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losing what matters most (17)

1 Name: armchair : 2012-07-07 01:39 ID:+oOi97oy [Del]

alright, first off, I'm not going to act like my life is horrible or anything because it's not. my issue is that my life feels bland and i can't seem to find meaning anymore. I have always felt that for my life to be whole one of a few things needs to happen, but recently a lot of those things have become almost impossible. just a quick example i won't go too deep into is that i have been tracking foxes in my area for a while now, and two days, literally, TWO DAYS after i found the den where the kits were being raised and made contact with the new kits one of them was killed. the dead body was lying at the mouth of the den and, as a result, the remaining foxes left the area and i have not seen a trace of them since. my issue isn't that i lost the love of my life or anything, it's that i keep getting these amazing opportunities that keep disappearing! i just need to vent a little, i guess, and it would be good to hear from someone on the dollars because i can't talk about this to anybody in real life.

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3 Name: BloodyPi : 2012-07-07 02:04 ID:uJdFNKhP [Del]

So, to summarise, you're bored? Get a new hobby I guess. Oppurtunities come and go, you know?

4 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-07 02:18 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

If all you want is to vent, then we have a random tought thread in Random, and a rage thread here in personal.

5 Name: armchair : 2012-07-07 02:19 ID:+oOi97oy [Del]

yeah, i know, you're definitely right, but it isn't just that i lost an opportunity, more that that missing my chance made it so that i might not ever get another shot, and it's happened in a lot of different areas of my life i find important. the more i think about it the more irrational i'm finding out i am. I have a lot of different areas of interest and am pretty diverse in that way, but i still feel like there is a void that needs to be filled with something specific. its hard to justify my bitching about topic that is so pointless, but i need to figure out what im feeling!

6 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-07 02:33 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

>>5 So what are you wanting help with? How to be rational? What you're feeling? What to do now?

7 Name: armchair : 2012-07-07 12:34 ID:+oOi97oy [Del]

i need to know what to do once you have reached a dead end. the best way i can describe it would be somebody practicing a sport over the summer and devoting a lot of time to the sport but then they don't make the team.(not that i play sports) so yeah, you can continue to play basketball or whatever outside of school, but now there's no advancement to be had, no goal to achieve. does that make any sense? I don't need a new area of my life to explore, I need closure that can't be had.

8 Name: Need a name : 2012-07-07 17:12 ID:6OFs3MUG [Del]

Sounds like you need a goal to reach for. Mine is change the world, and I've done a good bit over the past few months.

9 Name: armchair : 2012-07-07 20:09 ID:+oOi97oy [Del]

cool, what kind of stuff have you been doing?

10 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-08 01:01 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

>>7 You don't make the team. So give up? No, you practice more and more, and you try again next year. Don't give in, no matter what you do. Find something you can have a true passion for. You need something that you absolutely will not give up on, no matter what. You need a will to move forward with whatever it is. It's got to push you, and test you, and you willfalter from time to time. You're going to fall, but if your will is strong enough, you'll get back up, and do it again. When you finally reach that victory, to know that all your hard work has paid off and everything you've done, no matter how difficult has lead you to this success... That's an amazing feeling. But when you've reached that goal, why stop there? The greater the challenge, the sweeter the victory. Keep doing this, and one day, you may end up being somebody's hero.

11 Name: armchair : 2012-07-08 02:16 ID:+oOi97oy [Del]

there's sort of a problem with that in this situation; I do have that drive and all, but it's the goal that is missing. maybe sports were a bad example, so i'll use one of my real life issues. i want more than anything to get out in the woods and learn more about the foxes i have been watching for so long. i wan't to see the fox kits playing just like i used watched their parents, but now at least one of them is dead, and the rest are gone. my adventure was ended before it even started and there is nothing i can do about it. now i know more than i ever did about foxes, but i still want to continue watching and studying them in the wild but that opportunity is gone. i preferred it when my little enigmatic friends were around, but hard to find. have you guys ever felt like this? it's been happening a lot and i still don't know how to cope now that i can't expand in my areas of interest. anything from here on out would be compromise. sure, i can start tracking raccoons or deer full time, but that isn't what i've devoted my life to. I could buy a ninja 250 instead of the bennche megelli 250r, but i had my heart set on that bike and now there is almost no chance of finding one. i either have to move on to something new or settle, not because of a lack of motivation, but because the opportunities don't even exist anymore! it's so frustrating!

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15 Name: Yasaine : 2012-07-08 18:54 ID:02+YFxfp [Del]

Learn how to give to others. Thats how people are the most happiest.

16 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-09 17:29 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

>>11 Time to start focusing on a career then. Tracking and studying animals seems be be what you love to do. Time to prepare to become a zoologist. You'll get paid to study animals.

17 Name: Kyu : 2012-07-11 00:37 ID:02+YFxfp [Del]

Or study ecology if you care of the environment