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I'm not entirely sure what to think. (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-20 14:16 ID:pqNud8uc [Del]

I've chosen to keep myself anonymous for now, because I do need to get this out, but I don't really want people to know that it's actually me. Ever had that? No? Haha, alright.

So, it's my first time at actual love, and it's been going on for three months now. It's been a pretty much amazing three months, at least to me. Except for one thing.

I've been frightened that every time he calls or picks up the phone that he's going to break up with me for some weird reason. I have no idea why I think this, I just do.

I also feel that I've been annoying him as of late, though he hasn't shown any of it... I guess, I'm just paranoid.. but, I have had something happened that's traumaed my view of love...

He's a lovely boy, and I don't want to hurt him, I don't even know how I would.. But still.

I try to think about it and my head starts to spin... I can't even come up with an answer as to what to do...

2 Name: SilverPaw : 2012-08-20 14:30 ID:zq4qsRpV [Del]

IF you trust him enough, try to talk to him about it directly. If you're too afraid of rejection or whatever try to find it out in subtle ways (asking him if he doesn't like something or perhaps even asking some of his friends about it - but that may be dangerous(or not) as he could find out).
Other than that jsut mention that you're afraid of losing it, but be careful if you don't want to make him think you're paranoid (which, as you said, you could be, but it can also be quite normal due to your situatuon.). It's not always good if someone thinks of you as this, although if they care for you, they'll probably try to comfort you or dispel your worries.

Now, I hope I didn't sound too pessimist or anything, but you seem to care, and I imagine it's hard for you to say your worries outright to him.

3 Name: Dux : 2012-08-20 14:30 ID:OHO75Zis [Del]

Not sure if this will calm you down, but you ARE paranoid. Why would he, all of a sudden, want to break up with you? From what you've written here, it sounds like a very good relationship. 3 months is not a lot, you're just starting. And don't even worry, disputes and disagreements are what keeps a couple together!

Also, I don't know what makes you think that you annoy him. But if it bothers you that much, and you REALLY think you annoy him, you should try and leave him alone for a day or two. That should stop him from being annoyed, although I don't even think he is.

All in all, it's your imagination. There's really nothing wrong with your couple. And since you're a couple, disputes are just as normal as anything else. Expect them, and accept them. Just make sure to make up afterwards. Don't jump to conclusions. Unless he says you annoy him, you don't. Trust me, that's how we work. Anyway, good luck. And be sure to come to Personal for some great advice from some great people!

4 Name: ~Headphones~ : 2012-08-21 04:39 ID:Q0NfwWDB [Del]

Well,as Dux said,you do indeed sound paranoid.I think the reason for this is because you had those three awesome months and thought that it's just too good to be true.Honestly,I would think the exact same thing if things were going so well for me that it would seem like a dream.
First thing you should do is think of what could possibly annoy him.I don't think you are irritating him,but just to make sure,count the times you call/message him a day.Since you are still at the beginning of the relationship,it is good to have a stable contact with him.However,don't call/message him 7 times a day whenever you want.Try texting rather than calling and keep it to one or two messages a day,even skip a day to see how he will react.The important thing is to give the other person some space to breathe.If you pressure him,he will feel irritated.
Well,that's all I can say for now but remember this:Don't over-think everything!Over-thinking leads to a headache XD

5 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-22 12:09 ID:Do1KnDua [Del]

>>2 It is hard... It's hard for me to talk anything about my feelings to him... When I try to, my voice goes out... like, literally. I have no idea why, because he's told me before that no matter what I say, he wouldn't be freaked out by it... but I don't know... I'll try that next time I have the chance to talk to him.

>>3 Leaving him alone for a little while? That might be somewhat hard to do.. But I'll try it.

The weird thing is... We don't really fight. We've had one argument. It seriously feels as if it's all in my head.. But I know that I'm not, when, his little sister likes to tease him about it.

>>4 As I said before, it does feel like its all in my head. There has been one or two points where he has had to reassure me that this is actually real, and not in my head.

I call him once every other day. I can't message him because his cellphone is broke... and I don't have one quite yet.

That is exactly what my friend told me before. She know I over think everything... That's just because of the experience I've had...

6 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-22 19:22 ID:LZ9DwpN4 [Del]

My mom is the one person that is trying to bring this entire thing down, she's constantly telling me that I'm being too clingy and just trying to make me thing as if I'm annoying him... And I believe it. I believe it like a sucker.

7 Name: SilverPaw : 2012-08-24 07:58 ID:zq4qsRpV [Del]

Well, damn, you shouldn't. I can imagine it's hard not to, but in that case you just need more people to tell you that everything is fine. You only call him once in a while, that's not clingy. And I imagine you aren't constantly on him while with him. And if you were annoying to him, there's no reason he'd stay with you, now is there? That means if you two are still together, that proves that he likes/loves you enough.