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Having issues with the future (6)

1 Name: Shade : 2012-06-25 23:41 ID:gRftFUxC [Del]

I havn't been here in about 3 months, but the last time I was in this section peoples advice really helped me out, so I figured i'd come here again.

I've given up on the idea of attending a fancy boarding school for the sake of a fantasy and quite possibly my own sanity, but thats besides the point. I'm stuck in a rut about what I want to do with my life. I'm 16 now and that means i'm old enough to legally work. My parents want me to start thinking about, not just getting a job to start out, but they also want me to start thinking about college and what kind of career I want in the future.

For a few years now, I thought that I wanted to be a video game developer, but recently I started having doubts about that career choice, despite the fact that I have 6 great game idea's. After this doubt was placed in my mind, I found out that I loved mysteries(Yes, I just figured this out and it may be the key to why I can't get interested in any girl in my school. They reveal everything and there's no mystery to them. Just plain uninteresting.). So I thought, maybe i'd make a great detective. I've already proven to my friends that I can solve mysteries easily. That goes double for puzzles(It relates in some ways.). However, in order to become a detective(unless you go straight for private detective.) you have to be a police officer first, and i'm not so interested in that. Now, just over the past week or so, I realized that voice acting was something that I was interested in and could do really well. I love making people laugh with my funny accents and what not. Though this is a field thats hard to get into, and even if you do, most of the time, you don't get payed enough to have just that as a job.

tl;dr: My parents want me to start thinking about my future, and I can't decide what I want to do more. Do I want to be a Game Developer, a Detective/FBI Agent, or a Voice Actor for Anime and other media?

I'm hoping you guys can help me try to sort this mess out or just give me some good advice. Thanks.

2 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-26 00:05 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

Just wait. Focus on grade good enough to get you into whatever college has a major for a job you might be interested in later. Try new things. For fuck's sake, you're 16, you aren't going to know what you wanted to do with the next 50 years of your life.

3 Name: Cee : 2012-06-26 01:21 ID:inmWt+6N [Del]

I think that no matter what you want to be, you're always going to have doubts. I've gone through phases and phases of what I wanted to do and how I was going to get there, but I think the whole point is to be able to achieve what you want without giving up about it and just pushing through. Stop thinking about the pay, how hard it is to get into, and how well you do it. Focus on what you what to do and what you like to do. I mean do you seriously want to do a job that you won't enjoy? Exactly. I wouldn't want to be one of those people who have a job that I don't want to do and I'm sure you don't want to become one of those people either.

4 Name: road 8!SE9y3GiU.k : 2012-06-26 06:06 ID:x/MrzJu9 [Del]

>>1 I really don't know how things work at your country about college and grades and stuff, but I'll tell you this, being pressed to decide your life's path from the age of 18 or 16 or whatever, is if not impossible, it is really difficult.
I have been there and I have those things to say to you and whoever else has the same troubles.
First you have to know that you won't have only one job in your life, you will change many jobs, and most of the times they will be completely irrelevant to each other.

Secondly, exactly because of the first fact, I recommend you to choose studies that will work as a platform to build your future on. What I mean is that try studying something general,like economics, sociology,or stuff that at the first state are not too specialized. In this way when you will be a little older you will have more experiences and thus more info to base your choice on.
Thirdly working at a local store from your 16 would be really helpful. It will help you understand how things actually work on the market , and as I said before it will give you experience!
and last but not least I can see that your choices are based on your life till now and a bit influenced by maybe some games you play or movies,TV series and anime you watch. Please try not to be too influenced by those. I don't say that those jobs you want arenot good,hell they are facinating. Yet when you will grow older you might find out that you are not as awesome as L as a detective or as House as a doctor and youmight find that this thing is not for you.
All I'm saying is that try and look a bit out of the familiar environment you have,because from personal experience I wanted to be a doctor while watching House ,but now I know I can't stand blood. Also I used to play shooting games but in reality I'm a lousy shooter and a chicken when it comes to real guns XD.
so yeah I made my point...and I hope I have helped.

5 Name: Shade : 2012-06-26 16:03 ID:sgcJxr0U [Del]

Thanks for the advice everyone. After reading all of your advice, and talking to a few of my friends about it, I think the likely route i'm going to look at first is becoming a Voice Actor. Since its not full time work, I can take up a second job as an author. Turn my video game idea's into novels so they don't go to waste. Combine both and I should have a pretty good, stable income and be happy with my jobs. Though film adaptations of my novels will be limited to Anime or just normal animated films. No live action.

6 Name: harlequin : 2012-06-28 02:51 ID:KKBw0nVt [Del]

being an author has gotten very easy with the introduction of
e-readers you can publish through amazon quite easily and make
a couple a bucks per download i know a few people who have made
a decent living from it