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Lost my job, kicked out of house (6)

1 Name: The Doctor : 2012-08-20 18:13 ID:KL3wLpuh [Del]

Hey, thought I'd just vent here, So I lost my job, and I still have a week to go and I decided the best thing to do for my GF (who has autism) is for me to leave and go back to PA.
I tell my GF's dad (who we live with) and then I go to pick her up from work. When we walk in the room, he says "he has something to say." I try to get her to wind down from work first, but her dad just rushes saying "no, it's now or never" so he basically makes me tell her, I try to say it in a gentle way, but he states it bluntly like "I'm" the asshole. So even though I still have a week left of work, he kicks me out saying it's better for her, saying I can pack my things tomorrow, when she's not here, so here I am, in a library, no food, no cash and no place to sleep (except my car) Also, he says that I can't contact her at all because it will hurt her.
Now she's my first GF, and I'm her first BF, and for the past 5 years I've been taking care of her, at the expense of my own dreams and bank account. I'm sure right now he telling her what a loser and asshole I am, and she believes anything he tells her.

2 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-08-20 19:36 ID:b/qzlPna [Del]

God damn that sucks. Really hope you can get a place to sleep at least.
I've seen some messed up stuff, but that just plain out sucks.
Really hope things get better for you man.

3 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-08-20 19:48 ID:PMsA6LWh [Del]

So... He kicks you out because you got fired from your job? And you take care of his daughter? That's fucked up. You take care of his daughter and this is what you get? Shitty ass man. Does he hate you or something?

4 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-08-20 21:42 ID:v3MRZRtB [Del]

I'd say you can crash at my place, but I doubt you live anywhere near Southern California.

I suggest you sell some stuff you don't need nor want anymore for food and get some kind of small job to get some more money in a short time.

5 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-08-21 00:49 ID:AOotWTd1 [Del]

Da fuk?!!? That's freaking messed up as hell!! Do you have friends to stay with at least? I hope everything is okay! I hope you can get back on your two feet!

6 Name: Hedwig : 2012-08-21 02:00 ID:/dpV3HEg [Del]

Personally, not that I really know the situation, and it's still up to you, but I'd try to talk to him. Ask him why he doesn't want you all of a sudden, tell him honestly your feelings and thoughts on the matter, and then take it from there. If he still has a massive go at you, then it wasn't meant to be and i'm sure you're find a better life eventually. If things work out with him, all the better. You just have to keep your chin and carry on. Things will always get better. :) Hope you're ok and that they get better soon. <3 <3