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Wisdom Teeth. (16)

1 Name: qqq : 2012-06-26 08:28 ID:BULGdqZP [Del]

So. I'm getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed later today. In about 5 hours actually. And I'm pretty scared believe it or not haha. I mean, not of the actual procedure (cause i'll be all drugged up and jazz) but just the fact that I'll have something in me thats being removed...if that makes sense at all.
Well the reason why they're being removed is cause of small pain in my teeth, which I originally thought were because of bad hygiene (but it wasnt.. my teeth are "beautiful" lol)
I was looking it up and heard that it's generally a good idea, although about 30 (i forgot.) percent of wisdom teeth removal isn't/wasn't needed/not necessary..
Reason for making this thread, well, should I be worried like I am? Have you had your wisdom teeth removed/why? Any sort of reassurance you can offer? Not that I'm worrying much.. Or am i?

2 Name: blauherz : 2012-06-26 17:37 ID:SZZZIdDo [Del]

well, i guess its too late now :\
but they wanted to take out my wisdom teeth too,
because there is little room,
but i sayed no: "my body ll make space when its needed."
so yeah, theyre half bedded half out, and little room,
but no pain or wahtsoever :)

3 Name: anon : 2012-06-27 01:24 ID:q3CjpYyE [Del]

I had my remove last year and I remember next to nothing 0__0
those painkillers really work I had to take some every couple of hours...the worst part was that you'll probably wake up from the anesthesia with a mouth full of bloody gauze and your cheeks will look swollen for the next few days
Good luck! ~

4 Name: Raini Satans : 2012-06-27 11:59 ID:Bzt6bjuh [Del]

whoa im getting mine removed tomorrow. bad thing , my denist is a total whacko

5 Name: Raini Satans : 2012-06-27 11:59 ID:Bzt6bjuh [Del]

whoa im getting mine removed tomorrow. bad thing , my denist is a total whacko

6 Name: qqq : 2012-06-27 12:16 ID:OJ01SWqS [Del]

it's been about 22 hours since they've been removed. after I came home and slept, when I woke up i was in the worst pain ever. Very very painful, 8/10 I would say. even though it hurt I forced myself to take the pain medication (which was good) and i was soon fine. Now i'm having nausea fits though and it really sucks.

7 Name: qqq : 2012-06-27 12:22 ID:OJ01SWqS [Del]

how great. right after i pressed the 'reply' button i just puked.. i'm trying to figure out what the cause is, the last time it was after i took the medications.. this is great.

8 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-06-27 14:49 ID:Eq8wvB4R [Del]

Welcome to the wonderful world of post-surgery.

The pain is normal. I had a different kind of surgery in my skull, and the pain was excruciating for several days. Just take the pain meds, don't eat anything you're not supposed to, and you'll be fine soon enough. It's not so bad.

As for the puking, I suggest calling up your doctor.

9 Name: qqq : 2012-06-29 23:04 ID:V25MK9AC [Del]

I dream of food when I sleep. I hate painful stuff

10 Name: Johnnyboi26 : 2012-06-30 02:49 ID:TtcxElHT [Del]

I had mines removed last week *all four of them*
they gave me Anesthesia and somehow i woke up during the pulling and drilling :S man was it scary lol but afterwards the pain wasn't that bad, it just suck that you have to eat soup for a couple of days

11 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-02 09:42 ID:rYH2HqV3 [Del]

for some reason every time I go to the dentist they say if I got my Wisdom teeth removed, I never did though :\

12 Name: Kaori !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-07-02 19:48 ID:dmCTHT13 [Del]

omgawsh, my most sincere sadness to you qqq D; That sounds mom is telling me i have to get mine taken out sometime soon @-@ wut a hopeful experience. My bro was sposed tu jist get 4 teeth taken out but they took out 7 an' he was.....HAPPY? THE FUUUUUUU

Yeah, I have no idea, i think he's an exceptional one >_> hope you get better.....and yay food 8D

13 Name: Cuko : 2012-07-03 01:26 ID:wucpWDQF [Del]

I have to get mine removed sometime... Reading this makes me nervous ><

14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-03 12:00 ID:zCwfxBYz [Del]

Ugh. That sucks. I hope you're feeling better now :< I still have to baby teeth that have yet to fall out :T They're probably gonna get pulled at my next dentist visit... /avoidingthedentist

15 Post deleted by user.

16 Name: Obsidian !vFA5QOIIik : 2012-07-04 03:55 ID:omeEf+lU [Del]

This makes me recall the time I had a tooth pryed out of my mouth years ago when I was a kid. I got it yanked out for a reason like "the tooth is infected and has to go". Painful experience, that was, considering I didn't get drugged while it happened. Halfway through the process of ripping my tooth out of my gums, my tooth had actually cracked and shattered a bit.

I don't recall how my post operation recovery went, so I hope you get well soon OP.