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I Need Someone To Listen... (9)

1 Name: Skaboy : 2012-08-05 22:33 ID:mfOawW01 [Del]

Im Not Tryinq To Get Attention Or Anythinq But I Needed A Place To Let Out Somethinq...
I Went To Party and My Girlfriend Got Drunk...That Shit Pissed Me Off I Mean Who Wouldnt It Piss Off ?
She Feels Like I Over Reacted And Cause Drama When In Reality I Only Cared For Her...
She Got Pissed Off At Me And We Recently Broke Up...
So Idk What To Do Should I Still Chase After Or Leave Her ?

2 Name: redmi$t : 2012-08-05 22:42 ID:0zQa5Hjs [Del]

was your gf with you at the party

3 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-05 22:44 ID:3lfhILjg [Del]

Maybe If You Didn't Type Like This, I Would Have Advice For You.

God, is that annoying. There is no need to capitalize every word. Anyway, if you broke up with her, you've got no right at this point to chase after her. If you don't want someone who drinks as your girlfriend, don't go out with girls who drink.

4 Name: ???? : 2012-08-06 00:13 ID:UyZs3+nf [Del]

well, there are plenty of fish in the pond.

5 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-08-06 01:30 ID:7+aliv6z [Del]

Pfft well if you're asking people on the Internet whether you should stay with her or not, than you obviously shouldn't. If you really wanted to be her boyfriend again, you would do it. No hesitation. Don't start a relationship with half assed feelings. Like what >>4 said, there are plenty of fish in the pond. Trying to get your girlfriend back is like... having a fish eat half your bait and trying to catch it again with the other half. If that makes sense. Lol if you want to, then go for it. It's your choice after all.

6 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-08-06 01:50 ID:YO0YQxDW [Del]

Well...If you don't like the fact that she drinks...Then you're going to have to make a hard decision there. Personally, I would still chase after her. But, DO YOU LOVE HER? That's the main question. If you don't absolutely LOVE her...Then there is no reason to do a thing about her. At least, that's my opinion.

7 Name: Skaboy : 2012-08-06 04:06 ID:mfOawW01 [Del]

@redmi$t yea i was with her
@BarabuSama sorry its a habit
i think i know what to do now so thank you guys

8 Name: Midget98 : 2012-08-06 04:26 ID:QA7yZKOp [Del]

Honestly, I don't believe in the there's plenty more fish in the pond kind of thing. Why? Because who the hell compares the person they love to a random fish in the pond?! Look if she makes you feel like you can't leave without her or you're happy when she's around, chase after her. It's that easy.

9 Name: The new guy : 2012-08-06 12:26 ID:wnmiV3Nw [Del]

Leave, don't think of it as and end, think of it as a begining.