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Do you think suicide is good? (37)

1 Name: Money : 2012-07-27 12:15 ID:3CqGAMAN [Del]

Recently I lost a friend from suicide. Suicide is the leading cause of teen deaths. So I wanted to know the benefits of suicide and disadvantages. I believe suicide doesn't solve anything. But I want to hear more opinions and try to prevent more suicides from happening. So please reply and state ur opinions.

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-27 14:20 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

I wouldnt be surprised if it was only occuring in first world countries. I dont really have anything to add aside from I think suicide is a waste of time

4 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-07-27 14:22 ID:ejhvI+b+ [Del]

-Benefits of suicide:
There are none.

5 Name: Kurosaki22 : 2012-07-27 14:28 ID:+nFGck+s [Del]

I'm sorry that your friend committed suicide. Sucide isn't good, there are more disadvantages for the family and friends of the person who commited suicide.

6 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-07-27 17:42 ID:yNWFEq/4 [Del]

I'm pretty sure the leading cause of "Teen" deaths are things like texting and driving, and/ or driving while under the influence of a substance. It is definitely NOT suicide.

7 Name: SaintJashin !MKDuXHJNdI : 2012-07-27 17:51 ID:UDtiEsxd [Del]

No Life is too preciouce, if you like things now, you will never get to like them every again."
Commiting suicide is a dumb idea and should never be done even int he worst cercomstances.
There are NO benifits to suicide.

8 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-27 17:52 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]


You're dead

I believe the pros outweigh the cons. We should all just go kill ourselves. (sarcasm)

9 Name: armchair : 2012-07-28 03:55 ID:+oOi97oy [Del]

suicide is such an interesting topic, because if you're like me you just want to help a suicidal person with all of your heart, even complete strangers. the problem with that is you will always get generic responses; people saying "your life has meaning!" "there are people who love you!" or "things will get better! stay strong!" and because all of those responses are so cliche it gives the suicidal person an even deeper impression that nobody cares and they are all being fake. the thing is that what a suicidal person is looking for is different depending on their circumstances. someone who is constantly talking about suicide and has made attempts is generally looking for attention and love. that's not to say their plights aren't substantial, just that the fix is relatively easy, so sometimes people downplay those types. then there are those people that take you by surprise, the people that have a seemingly nice life and seem happy but take their lives in a deliberate and planned matter. the prior is easy to spot and fairly easy to remedy, but the latter is more complex. people of the second category wont really let out hints or show signs of their struggle, so you can't really stop it, but more to the point if they are so deeply disturbed how do you help? really, if they feel that helpless with no apparent reason is it possible to help them? should you? a soul that tortured can improve their outlook on life, but often times it is so deep rooted that they can never truly be happy, and death could honestly be better for them. i don't condone suicide, and i think you should always do anything you can to help people see the good in life, because there is always reason to live, but i can't say it is never a good thing. if someone really does have that deep rooted need to die, it has absolutely nothing to do with logic. it is much more complex than that, and in those situations death could be the only thing to bring them peace. there is also something else to it; these suicides often cause a massive shock in the community, and everyone reflects for days or weeks on how something like that could happen, and it makes everyone a little more understanding and open to each other. i don't know if i can go so far as to say committing suicide was their purpose in life, but sometimes an unexpected suicide can really change things, and give a persons life a greater meaning and a legacy. i don't think suicide is worth it in any situation if it can be helped, and i always want to help anyone who feels so badly about their life that they think they need to end it, but i just wanted to point out there are a lot of different angles to this problem that are never looked at because people always react emotionally to this issue and rarely logically. you need to do what will help the person in question. be logical about it, handle it tactfully, try to understand the underlying causes of the problem so you can really help a person.

10 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-07-28 04:46 ID:Onn53pjk [Del]

>>9 Protip: spacing is your friend.

11 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-07-28 04:47 ID:4Eo1TdCf [Del]

>>8 This.

12 Name: DN : 2012-07-28 11:36 ID:Ux9K+8CP [Del]

Suicide might solve the person's problems, but it creates one HELL of a lot of problems for everyone involved with them. Personally, I think that suicide just wrecks people's lives. Not only does it cut a life short, but it also destroys the life of others that know the person.

13 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-07-28 18:27 ID:4KY+WV+G [Del]

It's an interesting topic. Generally, suicide is seen as a 'selfish' way of escaping one's problems. Which is completely wrong. Humans are hardwired for self preservation. It takes A LOT to destroy that instinct of survival.

14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-28 19:32 ID:r/0RqHK7 [Del]

>>13 It IS selfish, though. You are focusing on yourself. You're trying to get away from your emotional problems by removing your physical body. The self-preservation is still there - you're only trying to remove one part of "you" to get away from the "pain of life" that these people feel. They're too focused on their own pain that they can't bother to care about the feelings everyone else will have once they're gone. If they do care about everyone else's feelings, it is usually in a disillusional manner where their self-esteem is so bad they think nobody cares. Sometimes, nobody does. But chances are, if nobody cared about you, you wouldn't be kind enough to remove yourself from their presence.

>>1 I think that suicide is blatantly stupid, but I also think that we have no right to stop someone from committing suicide. It's equally as stupid to "save" someone from it. It's their body, and you have no right to stop them or "get them help" as you like to call it.

What people don't see is the other side of it. They think that all these people walk away and go, "What a stupid idea..." later on. However, there are plenty of times that that's not the case. Just because you "save" someone from committing suicide doesn't mean you've "saved" them. Putting them in therapy sessions doesn't always "save" them either. In fact, plenty of people repeat suicide attempts even with therapy; they sometimes try so hard to die that they're institutionalized. How the fuck does that help anyone? Oh, yeah - it doesn't.

Someone jumping off a bridge, hanging themselves, overdosing, or putting a bullet in their head has nothing to do with anyone else aside from the mess that has to be cleaned up. They may be emotionally hurting people, but they're not physically injuring anyone. Everyone emotionally injurs everyone all the time, mainly unintentionally but sometimes intentionally. It may be horrible for you to say that your son committed suicide, but it's still not your place to stop him. It's nobody's place to stop someone when they're using their body in a way that doesn't hurt others.

If someone wants to cut themself, it's not your place to send them to therapy. Talk to them, ask them what's wrong, ask them to stop; then, stop asking. If it makes them feel better, then you have no reason to stop them other than for your own selfish reasons, just like it's not anybody's place to stop another human being from taking their own life.

I don't mean to offend anyone, although I undoubtly did at some point considering how great of a natural skill of mine it happens to be. (Actually, I'm just pretty sure because I've offended people offline with this before.) I'd love to say sorry, but I don't give enough fucks to. It's my opinion; if you don't like it... well, go ahead and don't like it. Nobody's stopping you.

tl;dr || Suicide is stupid. It's even more stupid to stop someone from self-harm. IDGAF.

15 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2012-07-28 22:02 ID:GA/ELU0w [Del]

>>14 Emotional/psychological pain is just as real as physical pain. And just because people hurt each other emotionally all the time doesn't make it ok.

As for the topic of this thread: Simply put, I think suicide is bad. If someone is able to pull themselves through whatever it is that made them contemplate and possibly attempt suicide, I think they'll grow as a person. Mind you, I have no personal experience with suicide, so that's more of a guess than anything else.

Anywho, what it really amounts to for me is that if you die, you can't do stuff. If you're alive, you can do stuff. It could be important stuff or trifling stuff, but I believe that over the course of a person's lifetime, they strive to do things that have meaning for them, that fulfill them. Thus, I'd think they would enjoy life at least a little bit, which is a wonderful experience. And if you're dead, you can't do that. So don't be dead.

16 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-28 22:33 ID:r/0RqHK7 [Del]

>>15 In your opinion, of course. However, when it comes to the law, there are very few laws or prohibitions against emotionally damaging people. Even ones that claim emotional defenses rely on your physical body being present during the event (such as stalking) or for there to be a physical risk. The law hasn't started using emotional defenses until just recently for defending against minimal things like bullying.

Hence, you shouldn't be able to be forcibly stopped from doing something that wouldn't physically harm someone else, and you shouldn't be able to be forced into therapy or an institution for wanting to self-harm.

That's based on American law, of course. My personal morals say anyone who tries to stop someone from committing suicide has just as many issues as the person committing suicide. Are you really so selfish that you're going to force someone to go through with what they see as a horrible life for your own self-glorfication? So that you can say you saved someone? So that you're not alone? So that you don't have to cry? You may not be crying, but think about how much that person is going to be crying their eyes out afterwards. It's just as selfish to stop someone from killing or hurting themself as it is for someone to kill themself.

Going back to your first comment, there's nothing wrong with emotionally hurting someone. I mean, there's a lot wrong with it, yet there isn't. It sucks getting emotionally blown. However, it's a part of life. Some people are more emotional than others. I have a sensitive friend who runs off crying if you say one thing that isn't positive about situations that aren't even related to her. Is me commenting on gray skies just as bad as me punching her in the face? If hurting someone emotionally was just as bad as hurting someone physically, we would all have to have our emotions changed so they're all similar, and we would have predetermined responses for each person to make sure that they couldn't get offended. And this is why you can't put mental pain and physical pain on the same level, and that's also why the law can't get into it too much.

17 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2012-07-29 14:38 ID:GA/ELU0w [Del]

>>16 Hmm...interesting. You gave me a lot to think about. Thanks!

18 Name: *insertnamehere*!JcTfeoWUhU : 2012-07-30 00:26 ID:RO/cFT3H [Del]

don't become an hero please! And if you do not know what an hero is look it up

19 Post deleted by user.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-11 07:00 ID:b7Nmd1tE [Del]

For other people who did read the op, I feel like the reason they might be wondering if it is a good thing is because they might want some kind of closure or hope, that there was something good about what happened.

To answer the question, technically in certain situations there can be obvious reasons why suicide could be looked at as good. For example, if your organs can save a bunch of people, where your death will save multiple peoples.

But ignoring those situations, it feels like this becomes more of a religious question, where it will depend on peoples beliefs. If you believe there's nothing after death then it can be painful to think about. But to give my thoughts on this, I feel like there's a lot more to our existences than simply this life. So even if this is the end of this life there will be more where what's significant about this life and have more in that life where it won't yet be over.
How this life works we don't know, so if it is a kind of test or event that carries over to another life we probably won't know how what we do here would affect it. So in all seriousness, I do believe that it could be a good thing for someone to commit suicide, but probably not with the mindset of doing it thinking it was good.

You might find that this world and many things, work in strange ways, and despite how it looks, I feel like there's still a decent chance that it doesn't work how we expect it too, in a good way.

That was my lot of verbal diahrea, but if that made sense then thats good too.

21 Name: _Lighter_ : 2016-11-11 10:03 ID:y4C1TKwM [Del]

hm... difficult toppic but I'll try my best to express what I think about it.

First, I think most of the time suicide is an act of desperation because something happend to them that weights them down so much that they've lost all hope and see no other solution to get rid of it all but by killing themselves. So I think saving someone from suicide is neither heroic nor selfish if you do it not because you wanna feel like some kind of hero but because you deepy care about a person an want to help him/her to solve the problems that caused them to act that way and want to make them feel better, even if It'll take time. The important thing is to not just "let go" if the suicide attempt is over and that someone survived - the pain is far from over but there is a possibillity of life getting better so... yeah that's how I think about it. I don't think there is a "right" or a "wrong" way to see a situation like that. I all depends on personal experiences on the stuff we've been told.

However I think Suicide is not selfish because of the reason above. It is caused by pain they feel like they can't handle no more. Some who commit suicide might even feel bad about it before they do it because they know It might hurt others but they can't put that in consideration at that moment because, like I said, the pain they feel is too strong. That's why some leave a note behind to apologice with some last words, so that the ones left behind might not feel as depressed. The thing is... the pain isn't going to dissapear, it is not proven that after death pain will stop. Even if it would be the case pain wouldn't vanish - it would just spread and infect people woho know the person who died.

Actually most of the time there are underlying signs a person who is depressed want's to commit suicide like removing him-/herself from everyone even by using excuses or no explaination at all, lack of taking care of themselves and many more. Against what many belive many reach rout for help at first - or in the very last moment - but only with underlying signs and with a thinking pattern like "if you truly care you'd see it, come on you know me... please... someone.. just see whats going on". I know that sound weird but it's kind of an inner conflict for many. Many people wan't help but thnk that they are not worth the help, think that no one cares and that others would be better of without them or that they would only drag people down their dark path so to speak.

Also to those who think those wo commit suicide are weaklings: Everyone has a diffenret past that affects them in one way or another or even a disorder or disability with with they have to live each and every day that they keep to themselves. Some problems that might be easy to solve for you are almost unbearable for others. Not human being is exaclty the same, everyone is unique and handles certain situations different. Hurting someone emotionally, just by words, can kill people but words and affection can also safe people and help them getting better. Hurting someone physically can kill that person or make hin/her stronger in the long run, when he/she refuses to back down and goes on fighting and living. They are different from each other but can both have the same outcome.

What not to forget is that no one of us is safe from getting confrontet with situations that cause suicidal thoughts. For anyone life can turn arounf 180° in just one day, an hour or even a minute. Both ways: In a very negative but, and that is the good message, also in a positive way. Please remember that. You are not complety able to comprehend what someone feels, even if you are in the same position. You might roughly understand but not every single thing that goes through a persons head and how that person feels at that moment.

In the end I can understand some of the reasons why people take their own lifes but I think it is a way that should not be taken since it ends every possibillity of life ever getting better and having kind of a "second chance" at life as long as you are not deadly Ill.

Hm well now... I... don't relly know what else to say exept that I'm sorry that this happend to you and the friend of yours. I wish you a lot of strengh and I hope that he/she somehow found peace by taking this path.

22 Name: Blade : 2016-11-11 17:13 ID:pybnpZ1r [Del]

I wouldn't say it's good, but since I am sometimes suicidal, it definitely feels comforting knowing that it's an option. But no one should take their own life.

23 Name: builder396 : 2016-11-12 09:55 ID:dAm183wa [Del]

In all honesty: I have thought about suicide myself before. Specifically during the time when the wait for hormones dragged on and on with no end in sight.
If your life is dominated by a problem that you technically dont have a second respit from, and the solution to that problem is withheld for a long time, it eats at you. And yes, I considered doing DIY hormones and if that didnt work to just end it. Wouldnt have ever been happy anyway, and continuing my life that way wasnt an option either.

It is when all other options to continue life are worse than death, then suicide is permissible.
But that also means that in such a case all the good one could have done if they lived on will not be done.

24 Name: Red : 2016-11-13 08:26 ID:SzOxY8tr [Del]

Hurm. I will try to give my best opinion. To me, suicide is useless. Most people who commits suicide have suffered from something and in the end, they lost it and decided to kill themselves. They thought that everything will end if they did that. But, they're wrong.

I know that suicide is bad but we should at least understand the people who commits suicide. I don't think they will commit such act if there's nothing wrong with their life. So, if we find people like this, help them.

I believe that there's always be some kind of reason for our life. So, treasure it and enjoy our life until the end.

Stop running away from your problem and face it.

25 Name: Ryonosuke!FzAyW.Rdbg : 2016-11-13 09:22 ID:E/zCbvhm [Del]

I won't say suicide is useless.... i've thought about it myself before.... but the only reason I'm still alive is the probability of an afterlife. I mean, what's the point of killing yourself if there's just another life ahead of you?

26 Name: маленькое пламя : 2016-11-13 10:44 ID:DwhLzWeY [Del]

I'm very sorry for your loss. People often choose suicide because they are lost, confused, and hopeless. However, it is never the answer. No matter how hard your struggle is you should fight it. Things usually get better. I know it might not seem like it, but they will. To anyone who is contemplating suicide, you have a full life ahead of you. Don't waste it. What you do with it is your choice. Try to seek out the strange and exciting things, you won't regret it.

27 Name: Seline : 2016-11-13 11:10 ID:lpxWI9jV [Del]

Suicide is the easiest way to hide from problems. The one that is more difficult - it attempts to solve these problems. Well, for example: No friends? So go and find them! For life must be fought, and not squander it.
Please forgiven for errors. My English is poor...

28 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-11-13 11:18 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

>>26 Hey, I think your right on the "Why people choose suicide" part. Because the only times I ever have suicidal thoughts at all are when I feel lost, confused, and hopeless. I never have suicidal thoughts when I'm actually happy on the inside! I guess when you're happy and content, or busy, suicide doesn't even have a chance to slip into your thoughts. what a strange world!

29 Name: Akina : 2016-11-15 05:01 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]

Most people believe suicide helps escape the troubling they're going through alive and just bc they don't know how the afterlife is they just choose to chance it. There's honestly no such things as the easy way out b/c even if you're gone those ppl that care for those done suicide will still hurt, even a random stranger would wish to understand the person sometimes. There's different types of people everywhere and to really haven't cross path with anyone that might be good sounds like a very sad place. Even if you met them as a friend or family we failed you to save you. I won't lie to anyone but I had a friend that passed lasted summer. Everyone that knew him in school cried for him that day. I was very heartbroken too b/c we went to comic con together and it was so fun and parties. So for him to do that shocked me and my friend. We couldn't believe it but it was true. So with the thought of suicide does make me sad and I also have wanted to before. Instead I chose to fight a against it and go to therapy. My friend that passed didn't know I was suicidal so probably know I was now.

30 Name: Nickolaj : 2016-11-16 02:25 ID:BwmnSnP4 [Del]

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

31 Name: JamJam : 2016-11-16 12:10 ID:XgL0t/FB [Del]

People who commit suicide are very deeply depressed or they just don't change anything in their life. Basically, suicide makes things worse than better. But an advantage is that you don't have to deal with your shitty life if you are dead. Maybe.

32 Name: ImYourFriend : 2016-11-17 01:56 ID:ZDg8SGB+ [Del]

Hmm. if i were a suicidal person, i wouldnt thinkk twice about killing myself ONLY IF i have a huge amount problems that seems that cant be solves. whats worse than death? Torture. But suicide is a permanent one, so if i use the cool one, Ill just fake my own death.

33 Name: Tarquin : 2016-11-17 13:12 ID:bwJ51zRZ [Del]

Last year I attempted suicide three different times. I wanted to kill myself because I felt inadequate and I constantly felt like my faults would leave me to a life of feeling alone (Being alone and unwanted is my biggest fear). Three of my friends ended up helping me through it and were able to help me get rid of the suicidal thoughts entirely and my life has only benefited because I stopped.

If I had killed myself I wouldn't have the friends I have now, I wouldn't have been given an award for Best Leading Male Actor in my high school play, I wouldn't have realized I was gay and I wouldn't have had a boyfriend that I love with all my heart, I wouldn't have the drive that I have now to help people who felt the way I did when I was going through those problems, and I wouldn't have felt as happy as I am now if I had killed myself.

I've thanked those three friends a lot since they helped me and I doubt I'll ever be able to thank them enough for giving me the feeling of another chance at being happy. Now I am committed to spending the rest of my life trying to help motivate other people to live life to the best of their ability because I do believe that life is worth living.

I am very sorry to hear about your friend and I hope this has given you some insight and helps you.

34 Name: Unknown : 2016-11-19 00:49 ID:d/mhFt0Y [Del]

Depends whether suicide is good or bad if you kill yourself regretting something then that's bad but if you kill yourself knowing certainty that you really don't want to live anymore then that's just fine if you can't handle the problem that's causing you depression then how are you gonna deal with the problems up a head in the future, and besides there will always be people committing suicide in the world, the very soul shattering world that convince you to this but then again it can be avoided by the help of people close to you yet again if that person is way to deep down then it's pointless to convince him/her it would only mean nothing. Problems is always the cause for this if you kill yourself having a heavy feeling in your chest that you were never able to solve the problem then yes it is bad it did not solve anything but if you kill yourself yet you feel happiness that in this way you don't have to face the problem then yes suicide is still good for them that is but it may have a bad effect onto people close to you and if that is the reason then he run away from the problem the problem will dissolve because he'll never face it again no one else who'd care to that problem then who would carry the burden of that problem if he/she is gonna then that solves the problem, the problem will just disappear as how he disappeared but for example if the problem is about tax and loans and he have a child then child will carry the burden of the problem then the problem will survive and cause depression for that kid. Of course some religion or law will question this because of their own ideas about the matter but this is my idea and I believe it's the truth about the matter

35 Name: Some guy : 2016-11-19 02:32 ID:bpedSoJk [Del]

You could say that suicide is on a different level to other things that are bad because it's the only thing unforgiveable. As long as you're alive you will always get a second chance, so with suicide you won't get a chance to be forgiven...or something...

36 Name: Someone out there : 2016-11-19 18:14 ID:Mbg9/FzG [Del]

Well..It's definitely not something good.However,I understand why someone would consider it.I've attempted suicide before,with pills.However just when I started to feel like I was really about to die,I started screaming,and my parents rushed me to the hospital.First of all,life is a gift.Really,there may be some hardships..Okay,too many hardships,but I believe anyone can surpass them.U have no idea what you will be like 10 years from now,trust me..Things change.Also,even if someone attempting suicide feels all alone,they are not.My parents were devastated after my attempt and for a good amount of time this event caused many problems to our family.Really,suicide is a selfish decision,in my opinion.Someone may feel unwanted or worthless,but what about the people who actually care about them?Would they leave them like that??Well,no...That's a big mistake.I've turned out to be a really energetic person now,and I think that in the end,everyone is going to realize that,well..Life is worth the tears :)

37 Name: Kiki : 2016-11-19 22:40 ID:rgExChug [Del]

If you commit suicide, then that increases the chance of someone who cares about you committing suicide. Suicide is a sad and tragic way to die young. If you're sad enough to commit suicide, then you probably never really lived. Some people think that there's nothing left for them, but life always gets better, no matter what. So, no, I don't think suicide is a good thing.