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I feel I've done something wrong... (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-10 05:34 ID:mXqsJJSv [Del]

A girl recently asked me out, however I decided after some thought to turn her down as I'm already in love with someone else (despite it being one-sided.) I simply told her that I loved someone else, and I disliked the idea of forcing myself to love another person. She seemed fine and happy about my decision, and decided to avoid me in school. I have recently found out that she is an 'emo' and actually slits her wrists. I'm worried that I'm to blame and I'm not sure what to do about it. I don't want to 'go out with her' but I don't want to feel like I'm partly to blame for her cutting herself. I don't feel like I'm able to stop her unless I do go out with her, or maybe find another way to brighten her life up. Any suggestions?

2 Name: Dux : 2012-08-10 06:51 ID:yM+bLDZM [Del]

Well first of all, don't worry about it. You are DEFINITELY not to blame for her being an emo. I really don't think she's slitting her wrists because of you. Secondly, there's nothing you can do. She's chosen to be emo, which is a lifestyle. When she grows up, she'll probably relinquish that on her own. Even if you said you'd go out with her, I don't think she'd stop being emo. Lastly, if you've told her you love someone else, then she has to accept that. One can't force someone to love. Hope you calm down, and good luck!

3 Name: Yuuko : 2012-08-10 09:47 ID:SmTvDFR2 [Del]

You are not to be blamed for anything. Being honest about your feelings with her is the best thing you've done. You don't have to force yourself just because you took pity on her.

4 Name: Mytheroin !nj24Pq3ACs : 2012-08-10 10:18 ID:7OfddsAx [Del]


5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-10 16:05 ID:Mz/Am1MI [Del]

I'm surprised that nobody else brought up. There's an extremely large chance that she's purposely slitting her wrists to make you feel guilty.

If you feel guilty, you'll be playing right into her trap.
Don't do it, man.

On a more serious note, being 'emo' is generally related to attention deficiency. So if her parents aren't giving her attention and the boy she likes isn't giving her attention, she has to get attention somehow, right? And if she can get you to go out with her in addition to getting the attention, she probably feels that there aren't really any negatives aside from pain.

6 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-08-10 16:26 ID:gacZ8OtW [Del]

Someone did the same thing to me, but I'm a girl and he's a guy... We had known each other about six months and were pretty good friends. I had another guy friend who I was crushing on and he overheard me talking to my best friend about it. He texted me and told me what he was doing, how it was my fault, and showed me the next day.

I felt sick, I thought that maybe I should just go out with him to get him to stop. I declined when he asked me out again and the next day the same thing happened. He has had a past of cutting himself and I found that out when I went to my bff who had known him a lot longer that I had.

Eventually he realized scaring me to death wasnt the way to get me to go with him and stopped.

I'm telling you that it is a ploy for attention and it is not your fault. She has probably cut before you and will probably continue after. Make your feelings about her and her cutting herself "for" you clear. Tell her you'd still want to be her friend but there is no chance of a romantic relationship.

Also BarabiSama is right. The guy I know was abandoned by his dad, but had very caring mother, grandfather, and various other relatives.

7 Name: Mea Mea : 2012-08-11 12:07 ID:rbJPx0q7 [Del]

you should stop her dont tell her that u wanna go out if u care bout her then tell her that and to stop cutting herself my friend did the same thing and it killed me inside knowing that it was happening ask her to stop comfort her and tell her that there is someone out there for her but she will never find him unless she stops

8 Name: Skylar : 2012-08-11 19:52 ID:h6fJoC6h [Del]

Dont blame your self, for what has happened. I kind of have the same problem, i found out recently that my best friend that i have known forever does the same thing. There is nothing i could really do accept say that i would always be there for her if she needs to talk.

9 Name: Shadow92661 : 2012-08-11 21:35 ID:ca+7prnl [Del]

Your life your choice

10 Name: Shadow92661 : 2012-08-11 21:36 ID:ca+7prnl [Del]

Keep moving forward with your life and never look back