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non existence (14)

1 Name: roxas132 : 2012-07-27 17:15 ID:0XYuzO+P [Del]

Ok here's the story I finally got out of my crazy ass house for like a month. I could've been out longer but my mom said she needed me to be a godanm baby sitter. So here I am at the house taking care of the kids and next thing u know my mom is bitching at me saying how the house was cleaner when I was gone and I thought to my self well who said they wanted me back huh. It sounded like she was saying that it was better if I didn't exist. And so I have been thinking for a few years now should I really have been born am I better off dead should even i exist at all. If I disappear I wont miss home because all that I do is get insolted by my sister and mom and only time my name gets called is either for me to do something or to get yelled at. What do u guys think.

2 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-27 17:54 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

I think, that I'll let someone else reply to this.

Your family loves you by the way.

3 Name: EmmaBBW : 2012-07-27 19:21 ID:ZlEEHjHJ [Del]

You always have to remember that there ARE people out there who care and that no matter what you we're born for a reason. Life always gets better. Some people get mad or disagree when they hear that but it is true, life ALWAYS has to get better.
And I am also sure that your family loves you.
Stay Strong :]

4 Name: Shiroi : 2012-07-27 20:45 ID:Y1lYRpWG [Del]

Everyones born for a reason and No one is better off dead. Your soul is precious and I'm sure your a wonderful person. And always remember that no matter what your family loves you. Stay Strong!

5 Name: roxas132 : 2012-07-27 21:34 ID:0XYuzO+P [Del]

Try telling that to my mom who repeates to me over and over again that I'm stupid and weak and my sister is smart and more athletic than me try going through that for 14 years

6 Name: Shadow : 2012-07-27 21:41 ID:v2JxwixJ [Del]

My moms a bitch. The way I get through all her shit is by imagining a bullet in here head...or her casket. ;)

7 Name: armchair : 2012-07-28 03:18 ID:+oOi97oy [Del]

here's the thing; nobody has a definite set personality. there is no set of rules for who you are, because we are all multi-faceted and changing constantly. any part of our body is normally no more than ten years old, our memories fade and we make new ones, and we find new interests and new friends. who you are now is different from you ten years ago, and different from you yesterday, and even from moment to moment you change, so to say you shouldn't exist is like saying a vast array of people and personalities are worthless. if you think that you shouldn't exist, just explore a new part of yourself and leave what you don't like behind, because in doing so you will be getting rid of what you consider unworthy of existence and creating something better. at any rate, you can't reasonably hate a person, only actions or aspects about them, and anybody who does hate a person regardless of what that person has done is only using them as an outlet for their own emotional problems , and you shouldn't take it personally. i know it is far too much to ask to say you should ignore them, but what i can suggest is that you try and understand the underlying reasons someone like your mom is really picking on you, because that can not only help you to help them, but it also makes it more objective, and can help it to seem less personal. its the dark side of empathy that helps you understand yourself by walking in someone else's shoes. that might all seem complicated, but just know that if worse comes to worse you can always run away and become someone new, and that is always a better option that suicide.

8 Name: roxas132 : 2012-07-28 13:31 ID:0XYuzO+P [Del]

U know if cps (child protection services) takes us away from my mom one more time ( that would make 3 or 4 times) she won't get us back again and I keep wondering when that day happens

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Helel : 2012-08-21 23:24 ID:8pdm2dld [Del]

Your mom seems a bit hard at you. Are you a first born? My parents also tell me that the house is quieter when I am not around!!! As if!!! The only thing to do is to prove her wrong, and make sure that there is no loophole for her to start ranting! Live, and one day, you'll be legal!!! That's one great shed of light for you. And try to put your aggression in the proper place, like a super power boost to cleaning the house!!! Your friends are there to help you out, and your mother is not the only person in the world.

11 Name: roxas132 : 2012-08-21 23:28 ID:XcXYbRvo [Del]

Im the second oldest. Oldest moved out of house because of family issues

12 Name: Helel : 2012-08-22 01:03 ID:jvhJIA9g [Del]

Then your home seems a lot more screwed up. maybe your mom is expecting you to be the oldest child now. Pressure i think. She might not want you to be like the oldest, that's why she's being so hard on you and puts a lot of expectations on you.

13 Name: Kibiyashi : 2012-08-22 09:44 ID:YluK+5J2 [Del]

yea same here im the oldest my parents do the same stuff and its worse becuz my parents are divorced and they have husband and wives

14 Name: Helel !9FPas2ywgY : 2012-08-22 10:35 ID:hW5Eb9wu [Del]

wow. (>>13) families are so screwed up. Well, let us just promise ourselves that we will never let our future children feel what we feel today.