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High School Advice? (23)

1 Name: YoIt'sSarah : 2012-07-31 14:10 ID:R8UNOAEc [Del]

Hey everyone! (:
So starting on August 27th, I will be starting 9th grade(First year of high school.) I have asked a bunch of different people for advice, and I've gotten a bunch of different answers.
I was pretty popular and well liked in middle school, and my personality, looks, and style are pretty girly. I'm accepting, though.
So anything I should look out for? I'm all ears! (:

2 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-07-31 14:53 ID:fwKhFx3r [Del]

Bitches. Look out for bitches. This goes for the dudes and the dudettes. Bitches cause problems. Avoid. The. Bitches.

I got through quite happily just by not instigating any fights, made friends with some dudes that were very strange but were awesome role-models (If it weren't for one of them in particular, I wouldn't have a career right now). And I was mostly rational. I didn't bitch about my classes, that really only makes them less bearable. I avoided contact with the teachers I disliked, made friends with the ones I did and they were really awesome - it helped a lot in my classes too.

The basics:
Don't make any stupid decisions. (The general consensus on what's bad and what's good is usually a good thing to go by)
Avoid the bitches.
Take everything lightly - complaining makes it worse.

So yeah... Pretty simple, really.

3 Name: YoIt'sSarah : 2012-07-31 15:19 ID:R8UNOAEc [Del]

Ahhh, so I've heard about them bitches from practically everyone. I'll keep an eye out. ;D

I'll keep a positive mind with my atmosphere and classes, and whatnot. Also, drugs and those type of stuff aren't my type of thing. ^^

Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it! (:

4 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-07-31 17:31 ID:v3MRZRtB [Del]

Just find a pack of friends to hang out with and you'll be fine.

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-31 18:39 ID:vtjVwBMH [Del]

1. THE FIVE RULES: Don't get caught on your phone if you're going to use it during class. Don't get caught cheating if you're going to cheat. Don't get caught lying if you're going to lie. Don't get caught tattling if you're gonna tattle. Don't get caught skipping if you're gonna skip, and if you are caught, don't play innocent.

2. Even if homework doesn't bring your grade up or down that much in certain classes, you should still do it. (Take this from someone who didn't do it properly and screwed herself thanks to that and various circumstances.)

3. Bitches. Beware of them. If they try to threaten you, don't be afraid to get up in their face and make them know their place. BUT, try to avoid fights with them, especially if the bitches have boyfriends. I hate it when bitches sic' their boyfriends on you. Sucks ass.

4. If you find yourself in a fight, let them hit you first before you start defending yourself. It looks better when the administration comes.

5. If you're the type of person who doesn't like to let people be assholes, don't be afraid to tell on people if they really fuck up. Sounds stupid, right? If you keep your mouth shut to them but then open it to the teachers, your teachers will trust you and are more likely to go easy on you. With that same yet opposite mentality, don't defend your teacher when another student is pestering them or else you'll look like a pet.

6. Be positive, and HAVE FUN, GODDAMNIT. It's normal to be uptight the first few days. After that, though, chill out.

7. Keep your mind open. You'll probably meet a lot of weird people and go through weird shit; that's just what high school's about. If you've got a narrow or closed mind while you're at this later stage of maturing, you're bound to screw yourself over.

8. Don't aim to get a boyfriend/girlfriend first thing, whether you've had them before or not. It's better to get a feel of high school before you go out looking for a distraction.

9. Don't piss off your seniors. You'll probably meet them a lot in clubs, so be wary.

10. If you can avoid it, don't bring lunch to school. Even if your food from home tastes better, it looks really bad. I, personally, don't give a fuck about how it looks. But if appearances are your thing, you should avoid it.

6 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-31 18:41 ID:vtjVwBMH [Del]

11. Don't use your locker until you have to. Lockers are a huge hassle between classes. Whether you're getting your ankles stepped on or are just late to your next class, they always seem to cause some annoying situation.


7 Name: Tomoya : 2012-07-31 18:47 ID:UOmZDxOB (Image: 400x236 jpg, 24 kb) [Del]

src/1343778448560.jpg: 400x236, 24 kb
You really have nothing to worry about.
The politics of being in highschool really aren't worth it and people can be assholes.
But hey that's what it's like in the real world.
Being worried or getting yourself physced for highschool really isn't worth the trouble and stress that attributes to yourself.
What do you mean by your personality/looks are kind of girly?
Are you a girl?
Be assertive but don't go out of your way to let someone know what you think about them.
It's better to have more friends than enemies.

8 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-07-31 20:51 ID:ejhvI+b+ [Del]

I agree with everything Barabi said except the lunch part. Maybe that's a thing where you are, but our school is actually split half and half here between lunches brought and bought.

Considering my food allergies have forced me to bring a lunch to school every day since 2nd grade, I may just be a little uptight about it, but yeah.

If you want to go with the flow, buy lunch the first few days and see what social pros and cons there are about it (if there even are any :P). Make your choice from there. Besides, it's not like you don't have the option to change whether you buy or bring.

9 Name: Sid : 2012-08-01 02:09 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

Best advice is don't try to be something you are not. Also it is practically the same as middle school, just different teachers and faces.

10 Name: YoItsSarah : 2012-08-01 12:09 ID:R8UNOAEc [Del]

Awwwwwww, thanks everyone! You all have great advice and tips. I'll be sure to follow them. (:
And yes, Tomoya, I'm a girl. xP

11 Name: amy : 2012-08-01 14:38 ID:p/1Xz6Kb [Del]

at like you are

12 Name: TaVSt !H7K/TguwHU : 2012-08-01 19:40 ID:5ddpTTJP [Del]

Starting in high school isn't as big of a deal as people make it out to be. Just find some close friends and go from there.

Oh, and join a club. Those are always fun, especially the "nerdy" ones.

13 Name: zero : 2012-08-01 21:06 ID:j/rlCvwe [Del]

keep out of drugs and crime oh and i strongly suggest you pack your own lunch becus school lunch is very very sick i wonder if it really was aproved by the fhd ok

14 Name: shadowhide : 2012-08-02 12:30 ID:DN3gdGQe [Del]

dont be cocky to higher class men they will kick your ass dude and dont go picking fights that is all the rest should be good and fall in line. Oh and by the way there WILL be drama A LOT be ready

15 Name: Miss.N : 2012-08-02 15:26 ID:lCls7zni [Del]

Highschool can be a big change, but as long as you don't act out of line everything should go just fine ^^ Be friendly and I'm sure you'll be fine.

16 Name: someone173 !LPt5GqYWXc : 2012-08-02 17:16 ID:aBmmWo7Z [Del]

Keep your grades in check.
Don't do drugs, not good for your health.
Have fun.
Make some good friends.
Be active in the school community/ join clubs, sports, volunteer, etc.

High school is nothing to really sweat about. And in the event you find yourself at the bottom rung of the hierarchy, know that in 4 years, everything about it will mean absolutely nothing.

17 Name: Sky Dash!o7FgAKUFnM : 2012-08-03 22:42 ID:1hzeiziY [Del]

My best advice would be to just take it easy. Don't expect too much. Know that things WILL change, especially yourself, so if you try to plan out your next few years don't be surprised when things go completely not how you could have imagined lol

That's kind of just life advice in general x3

18 Name: Bubbles O.o : 2012-08-04 00:21 ID:ao29d2Jg [Del]

my advice is to stay out of most drama because most of it is pure bullshit! Its fun if its nothing big but even the tiniest things can explode into world war III. but just enjoy it as most as possible and take all opportunities and don't regret it!!! For guys wise, don't always trust them and fall completely however there are some good guys out there but are hard to find.

19 Name: ecookman : 2012-08-05 11:08 ID:XlXPC88B [Del]

study hard, make good friends, avoid drama, most guys just want sex lol, and make the most out if it [highschool career not the last point]. When you hear highschool is the best time of your life, trust me it is...

20 Name: DK : 2012-08-05 14:44 ID:MgRUuEEU [Del]

Don't waste it.

21 Name: Muramasa : 2012-08-05 23:52 ID:uuAl27un [Del]

dont be a hooker, try your first year and gradually try less every year, and donr get sucked into drama its not worth it.

22 Name: The new guy : 2012-08-06 12:28 ID:wnmiV3Nw [Del]

Don't be a tool and do your own thing.

23 Name: The new guy : 2012-08-06 12:29 ID:wnmiV3Nw [Del]

So THATS what bump means.