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Androphobia (13)

1 Name: Andi : 2012-08-04 07:48 ID:d/Dlazp/ [Del]

All my life I've been bullied by boys.

Every time someone discovers I have a crush on a guy, they tease me to death and tell me lies that he liked me back. And my crush.. "charms" me and makes me to stuff for him like buy him snacks and do his homework. But at times when he doesn't need anything from me, he calls me a "pig" or a "push-over". I've realized now that I really was a push-over back then...
All the other crushes I've had ignored me. They NEVER talked to me or went anywhere near me at all.
When some guys are fooling around, I hear them teasing a guy with my name and comments like "gross" comes right back.

And then my supposed to be hero.. my father. He has emotionally hurt my mother for years. They're annulled and all but my dad visits me and my sibling everyday. What sucks is that he's proud that he's got women drooling on him everywhere. That's not all, his girlfriend is the exact same age as I am. And he provides her with education, and pays for the apartment she stays in.

Then I've seen teenage boys who push my grandfather around. My grandfather is a nice guy so he befriends anyone. But they use this friendliness and gets him to buy food for them every he passes by them. It just infuriates me.

Now every time I see a guy, I know that I should keep my distance and try everything I can to avoid having a conversation with them, or simply speak only what needs to be spoken. I need help.. Because I don't want to be an anti-social freak. I don't want the small amount of good boys to think I'm rude. Because I have heard boys are good friends to have since they will never speak anything bad behind you. But that's been all I have experienced. I need some advice..

2 Name: Terra !97VVtImbHM : 2012-08-04 08:51 ID:KSy1DEEW [Del]

Looks like you've had a lot of rough experiences of with boys. I think your first step is to accept the fact that not all boys are jerks, and you've already done that, so WELL DONE. My advice would be to make friends with boys you already know, that aren't total idiots, and you can develop your trust from there.

3 Name: shadowhide : 2012-08-04 17:13 ID:cO81C1ja [Del]

I can not stand anybody who can do that to a girl good thing I don't know those guys or I would put them in a fucking hospital I just don't understand how a guy could do that to a girl the way I was raised was to be a gentleman unlike those guys I'm sorry for the way those guys treated you and I give you this promise if I ever find who did any of that I WILL FUCK THEM UP you just don't do that to a girl.

4 Name: Andi : 2012-08-04 20:01 ID:2P48m5uc [Del]

I've met some nice boys in my new school. They're nice and treat me good but I see them bully other kids and that's just a turn-off. I know how those kids feel and it just brings me down since I'm like friends with him, and he bullies other kids with me around, so it feels like I'm part of the bullying. And I don't want this kind of crap so I kept my distance from them. He'll probably think I'm weird 'cause I don't find fun in the bullying that he does.

It's a pain.. It's like hopeless for me..

5 Name: Andi : 2012-09-20 10:40 ID:yAusNR3C [Del]

I tried to mingle with boys recently and... I acted the way other girls act around them like playing around and stuff. but I messed up. He looked at me in a weird way. I said sorry but he just stared at me like I was some kind of failed science experiment. He was teasing me and I told him to "shut up" but... he looked offended.

Why are boys so hard to mingle with??

6 Name: Zenon : 2012-09-20 11:43 ID:rbJPx0q7 [Del]

i can stand a bully and really can stand those who play with others emotions its sick like >>3 said if i was there or ever meet them i'll make sure they never bully again and >>5 im a boy boys aren't hard to talk with just complicated we have a certain instict that tells us when things are wrong and aren't if he was teasing you and looked offended its either cause he was playing or just doesn't see the error of his ways

7 Name: Dux : 2012-09-20 12:57 ID:dydloQuH [Del]

From what I've read, it seems to me like you have had some really bad luck. And I mean REALLY bad luck. Tell you what. Not all boys or guys or men are bad. Honest. I understand what you are going through, though. Kids and teenagers in particular are the worst layers of society, because they still think that 'nothing matters'. It's very understandable that it is hard to meet nice guys or girls at your age. I'm not sure how old you are, but guys of our age are really quite insecure when it comes to girls. We prefer the company of other guys, so we may feel like we're accepted. And often being accepted means bullying those weaker than you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying what they are doing, I'm merely explaining that this is normal. It's a part of being young, as sad as it is.

My advice to you is this: don't try to be friends with boys yet. You will most likely have a tough tough time. Just try to stick around with girls, until you either finish school, or grow up a bit more (I'm talking 16-18 years, I'm guessing you're younger). And about being bullied... Stand up to them. It's harder for girls, I know, since you can't just bust their jaw. But if you can't do it alone, try to seek help. Ask teachers, friends, people you can trust. It's not a sign of being weak, it's just trying to save some nerve cells.

Hope everything works out and you get happier soon. Don't hesitate at anything, especially asking for help. Even if it's only here.

8 Name: World Domination : 2012-09-20 15:44 ID:lsInLHW7 [Del]

Don't let one asshole bring you down. There are plenty of guys out there who are nice. Trust me i'm a guy. I don't play with people's feelings and none of my friends do. There may be one or two assholes but there are always 10 times more good friends just waiting for you to say hi. Don't let get you, find someone who likes you for you.

9 Name: Fir3_fly : 2012-09-20 17:22 ID:x/Olx0zu [Del]

you need to surround yourself with friends. good friends wh'll stick up for you and that you can trust. Ignore the bastards to. if they still give you hell for nothin then give them hell for somethin. i had the same problem, but i stuck up for myself because fo 2 reasons: i'm a loud mouthe and because i have 3 brothers so i have plenty experiance with boys. it also helps to have guy friends who you know will stick up for you. if all thi fails, tell them to go fuck themselves just like they did to their moma last night. Have a good one :)

10 Name: FlyingKnives : 2012-09-20 19:05 ID:6Eo001zJ [Del]

I hate how this is how it is, but it just is. There are always going to be two types of guys: Complete douchebag/assholes or really kind, understanding guys. Me, i'm a kind one. I respect girls and never talk bad about them. I even open doors for them for fucks sake! The only thing you need to do is just go around and say hi to random guys and see how they act. If they sneer at you or act sarcastically, they're asses. If not, well, you do the math. Just always remember, for every 5 asses, there are 3 nice guys. You just gotta look.

11 Name: World Domination : 2012-09-20 20:33 ID:lsInLHW7 [Del]

Also, you're not defenselessness, you know. YOU are in control of your life, not them.

12 Name: Eritol : 2012-09-20 22:34 ID:+192SgSW [Del]

Im sorry to hear that you have had such a difficult experience with boys. but thats what they are, boys. And some of them dont grow up. There are good guys, and men out there, but they probably wont be the kind you like, not until later in life at least. If there is one, hold tight and dont let go. because when a nice guy gets hurt... it takes a very long time for them to get back up and risk it again. you should also take # 9 advice, and surround yourself with different people. Good luck. Please dont judge us all to that standard because of a group of boys.

13 Name: Helel !9FPas2ywgY : 2012-09-20 23:15 ID:V8jzq1PP [Del]

the first thing to do is figure out why they hate you