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What do I do... (4)

1 Name: Tay-chan : 2012-07-30 02:56 ID:PG5zuzrI [Del]

So....two days ago my Bf told me his mom told him to break up with me because she thinks Im a bad influence....But he told his mom no so we're still together but....he hasnt talked to me in two days and .....Im scared if suddenly he doesnt like me or wants to listen to his mom..I really love him and Id die for him, I trust him and want him to be happy even if its not with me...I just dont know what to do I cant stop thinking he wants to break up...

2 Name: Setton : 2012-07-30 04:23 ID:y48CGn1b [Del]

If his mum thinks your a bad influence why dont you just do something good to make his mum change her mum.

3 Name: Hyoren : 2012-07-30 10:47 ID:FtUE+Lt2 [Del]

Chances are if he's willing to stand up to his mother and tell her no then he really likes you. However mom's still have the mom card and can very well take away his phone and such. That might be why you haven't heard from him. You should write a letter to his house or something out of the ordinary to contact him.

4 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2012-07-30 20:56 ID:1qZCnCtQ [Del]

Don't think about 'he's gonna break up with me.' Don't think about the problem at hand, u probly cant change his moms mind, so keep thinking of the solution. Wait til your able to contact each other, and I don't see how a mom has authority over breaking up a couple :( Solution: he stands up to his mom, try to understand his mom more maybe, like why does she think you're a bad influence? Is it the way u dress, personality, what u like? etc..
I hope it goes well for you and he contacts you back