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I need help, AGAIN (5)

1 Name: Terra !97VVtImbHM : 2012-08-15 01:52 ID:KSy1DEEW [Del]

I caught my friends bitching about me the other day, so, naturally, I was pissed and sad for the remainder of the day. They didn't know I over heard them, so they didn't know why I was being all moody and depressed, and kept asking "What's wrong?". I couldn't bring myself to tell them, so I kept silent.

What the fuck do I do now? :(

2 Name: yasu : 2012-08-15 07:47 ID:aHgCOIwx [Del]

Why can't you just speak the truth in front of their faces? I mean, they'd already gossiped about you, talked behind your back. So, ask yourself if they are really good friends of yours or is it you who'd been mistook their converstaions. The only way to solve this and find out the real truth is asking them yourselves.

Truth can be harsh sometimes, but at least you don't have to live in lies anymore.

I wish your luckiness.

3 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-08-15 08:29 ID:4Eo1TdCf [Del]

I've been in a situation similar to this, and believe me, while keeping silent may seem 'easier', it'll only cause things to get worse over time. If I were you, I'd be honest and tell them what you heard. Perhaps there's some kind of issue going on that can be resolved through talking. Either way, you should confront them about it.

If anything, it'll also show just how good friends they are. If they try to deny it, then they're dishonest and must feel guilty about whatever they said (either that or they're scared of owning up to it). But if they admit it, then maybe you could talk it through with them.

I know this kind of situation is nasty, and I'm not very good at giving advice, but I really wish you the best of luck.

4 Name: Dux : 2012-08-15 19:27 ID:MHKyIsfs [Del]

I had this situation once. I didn't care at all, to be honest. I know I'm not perfect, they aren't fucking perfect either. But if you REALLY care that much, just say it straight up. It won't do you any good if you hold it in but keep caring about it.

5 Name: Helel : 2012-08-21 23:15 ID:gWn+dB0y [Del]

Your friend is a bitch, backstabbing you and all, but do think if you were a bitch with her. Me and my group go way back, from 1st year high school till now, which is six years later. We go around and, yeah, do some backstabbing. Can't help it, since we are all girls. :O Any way. Sometimes it comes to arguing and not talking for a few... um, weeks, at the least. But you have to confront them. See, the best thing about friendship is transparency! So, if you patch up, those are good friends. If not, give some more time, and if they don't return, find a new group. Of course you can let it pass, but that would make a barrier between you and them. Whatever suits you. But remember that if you bottle it all up, you will surely explode. And you don't want a plastic kind relationship! So, your choice. These may be your friends for life or not, depending on how honest you are with each other... But of course, girls don't mean what they say, most of the time, if it is about a friend. They only take out the frustration of the moment. Time will heal severed girl friendship, if it runs deep, and if you yourself is a girl. Guy to guy can possibly be resolved after a few heartfelt punches. Girls to guys is a bit trickier. So try your best, @Terra !!!