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Need help for a friend (2)

1 Name: Shade : 2012-09-05 06:00 ID:HJ7TYxDr [Del]

Me and my one friend have been friends for 2 years now. He's always been a little on the depressed side, but ever since last year, he's been a lot more gothic and emo. He dresses entirely in black with chains, dyed his hair a whole assortment of colors, etc. The whole mile. I asked 2 of his friends(not the only two, but close enough) who also happen to be two of my friends and they said that in the time they've known him, which is 2 years longer than me, he's always been like this, just not as bad. They said he tried to kill himself once, not too long before I showed up. He had told me that his life was utterly miserable. He said his mother was a bitch and that her boyfriend who lives with them is a complete asshole. I've never met his mother's boyfriend, but I have met his mother. She dresses in all black too, but she seems real nice. As for one of his two sisters, she went the whole 10 yards as far as gothic goes. Ten thousand piercings(exaggerated of course, but you get my point), black mascara(is that how you spell it?), dyed black hair, baggy pants, chains, etc. She even dropped out of school. I've never been to his house, so I havn't seen her since, but it seems as though he got worse when she dropped out. Anyway, in the last year, he's made two attempts to kill himself. One was jumping off a roof(which he never did) and the other I don't know, but he made that one public knowledge before attempting it. He failed both times and for the same reason. He called himself weak because he couldn't do it. He had everything ready, but in the end, couldn't bring himself to do it.

The last time, since we knew about it, I shot off texts to our other friends, who in turn starting sending him texts, my one friend even called his sister and mother(who both didn't pick up). About 10 minutes later, he told everyone to calm down since he failed. I tried to tell him that there are people who actually would care if he died, but he just flipped out on me, saying that I don't understand him and that I should stop pretending to. His cousin, who agreed with me at first, didn't even back me up after that, instead she started trying to comfort him, which I have no idea how that went. He seem's to have gotten worse since then. Now he says he hates humanity, that humanity deserves to die, that we shouldn't be living on this planet and that we're destroying it. I just, don't know what to do for him anymore. He cuts himself, and the proof is on his arms, but he says that even that doesn't take away the pain anymore. There were a couple times last year that he skipped school for almost a week straight. Constant detentions and suspensions for it. He wanted to drop out, but he said that he knew he needed his High School diploma if he wanted a job. Truthfully, I think that sister of his influenced him alot. She seemed like a baf egg for the brief time I knew her.

Any advice would be much appreciated. I don't want to lose a friend

2 Name: Maren : 2012-09-05 10:11 ID:frwFslpF [Del]

I personally don't have much experience with being in a situation like you’re in. I’m not an expert in this so please don’t take it too seriously. But I'd like to do as much as I can to help. So I'll make a list of things that I think might help. (Don't be afraid to correct me if I'm wrong. And I hope this isn't offensive in any way).
He's probably not feeling very loved right now because of situation at home. (Not the romantic sort of love but the respectable, human, friend/family love) The saying 'Love Makes the World Go Round' is so true. Everyone needs and wants to feel loved. You already said that you told him there are people that care about him, but he ignored you and got mad. So obviously words are not going to work on him. Therefore, I think you and the many other people that care for him can show him this love via action (instead of words; sorry that sounds really awkward hahaha XD). What I mean is for you to just be there for him. Not necessarily to comfort him, but sudily enlighten him that the world and many people in it love him. There’s only so much you can do. You can’t force him to take steps to being happier or standing up to his mother’s boyfriend, nor can you make the steps for him. But what you can do is help manifest growth within him so he can become confident enough to take those steps himself. So basically, support him in becoming the best person he can possibly be and show him people care about him, so in tern he can love himself. I would go about doing this by balancing doing what he loves to do (like playing video games, or watching scary movies), with doing things that are fun but make him step out of his comfort zone just a bit (like making a study group or eating new and exotic foods). Stay lively yourself but don’t be annoyingly perky. Remind him that this time of his life will eventually pass and he will be the most amazing things when he grows up. It’s going to take time and tons of effort on your part. There’s going to be many rocky moment but don’t give up (on him). Because the good times will come and that’s what you need to focus on (the good things in life). Accept what can’t be changed, change what you can and have the wisdom to know the difference. As long as you remain his strength he will eventually become stronger. Most importantly take your own adive!