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Mom Troubles (62)

1 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-08-16 08:59 ID:HuOxXrSF [Del]

As the title says, I have mom troubles. Let me start by sharing this little conversation we had the other night..
Me: Mom, I got a 3.5 in Speech 11!
Mom: Why not 4?
Me: *pokerface* .__.
Mom: My grade was 4 at your age. *laughs*..
Me: *tears drop* ,___,
Mom: Ooooh, get over it.

In our grading system... we have FAIL(lowest) to 4.0(highest). And 3.5 sounds like a damn high grade to most of us. But, wtf?? My "Einstein" mother looks down on it.
One time, I was asked to represent my school in an extemporaneous speech contest, and I got in 2nd. The winner and I had only 1 point difference. And guess what she said..

Mom: You lost, duhh. That's just it. Don't be such a sore loser.

How come she doesn't appreciate me?? I got fed up and my brain, body and soul just went with the conclusion that no matter what I do, I'll never make her proud of me. So I don't do well in school ON PURPOSE. During my high school days(senior), I don't even study and I'd be happy to take a failing grade. I had one in math and she just LAUGHED. and said..

Mom: Looks like you'll be taking care of me when I get old.

What the eff?!?! Really?! She has OCD too. Cleanliness addiction. and 89% of the food I can name she's allergic to.
She also complains about how I use up too much electricity. And suddenly, she comes home showing off her oh so "pretty" bracelet that's equivalent to the electric bill we have each month. It wasn't even pretty!! It sucked!

When she asks me to buy something for her...
Mom: Buy me some gatorade.
Later, I come home with gatorade in hand..
Mom: Why are you bringing a gatorade?
Me: You asked me to.
Mom: I said Red Bull!! Go back and buy me one!!
Me: .__. you told me gatorade...
Mom: Don't talk back to your mother!! Why do you even insist?!?!
Me: .__. you forgot..
Mom: Since when do I ever forget??

I need some advice.. I wanna hang out with her but she makes it really hard with her OCD thing...

2 Name: SilverPaw : 2012-08-16 14:03 ID:zq4qsRpV [Del]

Well, I don't know if you tried it yet, but I think you should try to tell her how you feel. Perhaps not everything, just a bit to see if she'll try to understand at least. Maybe even an argument would help (yeah, it's not something people would want, but it can help make some things clear). Other than that, I don't know at the moment.

3 Name: Yori : 2012-08-16 14:54 ID:E+aNZVJc [Del]

Yeah I agree with SilverPaw... You need to tell her how you feel, or she will just keep doing things like that without knowing how you feel or what you think. I mean I know we don't know what your mother is like, but doing that might help in someway. I know it might be hard but you'll find someway to tell her. ^-^

4 Name: ~Headphones~ : 2012-08-17 14:46 ID:+NFVyEJ+ [Del]

So,in this sort of situation,as Silverpaw said,try talking it out.Mothers will often expect you to be the best and,if they are like that,they will never think you are doing all you can.Explaining how you feel is the best option you have,however,it doesn't work sometimes.Your mother might think you're going through a 'rebellious stage' and scroll you for it.If that happens,her actions can be interpreted as her not wanting to lose her control over you,since she is your parent and every parent has the right to have a certain amount of control over their child.Giver her time after the conversation/argument so she can think about it.That will help her consider your statement about how you feel.You'll have to pull out a very serious face so she can actually consider what you're says as more than a tantrum.However,you should know that if conversing with her doesn't work,then it's best to do this:have good grades,do what you think is your best,ignore her remarks,have patience when she does something like that drink moment.That should show her that you are mature.Then,when you finish school,simply move out.When you do,your problems are solved.Live your life how you want it and if your mother says some bad remark about it,simply say something along the lines of "Well,this is my life,I decide what is right,how much I can and should do.You might be my parent and you might have influence but in the end I decide what is the best for myself." Everyone has one life and should not try to control another :)

5 Name: Fir3_Fly : 2012-08-17 15:00 ID:d5oXiUcU [Del]

How about asking her a math question? Than be like what then!

6 Name: Ashley : 2012-08-17 20:28 ID:/yprMncd [Del]

My mom is the same, I understand completely. I told her how I felt like SilverPaw said, and it worked sort of. But try your best in school because you seem like a smart person, and before you go to the store and buy her something have her write it down as proof afterwards ^.^

7 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-08-19 04:47 ID:Ghc5jmWj [Del]

Thanks guys.. I'll try to do that. It's just that, my mother gets so defensive of herself. She doesn't like people pointing out her mistakes. The truth is, everyone I know that knows her is afraid her. Even my grandmother thought she was too much with the cleanliness thing. My grandfather can't even stand up to her.

If her parents can't handle her? How can I?
I'm also afraid that my brother is catching this perfection thing too. He complains if his food is too hot and tells me to throw it away when it gets too cold.

So I discipline that little man before it's too late, but he tell my mother that I'm being so rough on him. And then I get some 2-hour lecture saying that I'm not in charge of the house and I had no right to discipline my brother.

And yes, I plan to move out. I'll go as far away as I can and never return to this damned place. I swear.

8 Name: Iori : 2012-08-20 04:30 ID:PX6+Zd1M [Del]

>>7 If my brother did that I swear I would have killed him. Thats damn disrespectful and he knows that.What I think you should do is to always coool down the food that he eat so he ends up not eating and when he complains about being hungry tell him to cook on his own.

9 Name: ~Headphones~ : 2012-08-20 11:16 ID:aKNRtJgJ [Del]

>>8 I am for your idea,because it will indeed be helpful.However,hearing how the mother reacts,wouldn't she punish Amewarashi for treating her brother 'badly'?If she does,I say you tell her that food should not be thrown away just because it's cold.Every meal is important since some people on this planet don't eat what you do every day due to being poor.Not to mention the animals on the street who struggle to survive!Food should not be wasted!

10 Name: Helel : 2012-08-21 22:41 ID:UpdlxIQa [Del]

Wow, those are damn high expectations. And maybe it hurts that the one who should be supporting you is looking down on you. The best option may be to keep thinking that you did your best, and that's what matters. One day she's bound to notice. And try to find others who would praise you, if you really need it, but don't be to arrogant. Or try arranging a reward system, where you are motivated to do better! But really, some parents are like that!!! Don't be like some who lose motivation because of such expectations, okay? AND DON'T TURN INTO YOUR MOTHER!!! You don't want your child to feel the same way! Good luck, @Amewarashi !!!

11 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-08-22 23:00 ID:b/kclUlM [Del]

I will NEVER be like her.

and Headphones, you're right about the wasted food thing. I kept explaining to my brother about that but he wouldn't learn. So I don't know what to do about that anymore..

~Another thing that's annoying about her is how she tells me to do multiple things at the same time. Like the other day she was taking a bath. She called me and gave me her recently taken off clothes and told me to dry it off on the chair. I was about to do just that when she added, "please check my phone's message".
Her old friend had texted her and she asked me to read it out loud.... and told me to reply to her.

There was this conversation where my mom asked me to pick a restaurant where we would have dinner with her friend. Theeeeen....There was a network issue and the message wouldn't send, she gets frustrated so I tried to solve it myself.

With the problem solved, I forgot all about her clothes.

When she got out of the bathroom, she threw a fit!! She got mad at me and kept on saying that her clothes will get moldy or grow mildew or whatever it's called... She went all like "WHY IS EVERY JOB I GIVE YOU ALWAYS HALF DONE?!?!"
Is it my fault really?? Our maid before was cramped up just like me. She was told to was a certain pitcher, and she was about to do just that but she told her again to put away the Christmas tree we had at that time, give my brother a tissue box, and pick up the clothes my brother left on the floor, and so she did them.
A while later, she asked where the pitcher was. And of course, she forgot about that piece of crap.

And she apologized too, saying: "I'm sorry ma'am but you told me to do too many things!"

She glared at her and threw a fit!! What the F*ck?!?!

And one time, she told me to fix the bed, and while I was fixing it, she told me to plug in the TV. I decided I'd finish the bed first but she got mad at me!! "I SAID PLUG IN THE TV!"

"But I'm fixing the bed!"
Mom: PLUGGING IN THE TV IS QUICK! DO IT NOW! Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me around here?!?!

Can I just.... die?!?!

12 Name: Helel !9FPas2ywgY : 2012-08-23 00:51 ID:jbhT20GE [Del]

>>11 Well, just bear with it, I say, and wait till you live by yourself. Fighting with those kind of parents will make you lose certain privileges. Believe me, I'm in that situation. And don't answer back. She'll just tire herself if she keeps ranting without you answering. Just nod and say yeah, then turn your frustration here or in the rage thread! ^,^

13 Name: nikoru : 2012-08-23 06:57 ID:nfDvmdXv [Del]

same happened with me, she always scolds me like crazy saying veeeeery foul words like, "You Moron", "Useless", and "Stupid".. and she sometimes hits me in the head.. *sighs* i tried my best always to top my tests and just got low ranks in the honor list.. well, she's always saying before the exams, "Just do your best, don't force yourself".. everyone knows there is FAVORITISM in Filipino Schools, almost all of them.. then, i'll just said to myself, "what happened to the "just-do-your-best-thing"?" oh well... pfft~ and she keeps comparing me to my damn little sister.. i'm just silent every time she scolds me, there's no use arguing though, or else i'll get an even harder head-hit..

14 Name: Dux : 2012-08-23 14:04 ID:CI56GAaV [Del]

This might sound a little harsh, but your mom is a really bad person. I don't even know how you still have the wish to stick around her. My advice to you is this: live for yourself, not for your mom. Tell her she doesn't have the right to boss you around as much and that she should be happy to have a son/daughter like you. At school, try to get grades you are happy with, not your mom. If she thinks you're useless, then she should do it herself if she thinks she'd do it better. Basically, try to be as independent as you can. I'm sorry if this sounded harsh, but your case seems really hopeless. So it calls for desperate measures.

Now, I understand you can't be 'completely' independent from your mom. Because you still need to be fed, need a place to stay,... But just try to not be as much of a ragdoll as you are right now. Dare to backtalk to your mom, maybe even put her in her place at times. If you can't afford to be harsh to your mom, you don't have to be. Just have a bit of a spine.

Hope this helped a bit, and good luck. You're gonna need it, looks like.

15 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-08-24 06:09 ID:eHr8kux7 [Del]

I'll do that, thank you. ^_^

Ahh.. favoritism. I've encountered the a hell lot of times in this corrupt nation. My mother favors my brother and nobody seems to notice it except me. She doesn't let me use the computer after 9 pm but lets my brother watch Dora the Explorer until 1 am, and its just one CD (contains two episodes) played all over and over again.
And no child deserves a head-hit! A slap might be fine if they did something bad but a HEAD-HIT?! That's child abuse!

I completely understand. It's not harsh at all. Since getting the biggest grades I can doesn't suit her fancy, I'll just get average grades that can get me a decent average job atleast enough to buy my own place. (or rent) As long as I get the hell out of here. I'll be fine.

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18 Name: Helel !9FPas2ywgY : 2012-08-24 09:15 ID:99N1HJ7o [Del]

>>13 why are the younger siblings always the most favorite? I don't know. But maybe the best way around favoritism is to not bully them, but to, well, manipulate them. I do this a lot of times and me and my sis practically brainwash our siblings to help us get our rights! :O heckyeah! Anyway... Physical abuse may damage personality... been there done that, and yep, mine was damaged pretty bad. But a strong sense of logic (courtesy of fiction and history) makes it just a bit better. I know that in the Philippines, corporal punishment, and yes, it comes to almost what it seems like child abuse, is allowed. This is because that's the culture and the religion of it. And when you start explaining yourself, they call it talking back. Like hell. Well, there's no one in the right mind from any middle or even upper class family child that's gonna report this crap. One, it's family honor. two, however plain evil you they may think their parents are, they most certainly will choose that over the Department of Social Welfare and Development, which is a crappy place where the government dumps street children and not legal offenders from the lowest social class. It's a very traditional country that still believes that the young ones know nothing at all and should be roughly disciplined by the dominant adults :>14 dude, try thinking that maybe @Amewarash's mom was never praised by her parents, that she goes on boasting to someone who has no choice but to listen. or maybe the grandmother was that harsh on her(i assume that you are a girl) mother, which causes her to vent all of her maternal frustrations on her daughter. The mom could have also been put up to high expectations, and with her pride at stake, pushes her daughter(?) to do the same. Most mothers want their daughters to be their well, puppet. Wait, that sounds harsh. Well, see this analogy, GIRLS play and dress up with their dolls. Basically the same. It's nature, I guess. Or maybe people just want to be LIKE A BOSS? I 'll call it human, not pure total evil yet, from my point of view

>>15 Where do you live by the way? maybe we have different family traditions in our countries. It's hard taking suggestions from us foreigners cuz we get so much physical and verbal stuff but we just take them all in... if we don't know what kind of society you live in. And are you a daughter? *fingers crossed

19 Name: Helel !9FPas2ywgY : 2012-08-24 09:19 ID:ExtcnQpV [Del]

>>18 why the hell didn't >>14 show itself ?! it's like :>14 sorry if i kept deleting because of that, but >>14 in >>18 still aint working :O maybe this will jerk too. so, sorry in advance. hope you still read it even if it's long! :)

20 Name: Dux : 2012-08-24 09:48 ID:RMdET95U [Del]

>>18 I can see where you're coming from. But from my point of view, you're wrong. As a mother, 'not being praised by your parents' is a really lame excuse to take your anger out on your own child. It seems like you think that it's only fair for her to treat Amewarashi that way, because she was treat that way herself. Well, it ISN'T. Amewarashi didn't do anything to deserve such treatment by his/her mom. Instead, he/she really goes out of his/her way to please mom, and gets a bucket of crap in return. Is this what you call human? Taking out your anger out on people who are in no way connected? I don't call that human, I call that bad parenting. Human is when you, as a parent, would go out of your way to never let this kind of thing happen to your own child. THAT is human.

I understand your point of view, but in this situation it just doesn't apply. And don't think I'm trying to start a debate here. I'm just trying to help the guy/girl, and your point seems like a misplaced excuse. So if you want to answer me, and prove your point in any way, let's keep it at an intelligent and friendly level.

21 Name: Helel !9FPas2ywgY : 2012-08-24 10:17 ID:de1pGVK2 [Del]

>>20 um, ok. I am not fond of fighting, but I love debating. So you wont hear any childish or stupid remarks from me, thank you very much. Let's keep this within reason.

Her mother can't very well be perfect, and I bet there were lots of hardships that led her to become like that. It's very well human because such welled up emotions from the past inflict so much pain that it can't be held up by reason. Reason is Human, but so is mistakes and suffering. I'm not trying to defend the mom but I calling her just plain evil is too much. How can you judge the mother that fast? That mom is still her mother. Of course @amewarashi couldn't have come from pure evil. Anyway, her situation only tells one thing:

this is a situation that you do not want to see in your future. This is an example of what must not be helped.

I always try to the point of both sides because being biased only leads to a closed view. Open your eyes to all possible possibilities, and maybe one day, your mother will see how open minded her child has become. behind that way of talking is a mother who does not know how to convey her thoughts properly. For all we know she praises you when you can not here it. There are those kind of people who have a twisted way of showing affection.

Life does not need to be fair. It only needs to have reason.

22 Name: Dux : 2012-08-24 11:30 ID:RMdET95U [Del]

>>21 You make good points. but I still can't see how you think that taking it out on the child is justifiable. You are completely right in that making mistakes is human, but this is a different situation. What she's doing is not simply a mistake. And that is why I judge the mother.

However, the problem with this story is that it has a flipside. As you stated, the mother could have been harmed by her parents. And that would lead to such behavior. And I think I now see where you came from with your last post. You didn't have so much of a problem with my advice, but you DID have a problem with the fact that I called the mother 'a bad parent'.
You are right about this, I had a poor choice of words. Calling her a bad person was perhaps not the right thing to do. But calling her a bad parent or a bad mom is completely justifiable. She may not be a bad or 'evil' person inherently, but as a parent, she is far from being good. You have corrected me here.

BUT. We do not have any evidence or a testimony from Amewarashi that his mother WAS being treated the same way in the past. So it could very well be that is was right from the beginning. Depends on your point of view.

I will not comment on your advice toward Amewarashi, as I think he/she should decide for him/herself which option suits him/her best. Anyways, this is a good debate, and if you know how to keep it up and give Amewarashi some advice while doing it, you are welcome to.

23 Name: Helel !9FPas2ywgY : 2012-08-25 00:34 ID:mZ6YL7yl [Del]

let's keep this simple. I don't think that supporting her hate with her mother is the best. I mean, promoting hate is not really advisable if you want to live a better life, doncha think? :)

24 Name: watashi !XcKI6yCC62 : 2012-08-25 01:57 ID:9ChKvI/f [Del]

oooh, my mom's the same.
Can't you much advice, cause I'm still stuck with her about that, although I suppose she's gotten nicer

25 Name: Dux : 2012-08-25 05:50 ID:RMdET95U [Del]

>>23 I don't do that. But like I said, just live for yourself and not for your mom. It can't get any 'simpler' than that.

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27 Name: nikoru : 2012-08-25 06:50 ID:Ii4sVme8 [Del]

>>14 uhh.. yep.. ur right.. just waiting for myself to graduate.. anyways, the scolding's for my own sake too, I'm a crammer and that's what she's worried about.. :)

>>15 it's not that hard as it is, i think it's okay as long as i don't feel painful.

28 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-08-25 10:31 ID:DVSsJWpY [Del]

>> 18 yes, I'm a girl. :)
I don't remember my mother being treated the same before. Since she was the youngest, and the only daughter of my grandma's second husband, she's basically the favorite. She has always been independent and she keeps nagging me about that fact. She says that she has been cooking dinner for everyone in the house when she was still 8 years old. And I can say, your doll theory is right.

I live in the Philippines by the way. :)

Thanks so much. Seeing how she raises my brother, I can say she's not good at it. One year, she's totally gaga over how cute my brother was and how bad of a sister I am since I am "mistreating" him; but with me out of the way, I have noticed her change her feelings toward my bro.
It's like she woke up and realized his thinking was under the average capacity of his age. My bro's smart in math, he's always had perfect grades in 3rd grade but when problem solving came in, he had no idea what he was doing. Everything my mom was proud of went totally down and he continually got F's in most of his subjects.

And my mom blames the teachers and my brother's personal maid. (He's turning 12 in 3 months; why would anyone need a maid at this age??) She yells at his maid if he get low grades.

She's not helping at all. And in time, no one will be there to help my bro, 'cause I'm in school miles and miles from my hometown without someone like me to "discipline" him.

I hope she does realize this before its too late. Otherwise, he'd have a 3-year-old's brain forever.

29 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-26 10:28 ID:d2EGfQUZ [Del]

All of these feels. I KNOW THEM.

Because of that, I have no advice for you. However, if you find something that woks, please share ._.

30 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-26 10:30 ID:d2EGfQUZ [Del]

Well, minus the cleanliness and maid feels. But in general, my mom acts the same way.

31 Name: hardcore : 2012-08-26 18:17 ID:GGvZQUyE [Del]

My mom complains alot. She complains about my brother and sister having messy rooms, and doesn't make them clean up. She complains about being fat, and spends her free time on facebook. And, whenever I make one little mistake, she yells at me, and when she does that, it pisses me off sooooooo fucking bad.

32 Name: Paathurnax the grey : 2012-08-27 07:06 ID:toj7YdEh [Del]

I have a big problem... every girl I try get with always seems to friend zone me... I'm sick of getting hurt from this and being rejected... please someone give me some advice :'( I like this girl in my class very much and she is amazing and i dont want the same thing to happen

33 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-08-27 07:21 ID:cae9uHP9 [Del]

>>32 This is a thread about someone else's problem. Either make your own or go here

34 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-08-27 11:55 ID:eHr8kux7 [Del]

Come here brotha, *bro hugs*

35 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-27 14:58 ID:d2EGfQUZ [Del]

>>34 /brohug

>>29 works*

I don't want something that woks, no matter how interesting it may be.

36 Name: Helel !9FPas2ywgY : 2012-08-28 07:15 ID:QnpKwSuS [Del]

what's your age? do you live in the metro?

37 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-09-02 23:27 ID:QWLTZ0bI [Del]

I'm 16, and no, I live somewhere in region 7.

38 Name: Yuki : 2012-09-03 13:58 ID:qxYMMvFo [Del]

your mum's just a high achiever (and annoying)

39 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-09-04 08:16 ID:eHr8kux7 [Del]

That is why I never want to be an achiever because I think all high achievers are as cocky as my mother.

40 Name: Helel !9FPas2ywgY : 2012-09-04 08:28 ID:U8bygiNX [Del]

maybe you just want her to notice you as you are. or maybe you are not satisfied with your standings because you disappoint her. GRAR!!!!!! your mom is blind. she does not see you. or maybe her eye sight is poor. she sees you as a failed clone. i dunno what your mom thinks.

41 Name: Yuki : 2012-09-04 09:16 ID:qxYMMvFo [Del]

My mum's like that too cos I get A's A*'s and the B's C's and she says I should be getting A*'s in ALL subjects. So in levels that's level 7&8 so pretty high and because of this I am now a high achiever also I heard somewhere this can lead to borderline personality disorders however I'm not sure that's absolutely true though. I won't go into my personal life but you seem really smart and a lil bit like me except when my mum tells me stuff like that I cry inside instead of out. Mine sounds almost exacly like yours actually so I can't really give you much advice apart from YOU ARE EPIC I'm not epic but coming in 2nd and everything sounds really good to m.

42 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-09-05 07:37 ID:cNzo6DVA [Del]


What's sad is just that she doesn't think I'm good enough. She never thinks I'm good enough. That's why I never really smile, and never do anything like join contests because whether I'm first or second, she'll never be happy. I think it's called low self-esteem.
My classmate told me once, "You will have a hard time loving others if you don't even love yourself." And because of my mom, I KNOW I am pathetic.. and now, I don't have friends at all.

43 Name: Yuki : 2012-09-05 10:43 ID:qxYMMvFo [Del]

You are exactly like me when I was at my last primary school, (I was at a lot of schools growing up and now I'm my 7th I think) because I was basically an outcast and I had to work my up the popularity ladder, just to get someone to say hi to me. It would be nice to know a bit more about your situation but for most, I get it. I just wanna ask a few questions though:
1. Do you find it harder to make or keep friends?
2. Do compliments mean nothing to/ you don't care about compliments?
3. Do you feel like your pathetic so you must be good at everything?
4. On a scale of 1-10 how much does your mum upset you when that kinda thing happens?

Finally, think about all the good things about you. I can tell that you have a strong will to keep on going after this even though it must be hurting you a lot inside and believe me, I know. So just keep on being strong for now.

44 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-09-06 08:36 ID:rIXfc+Ix [Del]

1. I can maybe make a few friends, like introduce myself to my classmates but I can't seem to "keep" friends like, "I'm-so-glad-to-see-you-today" kind of friends, I'm like an extra in the movie where my only role is to wave at the main character passing by the hallway.
2. I know people compliment me a often about random stuff but I never really take them to the heart. I feel so low that I get giggly deep inside if a random person talks to me but then I say to myself "they only talk to you because you were in the way and whatnot" or "they only talk to you because you're the only person around". I like compliments but I contradict myself about taking them.
3. Situation: I want to be good at somethings but if I saw someone do better in it than me, I feel like crap and give up.
4. 10, because I've dealt with it since the day my brother was born and I'm just fed up with it.

My answer with number 2 has something to do with my mom always telling me that all my friends are fakes and they only wanted to be with me because we were "rich". (I don't claim that we're rich though. And not to boast about it but most of the people I know only come to me with a favor, specifically "loans")

I feel embarrassed to say that every time I felt to the lowest of the low, I secretly cut myself. But I don't intend to die, I just want to feel more pain physically than emotionally.

45 Name: yosukethefrogman : 2012-09-07 05:33 ID:EDP+2A0m [Del]

i dunno a lot about that, but here's a suggestion: cutting yourself won't solve anything, but you should know that. Instead, try to tell your mom that what she does is bad for your self-esteem. My guess is that she thinks you'll improve if she pushes you. I'm a bit like you in your answers 2 and 3 (post above), so i can't really talk.
If the whole physical pain thing makes you feel better, why not go donate blood? At least you know you've helped someone that way. Not that i'm encouraging you to hurt yourself.
and yes, i realize that i suck at giving advice and encouraging people.

46 Name: Shea !A3eK/z6hmc : 2012-09-07 09:26 ID:PFDLQ1ew [Del]

>>44 First of all I'd like to say that despite how horrible your life is, others have, and will, experience worse things in their life. The best thing to do is look for help, or just survive. Please take care of yourself, others could be counting on you without you even noticing.

I've been suicidal in the past, but I couldn't bear forcing the sorrow of losing someone onto another. Even if it wouldn't be for long.

47 Name: kurusane666 : 2012-09-07 11:17 ID:RxqwVa8F [Del]

my mom (even my dad, but it's more of my mom)is kinda like that sometimes. sometimes? yes, since i am became the type of person who just now blurts out (in a decent manner) my real feelings. not to mention, i also have high grades on different subjects. but during my first ever failing grade experience, it seemed like the world was about to end. you see, she suddenly compares me to my cousins, etc. and when i explained my side during that time the comparison suddenly became too painful to take...

but actually she realized that what she (and my papa) did kinda disappointed me that's why now they usually scolds me then explains why... and also apologizes...

anyway... suggestion only... why don't you gather all of your courage and try to have a one-on-one, heart-to-heart talk with her? ^^

48 Name: kurusane666 : 2012-09-07 11:18 ID:RxqwVa8F [Del]

*scold and explain

49 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-09-08 00:56 ID:5qIe0nyf [Del]

That's good advice actually.
Reminds me of my friend when she said: "If you have to cry so hard, stand above plants; that way you don't waste water and you water plants at the same time." Unusual but probably for the best types of advice. Thank you.

Thanks for the realization. Although I have no idea if anyone will cry hard at my death, but I do get the point. Thanks.

I'm too afraid to have a heart-to-heart talk with her. She likes things straight to the point. I wish I can talk to her but more over, I wish she would actually listen to me.

50 Name: watashi !XcKI6yCC62 : 2012-09-08 09:21 ID:9ChKvI/f [Del]

If you hate your mother so much, why do you keep trying to please her? Or rather, why do you try to upset her?

Just ignore her. Do well in life for YOUR future. If you fail school, will you be fine with working in some job full time and barely get by? (Assuming you don't turn out like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, etc). Do things for yourself, not her.

If you don't like being home, don't go home. Be home only when you need to, like to sleep, and to eat if your family makes you eat all together).

If you want to talk to her, say what you need to say. If she doesn't listen, you tried. You can't force her to listen. You say she likes things straight to the point, then get straight to the point? "Mom, you're a bitch. Change that". No i'm kidding, don't say that you'll get thrown out. Just respectfully say what you feel. Write out what you're going to say before you say it. Or if anything, write a letter and let her read it.

If you don't want your brother to turn out the same way, teach him patiently. Don't force or nag or yell. It's frustrating, I KNOW, when little brothers are spoiled and don't listen to you and run to your parents when you're being too harsh. But, there's nothing to do about it. It might be smarter getting closer to your brother before trying to teach him. Take him out to eat, spend a few minutes each day asking about his friends and stuff. Then, depending on the situations, HINT at some things. If it's something big, tell him straightforwardly. But, don't express too much emotion, like frustration or anger.

If you want to move out, move out when you can. But, think logically. First, get a job. Save money. Use your own money, because if you use your parents, that's pathetic. You claim you want to be independent and all, but there you are falling back on your parents' money. Save your own money, buy your own things, move out. Leave the things they bought for you (that was expensive) at home. The best time to move out would be when you enter college.

If you want to die because of your mom, you're a coward. Your mom can change, and your perspective of your mom will change too. I hated my mom because she was JUST like yours. But, I changed, and when she realized I was changing and growing up, she changed too. Teenagers are the most misunderstood; they're treated like children but are expected to act like adults. Some day, your mom will treat you like an adult.

But, I know you won't listen to me because I was your age too. I had your feelings too. But, be patient. If your mom is acting like a spoiled child, be the parent. I know you'll probably think why should I be the parent when I'm the child. Well, that's one way of showing that you're mature. Not only that, it'll teach you a few good life lessons even if you're too young to understand them. and well, you can be the better person.

Now, this is all friendly advice and I suggest you take my advice (where it's relevant), because it'll be easier that way. But, either way, sooner or later, you'll learn. Whether it be the easy way or the hard way. It's your choice in the end.

I wish you luck with your mother.

51 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-09-08 10:34 ID:rIXfc+Ix [Del]


Thank you watashi. I'm glad someone with my story succeeded like you. I'm researching on jobs even now, I won't take them soon enough because I still have a few more years 'til I graduate. (I'm actually in college right now) Although I think a part-time job could give me a head start.

I feel bad about being hard on my brother at times, but I do make sure that I have to control myself and not really scar him for life and whatnot.

I don't wanna kill myself anymore either because I have dreams and places I want to see. (I didn't really intend on going for the kill, I just wanted more physical pain than emotional pain which is pretty stupid to say; and it kind of calms me down. It's like instead of breaking stuff around me, I cut but that's not very smart is it?)

52 Name: watashi !XcKI6yCC62 : 2012-09-08 17:40 ID:9ChKvI/f [Del]

I understand that. I used to be so angry at my mother that I cut myself. But I only really did that twice. It was six years ago when I cut myself but I still have scars.

Try not to hurt your body because having a scar is like having a memory that won't ever go away. You'll always remember why you got that scar and if things get good with your mom, i'm sure you don't want to really hang onto what happened?

Don't hurt yourself. Stay strong and you'll be okay in the end.

53 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-09-10 09:52 ID:jF3nnAjJ [Del]


Thank you

54 Name: caroline : 2012-09-11 19:07 ID:EQds6HEs (Image: 480x480 jpg, 36 kb) [Del]

src/1347408427194.jpg: 480x480, 36 kb
hiiiii me and my friend

55 Name: caroline : 2012-09-11 19:09 ID:EQds6HEs (Image: 960x720 jpg, 425 kb) [Del]

src/1347408549413.jpg: 960x720, 425 kb
idk wiredo

56 Name: Ricky : 2012-09-11 19:09 ID:/uLhTfYO [Del]


57 Name: Ricky : 2012-09-11 19:09 ID:/uLhTfYO [Del]

U probably shouldnt post personal pictures

58 Name: caroline : 2012-09-11 19:10 ID:EQds6HEs (Image: 452x320 jpg, 24 kb) [Del]

src/1347408638030.jpg: 452x320, 24 kb

59 Name: caroline : 2012-09-11 19:12 ID:EQds6HEs [Del]


60 Name: Ricky : 2012-09-11 19:16 ID:/uLhTfYO [Del]


61 Name: Em !1PZuOSuEBg : 2012-09-11 19:29 ID:BxlHLyYT [Del]

>>54 >>55 >>58 >>59

You're being stupid. Go watch TV or something and stop spamming Amewarashi's thread. It's okay if you don't come back...

62 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-09-12 17:55 ID:ZToapPvW [Del]
