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Please help me... (6)

1 Name: ATE (all type of escape) : 2012-09-07 02:47 ID:sqAypjcV [Del]

I dont know why, but I have this feeling of hopelessness. I dont know when I'll die, but I cant help feeling Like when I do, it would have meant nothing. What if when I'm gone its like I accomplished nothing. I'm not very memorable. I dont know what to do. I wana live, but all I feel capable of doing is existing.

2 Name: Terra !97VVtImbHM : 2012-09-07 03:57 ID:KSy1DEEW [Del]

Get up and do something about it. Make yourself accomplish something. Make yourself memorable. Make yourself capable. No one else can change this, except yourself.

3 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-09-07 04:12 ID:kspk8Eet [Del]

>>2 This.

ATE, get it together. You can't accomplish anything if you don't try new things. Make an impression on the world, on some people. Make certain that someone will remember you when you're gone by creating something, preserving something, accomplishing something.

Whether you have confidence in yourself or not, you're not gonna build any if you lie there moping. Get up, and find something you're good at. Something you think is fun. Take that, and master it. Become the best you can, and make people remember what you've done.

4 Name: Shmoogi : 2012-09-07 04:23 ID:1A9vouyS [Del]

I agree, you should go out and do something. Just remember that, even if you think that you haven't made a difference, I am sure that there is at least one person that you have affected and would be very sad if you were gone, but it is more likely and I also believe whole-heartedly that there are many that would also be sad with you not around. And really, even if it is one person, is that not worth it?

5 Name: Vael !HrKSCSXHa2 : 2012-09-08 07:42 ID:Eu3lUMLd [Del]

There's no end to what one person can do in this world. It takes great effort and a belief that you could always go farther. The farther you believe you can go the farther you WILL go. Keep your eyes open to opportunity, it will present itself but without trying to succeed in the first place, you will be blind to it. Everyone that has and will try to do something no matter how small the act will have importance and meaning to one or maybe many more people. That's not whats truly important though, what's truly important is that you feel important to yourself, and that you feel that your life has meaning in the present or even the future. Either way you will undoubtedly influence someones life, even if you never knew them. Death is inevitable, but it should never be seen as a sad occasion. It is the end of your hard work in this world and a time to rest. After death is up to what you believe in and i'm not going to debate any of that, don't care to, but when you die do you want others to remember you as the person who feared to be what they could have been, or as someone who went out there and did it and died happy from a full life. Now i do know where you are coming from on this, I don't have the best life and it sometimes doesn't seem like i'm ever going to amount to anything (especially when someone else tells me this all the friggin time), but then i remember all this and it just stops and i push through until it starts to get better and then i push farther. I'm not the best person but i try to better myself and that's what matters. Bettering yourself will improve your outlook on life and yourself, but while doing this why not try to help others around you to do the same. Don't push it on them, but instead just act like this, they will see it and follow suite. Also DO NOT allow yourself to become arrogant in the process, it'll be your ruin if you do. I apologize for the long read.

6 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-09-08 12:06 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

I've felt the same way. The fact is, anyone can die anytime for any reason. I know it's a sad fact but it's a fact. Get up and do something. Pick a goal and work towards it, weather it's something like curing a disease(long term) or just helping out a friend when ever you can to make yourself memorable(short term). I promise you, if you work hard enough anything is possible, but you need to get up and work for it. (please excuse any grammar or spelling errors)