you need help with those suicidal thoughts please call 1-800-273-8255 it is the national suicide help line. I'm serious, if it is really hard for you get some help from someone who you can talk to. It will help, trust me.

As for not feeling lonely myself I'm actually trying to start to date, but for an introvert like myself that is actually really hard, haha. Anyways thanks for your sentiments and please do know that you can always call that # if you need help.

15 Name: Hyouka : 2012-09-17 21:21 ID:XlvKlymm [Del]

Thank you I will definitely remember that number. And I am wishing you the BEST OF LUCK in starting to get back into Dating! You can do it! :)

16 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-09-17 21:25 ID:WwFCTJ7m [Del]

>>13 Tell me about it, some of the teachers at my school are really good. The rest just do the bare min. to get paid.

17 Name: Windborne !SOtqYouajk : 2012-09-17 21:26 ID:dxqBCjse [Del]

>>15 Save it to your cell phone contacts list, I have it in mine so I don't have to look it up in case I really need to talk to someone and my family or friends just don't cut it.

Also thanks for the well wishes, but it'll be my first time actually trying to date someone I've had so many issues with myself I never could even think about dating someone.

Just remember it only takes two words to start the process to repairing a bad relationship. "I'm sorry".

18 Name: Hyouka : 2012-09-17 21:31 ID:XlvKlymm [Del]

>>17 That's my only regret when starting to date for the first time. Is not making myself happy before putting someone else into the equation.

19 Name: Windborne !SOtqYouajk : 2012-09-17 21:40 ID:dxqBCjse [Del]

>>18 Well, I've been in love before so I know what it's like, but the person I fell in love with had a boyfriend. I only found that out after she brought him on a date, of course I could have asked, but student-teacher relationships, even though she was a student teacher, are frowned upon in here in the US. That and she lives in Japan and only was over here for a year.

I still care for her very deeply and I honestly don't know whether I still am over that pain, but I do know I need to find someone to feel really truly happy again. That's my love life experience in a nutshell.

Anyways if you still need someone to talk to I'm in the Need Help? Chatroom that you can access above. I'll be around for the next 30 minutes if you want someone to talk to. This thread is getting a bit off topic after all.

20 Name: Hyouka : 2012-09-17 21:43 ID:XlvKlymm [Del]

>>19 I think you love life is interesting! It's like a romance novel, even though you just gave me a little bit of information on it.

21 Name: Windborne !SOtqYouajk : 2012-09-17 21:49 ID:dxqBCjse [Del]

>>20 Lol, well maybe I should write a book about it. The Diary of an Introverts Love Life anyways please do hit me up in that chatroom if you need help. I'm totally willing to help out, although I do need to get up for work at an early hour so I have to go in 21 minutes.

22 Name: Hyouka : 2012-09-17 21:55 ID:XlvKlymm [Del]

>>21 Well I do wish you the best of luck then at dating again and as well a work for the following day. I am trying to find the need help chatroom. But again I just started posting on this site today, So I am still a bit new.

23 Name: Levy : 2012-09-17 21:55 ID:CpYEg1Jg [Del]

What fucked up my day was...
My mother pulling me off the bed, squshing me between a wall and the wooden bedframe, and leaving me there for an hour.
'Nuff said.

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26 Name: Windborne !SOtqYouajk : 2012-09-17 22:25 ID:dxqBCjse [Del]

>>22 Click on the chatroom link above it's to the right of the DOLLARS logo, next to About and Help, Enter in a username and click on a picture that suits your fancy and than hit the enter button. Than type control and F at the same time, on your keyboard (command and F if you are on a Mac) and than type in Need Help hit enter than click on the highlighted text and you are in!

I’ve got to go now, but I’ll be around tomorrow after 11 am west coast time. Yay independent contracting! I’ll be in the same chat room, if you wish to chat again. Have a good night Hyouka! Please remember that there are people who love you, you aren't alone.

27 Name: Helel !9FPas2ywgY : 2012-09-18 07:31 ID:Lz3BLRsC [Del]

A professor who is as round as a poke ball, who wears pink lipstick, pink tops, and pink pants, who wears high heels, who wears purple eyeliner, who always brings a mic, who danced super bass at the acquaintance party, who is hated by all the other professors (she has been with the university for 25 years, so they can not just kick her out), who flirts with the rich dean who has a son, who flirts with the male students, who likes her own facebook comments and pictures, who carries a jansport bag which is totally unfit with her set of clothes, who hates another professor of the same subject just because the new professor also has a phd, WHO NEVER COMES TO CLASS THEN DEMANDS THAT WE GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW FROM 6PM TO 9PM FOR A FUCKING MAKE UP CLASS. AND SHE'S A FREAKING ENGLISH PROF WHO JUST LIVES NEAR THE SCHOOL, DAMNIT! >:c

28 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-09-18 10:54 ID:9k/z1qCi [Del]

Hearing the person i love laugh because of another girl across the room. Kinda killed my good mood.

29 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-09-18 20:30 ID:ezuJvE88 [Del]

Its not quite dramatic like many of these peoples post...But, finding out we are moving from the neighborhood that Ive lived in for my whole life.

30 Name: crimsonArmageddon : 2012-09-18 21:27 ID:lwYL1MaO [Del]

My best friend I now can't stand. My mother refuses to do what she said she was going to but yells at me because I can't do what she wants me to. My grandmother thinks I'm a pampered two year old brat. I got asked out by someone who already has a girlfriend and that I have no interest at all in. And my sewing machine caught on fire.

31 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-09-18 22:20 ID:v3MRZRtB [Del]

Cheap Korean computer hardware.

32 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-09-18 22:22 ID:v3MRZRtB [Del]

>>31 And my drunk mother making me park her fucking car (which is also Korean) on the other side of the street.

I fucking hate Korea today.

33 Name: watashi !XcKI6yCC62 : 2012-09-18 22:29 ID:9ChKvI/f [Del]


Gangnam Style it off

34 Name: Shiyo !hiBXn.e9Tw : 2012-09-18 23:40 ID:MeuSvqHH [Del]

What made my day so fucking bad?

Living. Seeing everyone having joy, and then figuring out that I have absolutely no fucking ide what the fuck it is.


35 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2012-09-18 23:45 ID:XUGhFM60 [Del]

>>34 Yes, I also sometimes feel like everyone needs to suffer a bit more...

36 Name: Kaoru : 2012-09-19 00:01 ID:EFRCIWTk [Del]

watching all the stupid couples being couply and cute together while thinking "Fuck my life, I could've had that if we hadnt broken up" then running face first into most recent exboyfriend and toppling onto him into an awkward/sexual position. -.-' why me?!