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Help 4 a friend (8)

1 Name: Tatsuo !hylilKS3pw : 2012-07-01 01:16 ID:GgotDyNC [Del]

I will try to make this as clean cut as possible.
My friend (let's call him Joe) is currently living in a house where he is forced to do almost everything. Personally I wouldn't have believed it, and would have chalked it up as teenage bitching but I have seen it with my own eyes. His mom constantly bitches at him to do everything. She takes his money and spends it on god knows what, and his brother is of no help.
She has thrown out his computers to just get money and threatens to kick him out if he resists...
I don't know how to help him. I would like to help him with a place to stay but I can't due to my parents and my house being too small. I would like to have some advice I might be able to pass onto him or maybe if anyone knows ways to break away from stuff like this.

Thank you.

2 Name: atsuko !6yuAhgU.jM : 2012-07-01 05:59 ID:9rVploIY [Del]

where do you live?

3 Name: Yuuji-san : 2012-07-01 08:52 ID:4HATfiSM [Del]

What you explain is a form of neglect and abuse. This may be authorize to a specialist in this matter.

4 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-07-01 13:25 ID:xzRUkCvi [Del]

I'm with Yuuji on this. I say call child services or something. Maybe get a tape, or recording for proof.

5 Name: Tatsuo !hylilKS3pw : 2012-07-01 17:55 ID:w75Vpnla [Del]

>>3 >>4 I understand what you guys mean but sadly he doesn't want his mom to go to jail or anything like that. :/
At the moment he is trying to get a job so he can move out on his own. Thanks for the help.

>>2 We live in Texas.

6 Name: Yuuji-san : 2012-07-01 22:40 ID:JZTDO0oF [Del]

I can understand that a person cares for his/her parent, but if things get more out of hand then take the initiative to inform the authorities. There are chances that if his mother were to be lawfully punish, he may have to be place in temporary care by someone else since he's a minor.

7 Name: ScaredyJui342 : 2012-07-02 07:40 ID:NVFpfJNg [Del]

It's really sweet that he cares about his family....but I got one question does his mother prefer his brother or him? And does the mother consumes alcohol? If yes that's a pretty bad case....

8 Name: Tatsuo !hylilKS3pw : 2012-07-03 10:50 ID:C7+sxcuG [Del]

>>7 His mom doesn't really like either from what I can tell. And yea his mom does drink.
>>6 Idk if he'd be willing to do that :/ He's almost 18 so it's not like he's going to live there forever, but he also isn't able to get a job at the moment :/
I think that he will get a job as soon as he can and try to live on his own ASAP.