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Sleeping issues (29)

1 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-07 09:56 ID:N+2WLQtp [Del]

Yo guys, back again. So, I can't sleep very well as stated by the title; I can't sleep very well. I can maybe sleep between 2 to 4 hours but I just wake up. If I stay asleep for any longer than 4 hours, I'm most likely in a nightmare and wake up panting and scared. Why scared? I dream of losing anyone I have left. I dream of watching them die. I dream of a multitude of shit like that. Sometimes I even dream of my anger taking form and tearing me limb from limb, and as I'm dead in my dream I'd be a ghost. I'd be forced to watch him eat me, I would be floating in the air behind him. He would suddenly stop and jerk to my direction, then I jerk in my dream and real life; now woken up. It's gotten to the point where I'm exhausted nearly all the time. School is starting the 15th too, if I can't fix this my grades are sure to be affected and I can't have that. If this helps the 15th is also the day my ex had broken up with me. Thanks gais. <3

2 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-07 09:57 ID:N+2WLQtp [Del]

16th school, 15th last month when sleep and ex happened.

3 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-07 14:28 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

Take sleeping pills. They generally aren't good for you because they prevent the REM level of sleep, which is where you have dreams and what makes sleep essential, but that's kind of the point in me recommending them. You'll sleep. You won't dream. They can be harmful do to this loss of REM sleep, they've done an experiment on the effects of loss of REM sleep. The experiment was that they have lab mice, and put them in water. They'd put a raft for them to climb up on and sleep. Just before they hit REM, they dumped them back in to wake them up and put the raft back on. The mice got the same amount of sleep as the control group, but they didn't function as well.

On a side note, I also recommend a phycologist. Yes, having a shrink to talk to can and will help. I've had one when I was having similar issues. They helped me figure out what the dreams meant and address the problem in my waking life. I don't believe all dreams have some important meaning, but dreams with a reoccurring idea have some meaning in your waking life that your brain believes needs to be addressed.

4 Name: haruhi-5 : 2012-08-07 14:55 ID:X+JKMOjm [Del]

Hm. Well Sho, can you control your dreams at all? I know this kind of thing would happen to me a lot when I was younger, and I finally learned how to control it. I just kind of think of what I want to dream about, create a plot line of sorts, and go to sleep. Try it, it may help.

In the case this won't work, maybe it will help to write things out. I know this helps me when I'm feeling depressed or something. Just write out what you are stressed about at that moment, right before you go to bed, and then go to sleep. You can just write the bad things in your life/about you, both good and bad, or just good. Whatever you feel like. Hope this helps Sho-kun~!

5 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-07 18:36 ID:N+2WLQtp [Del]

>>4 Sis, I can't control anything in my dreams. IF I dream, it's a nightmare. There's nothing I can do, sadly.

>>3 I'd take pills but like... I don't want to tell my mother I'm having sleeping trouble because she tends to.. well I don't feel comfortable telling her personal things about me. I can't just go out and buy them either.

6 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-08-07 19:07 ID:oLAGAAc7 [Del]

I take 1500mcg of Melatonin.

7 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-07 21:02 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

Try ya know... going to a real doctor o:

8 Name: Slenderman : 2012-08-07 22:05 ID:jAMAct1j [Del]

so you're having sleeping trouble hm? Ⓧ

have you tried...

I dunno...

conversing with the dream? Ⓧ

you can change what you see, you know

9 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-08 02:37 ID:N+2WLQtp [Del]

>>8 Off Topic, Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you, I can deal with your name stop the fucking sign.

>>7 Going to a doctor involves mother knowing.

10 Name: Slenderman : 2012-08-08 04:18 ID:jAMAct1j [Del]

>>9 off topic? not at all! if he's been having the same dream it'll only be a matter of time until his dream self realizes he's dreaming and can change what happens in it or even find out why he's dreaming this specific dream. it's called lucid dreaming. also, because you asked so nicely, I'll stop with my sign, but only for this thread.

11 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-08 06:29 ID:N+2WLQtp [Del]

>>10 I was saying I'm going off topic, I hate slendy.

12 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-08 06:30 ID:N+2WLQtp [Del]

>>10 I appreciate the help though, seriously man. Thanks. I'll try it.

13 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-08 08:49 ID:yV3VSv8N [Del]

>>5 She will notice when your grades fall because you're not getting enough sleep. You'll have to tell her sooner or later. You can go to a school counselor and talk to them about it when school starts back up. I personally have never had as good of an everience with them as I've had with an actual psychologist, but they're helpful. They'll also be able to help you out if this starts to effect your grades.

14 Name: Slenderman : 2012-08-08 10:37 ID:jAMAct1j [Del]

>>11 would you prefer I change my name for you too? I can deal with not posting the sign on one thread but I don't think I can handle an identity crisis.

Either way, hope you have some sweet dreams soon

15 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-08 11:16 ID:N+2WLQtp [Del]

>>14 LOL, don't worry. Just don't be following me and then try to kidnap me.

>>13 Alright, understood. Thanks.

16 Name: Slenderman : 2012-08-08 11:32 ID:jAMAct1j [Del]

>>15 if you wanna try a quieter and less expensive method (although more bizarre) you could try making an orgonite HHG. Those things have been said to work wonders on people.

17 Name: Master-Sama : 2012-08-08 12:36 ID:owm68vmD [Del]

It's the same with me, I didn't go to sleep last night until 4 am and woke up at 6:30 am. I think I might be developing insomnia, I don't really have a problem with it, but my family does. They say I need my sleep to grow and heal, which is probably true... So thnk u to everyone posting helpful suggestions on his... need it!

18 Name: roxas132 : 2012-08-10 02:05 ID:NmKkTJSs [Del]

With me if I cant sleep my mom tells me to take pills like Advil PM and benadryle ( allergy relief pink looking medicen. But one time I took some and I still couldn't fall asleep or I forgot if I took some and I drugged myself by accident

19 Name: e : 2012-08-10 16:39 ID:sATr2cbO [Del]

I think you might have night terrors i could be wrong but its still a possibility. You might want to get checked or see a therapist to be sure but when i first read this i thought you might have insomnia but people with that usually don't have nightmares.

20 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-11 20:04 ID:YlYGWwkW [Del]

I don't always have nightmares, only sometimes. >>19

21 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-11 20:06 ID:YlYGWwkW [Del]

My mother knows know Dx,
so uh.. I guess gonna go to the doctor and get it checked and see what's up

22 Name: phone : 2012-08-12 05:19 ID:jxYk381O [Del]

I have had sleeping trouble for as long as I can remember. My mother says its something I was born with. Secretly I think she has it too. I don't really have the nightmare troubles. I've learned to control them. The nightmares have gone away but the insomnia lingers. It has ruined my grades in school. It forced me to alcohol abuse then drug abuse. I cleaned up but now I'm addicted to caffeine.

What you are going through sucks. I feel for you. It can get worse. I'm prone to losing conciousness and there are times I am not sure if I am asleep or awake. I have lost friends and family over it. My doctor tried to prescribe pills and sleep studies. My brain and body just doesn't turn off. He told me to get as much sleep as I can. I find the lull of a train or a car puts me in a dreamless sleep for hours.
I also find certain foods create nightmares. I regret the night I ate spicey mustard on a sausage with a bun that looked a little green. I dreamt of a killer pancake that killed everyone I knew. I woke up cooking pancakes.

Anyways avoid sausages before bed time. That might help.

23 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-12 12:14 ID:YlYGWwkW [Del]

>>22 I... Second Paragraph Near End... Did that really happen?

24 Name: phone : 2012-08-13 01:53 ID:jxYk381O [Del]

Yes. I take the subway to work. Sometimes on my way back I fall asleep and wake up hours later refreshed, but not aware I fell asleep. Since my body does not turn off I tend to keep moving. I could be asleep have conversations, cook food or even walk around. Reality shapes my dreams. My dreams affect my subconscious. My subconcious takes control of my body and so my dreams shape my reality.

The trick is to realize that killer pancakes aren't real. The moment you do that you force yourself to be concious. As your conscious takes over your body you wake up and find out your subconscious was telling your body to make pancakes because pancakes taste better with sausages than with spicy mustard and moldy bread.

My only advice for people with sleep issues is to force yourself to be aware. Dreams are fun. Even nightmares maybe better than reality. But, don't fall into them. They can rule your life. Become conscious and take control of what is causing either the nightmares or the sleepwalking. Insomnia/ sleepwalking is manageable. People and your family may think you are crazy at first. But if you let them know what is going on and if you get help and support earlier rather than later you can lead a safe healthy life.

25 Name: phone : 2012-08-13 02:06 ID:jxYk381O [Del]


I tried interpreting my dreams a long while back. I suggest you read Freud's article, On the analysis of dreams.

The subconscious assigns symbols in your dreams that represent your reality. Even your actions in your dreams are symbolic. You maybe angry in your dreams but that does not mean you are truly anger in real life.

Freud suggests that good people tend to have more nightmares. This is because they repress negative emotions. Our subconscious will act out negative emotions in our dreams as a way of balancing the conscious's repression.

Example: A store owner is losing money because he refuses to raise the cost of his food knowing that the food really isn't worth more. In life he is moral person who does not want greed to take over his life. In his dreams he sees himself in porshe and a suit and stuffing hotdogs down the throats of his customers.

In real life he secretly wishes he could raise the price and he wishes more customers will come to his store and eat his food but not at the expense of his morality.

His dream provides him a relief from reality and expresses his fantasies. This allows him to endure the pain of losing money. If he wants the dreams to go away he has to either make better food or find a way to attract more customers.

26 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-13 10:04 ID:YlYGWwkW [Del]

>>24 Agh. I just finally woke up *for good*. I kept waking up and then falling back asleep, not knowing whether I was dreaming or whether or not it was reality. I had to just go through that cycle at least 5 times before I finally woke up *for good*. My head hurts now...

>>24, >>25 Thanks man, I'll try to uh, force myself to see I'm asleep?

27 Name: Sid : 2012-08-14 02:40 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

Sorry if someone already mentioned this, but a friend of mine told me some ways to control dreams. He told me to look at my hands, or change the color of the floor. I was only able to do those sometimes, but it worked and somehow I was able to wake myself peacefully from dreaming. As I controlled the dreams more and more I was able to change more things, like items or the setting. Also he said most people can't do it too easily, but it wouldn't hurt to try I guess.

28 Name: phone !BGtmGQh1UI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-08-14 05:22 ID:jxYk381O [Del]

>>26 Only force yourself to wake up if you have to. If you are at work or at school. If you are trying to sleep and the nightmares start, try to be aware of them like Sid said. You can control your dreams. If not you may have to make life changes to prevent nightmares before they start.

When a person gets hurt they have two options: Fight or flight.
If your ex broke up with you it would cause some pain. You may have fought or you may have just took the pain and then left.
I'm a person when I get hurt I leave it alone. Some books I read say that if you suppress that urge to fight you make nightmares of you murdering people. Maybe there was something you wanted to say to your ex? Maybe you should try kick boxing lessons?

29 Name: Shometsu !rRrqQ7z3WI : 2012-08-23 08:35 ID:H2rXk0rp [Del]

Update: We settled everything now. I said everything I needed, there's conclusion.. closure.

Last night I got another nightmare though, It's really confusing but uh.. I guess everyone was teaming up on me because I was "a bad boyfriend". I'm really confused, I feel like I was, now...

I'm never aware it's a nightmare until I wake up scared though guys, I can't use your suggestions. I'm trying my hardest I swear. I'm trying not to let your words go to vain.