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Alcohol (52)

1 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-06-23 19:22 ID:GLR96g3B [Del]

So this is more of a preference/ethics thread, I suppose. But I was curious about how many of us consume alcoholic beverages.

  • Are you of age? Do you drink? How often? How much?

  • Are you underage and drink? How often? How much?

  • Do you think that underage drinking is good or bad?

  • I am eighteen. I drink on occasion even though the legal age is twenty-one. Usually it's when I go home on breaks, under the supervision of my parents. Usually it's vodka, and I get buzzed, never drunk. I never drive if I'm going to drink, and I never drink if I know I'm going to have to drive.

    I have mixed feelings about the concept of underaged drinking. The younger you are, the worse an effect alcohol will have on your body. I don't think adolescents should drink, but from the age of seventeen on, it's not as much of an issue. Still, be responsible about it.

    2 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-23 20:16 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

    I believe this should go in random. Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

    3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-06-23 22:06 ID:Onn53pjk [Del]

    Given it's about personal preference, I'd say it belongs in either one.

    I've tried drinking before, and honestly I can't give a straight opinion on it. For whatever reason it is biologically impossible for me to get even tipsy - I either don't drink enough, or I drink so much my liver tries to gut me from the inside before I get a buzz. I'm the same age as you, so I only do so when at a trustworthy friend's house anyway.

    In my experience, it just makes drinks taste terrible, since the desired effect hasn't worked for me yet. But maybe I just haven't been exposed to actually good liquor yet and my friend sucks at making mixed drinks.

    I don't really have anything against underage drinking as long as people aren't stupid about it - something hard to assume when by definition it impairs your judgement. The law for underage drinking is in place so that impairing effect isn't combined with adolescent stupidity, and to me the age restriction is just a cutoff for the "safe age" at which more people have better judgement. So if you meet the competency requirement nonetheless and you don't get caught, it's not a big deal.

    4 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-06-23 22:07 ID:GLR96g3B [Del]

    >>3 I would like to point out that my over-21 friends have done more stupid shit drunk than my under-21 friends, which is ironic as hell.

    5 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-23 22:44 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

    >>3 But it's not a personal problem for which OP is seeking help.

    Anyways, I'm underage and drink rarely.However, when I do drink, I'm responsible. I've never once been drunk, or even had a buzz. It just depends on how responsible someone is.

    And the reason the age is 21 is because your brain doesn't finish fully developing until 21, and consumption of alchohol before then can have adverse effects on the brain such asstunted growth. I do still think that the drinking age should be 18, though.

    6 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-06-24 01:12 ID:kspk8Eet [Del]

    I am 18 years old, and I do drink (legally). I'm a social drinker, having a glass of wine or two, a margarita, or a screwdriver on occasion. I usually don't go past 2-3 whiskey shots worth of alcohol on any given night.

    I'm under the impression that the age does not matter, rather the environment and intake that needs to be controlled. I've had alcohol tastes since I was 5, in controlled amounts given to me by my parents in my home. As I grew older, the amount I was permitted to have increased. My only limit now is when the wine bottle is emptied by the family, or when my dad has hit his limit and says I shouldn't have any more.

    I drink for the flavor, the luxury, rather than to get hammered. Although, getting thoroughly drunk is rare for me (I have a fairly high tolerance to alcohol), and not something I'm entirely opposed to as long as I toss my keys to a sober person.

    7 Name: meteor : 2012-06-24 05:53 ID:TdAV2IRm [Del]

    i'm underage, and only drink when my parents buy me a bottle for my birthday. i've drank vodka, red wine, beer and gin. never really drank to wasted.

    i had my first when i was 2. my father gave me beer, which had me laughing the entire night. and my country's really loose on those kind of laws. as long as you can buy it, you can drink it. almost every store has its store of the beverage.

    and drinking is bad when you overdo it, as everything else.

    8 Name: Mayu : 2012-06-24 08:17 ID:rdYHMR6C [Del]

    I personally am of age to drink Ive never had any alcohol. I think underage drinking is wrong unless your country has specific laws saying an age or no age limit.

    9 Name: Stellen : 2012-06-24 09:17 ID:SG1MjRW6 [Del]

    I'm underage and I don't drink, though I did once as an experiment. There is nothing inherently wrong with underage drinking, as the only thing that makes it underage is the standards the government sets for us. Otherwise, it's just drinking. It is a personal choice, but I don't think children should drink without the consent of their parents. I generally do not judge, unless you are completly irrational and are drinking half a bottle of vodka at the age of nine.

    10 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-24 13:08 ID:4Eo1TdCf [Del]

    I'm underage, and I don't drink at all. I've taken sips of alcoholic drinks before when offered, just to try it, and I found the taste really disgusting, so I doubt I'll be much of a drinker even when I'm of age, unless my taste buds dramatically change.
    As for underage drinking, I think it depends on how responsible you are. So long as you set limits and are sensible when it comes to alcohol, and don't do anything dangerous (i.e. drink driving) then it's not much of a problem, although high amounts of alcohol has very negative effects on the body and eventually on the mind as well.
    In a nutshell, so long as you're sensible and don't overdo it, I don't see any problem.

    11 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-24 13:57 ID:o0jhT0yy [Del]

    I am 23, and I drink.

    I don't normally drink a lot, anymore, and not as much either.
    But sometimes I find myself just wanting to get drunk, and hang out with friends. Last night I drank the store bought "Cheery Moonshine", drank it, ate the cherries. Drank Budweiser, Bud Light, Vodka and just partied. Now I used to drink like that every night. Well worse than that.

    I don't now, and the reason being is that right now I'm sick as a fucking dog.

    Also Ayaka, you'll find that some drinks taste good. When you are of age, go look for Boons Farm Wine. It's a very tasteful series of drinks.

    12 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-06-24 17:44 ID:Onn53pjk [Del]

    >>4 Well, the restriction isn't perfect haha :V

    >>5 Ah, I guess the board description does imply it's for those seeking help in some manner. Although, this board is also the home of the rage thread, which is really just ranting about your personal experiences. I figured the personal board was a good enough category for things that related to personal experiences - the further away from making things exclusively random, the more relevancy we achieve, IMO.

    >>6 You'll have to recommend some, all I've had so far is shitty vodka and cheap fruity drinks.

    13 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-24 18:21 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

    >>12 I don't really see anyone in disagreement so I don't really give two fucks if it stays here, lol.

    14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-24 19:51 ID:JjtgsZ8Y [Del]

    I'm 15, and I do not drink. I've had glasses of champagne, a cup of wine, and a couple sips of beer. (I'm not including the beer I drank in my sleep in this count >o>) Of course, I've also had a sip of some other things when I was younger, mainly accidentally. Not really a big enough deal for me to remember in detail.

    To be honest, alcohol just doesn't interest me. I'll drink champagne because it's rude not to at certain celebrations, but I don't intend to drink much more than that, even when I'm of age. Most of the alcohol I have consumed just didn't taste good. When I'm older, I may drink red wine, just because it's really good for you. Aside from that, I'm not interested. I've also seen what drinking can do to a person first hand, and I don't want to ever think of myself getting in those situations. I'd prefer to not lose my wits.

    I do not think underage drinking is good, but I don't think drinking just because you're OF age is good, either. I think drinking should be reserved for when your body matures, and it should not be for the goal of getting drunk. In some forms, alcohol is just a poison to your body - literally. There's a reason you puke when you get too drunk, kiddies, and unless you're drinking fucktons of red wine, it's not just because of the acidity. Drinking a lot of anything isn't good for your body - nevermind when it's alcoholic.

    I also feel that most young drinkers don't drink for the goal of enjoying the taste. They just drink because they can, or they drink to get drunk. Drinking to get drunk is never good, in my opinion, even if you're with your friends. You're impairing your senses and unsettling your body. Would you purposely shove your fingers into your eyes out and shove sticks in your ears after hanging upside down for twenty minutes? No? Then why would you purposely get drunk, which, for some people, will equally impair those senses?

    I just can't understand the mindset behind that. I don't mind social drinking, even though I personally am not interested in alcohol. My main problem with drinking is when the goal is to get drunk. Whether it's in an adult or a child, it's extremely stupid. Those people are the ones that give alcohol a bad name, and there's a higher ratio of kids aiming to get drunk when they drink than there are adults, as far as I can see.

    15 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-24 20:25 ID:85nazzS+ [Del]


    Many who drink just to get drunk, do it to get more calm. Whether or not it's stupid is something that is arguable, because it's still an opinion. I rarely get drunk now, but when I do, I do it to calm down. I do it, to enjoy where I'm at.

    If I'm going to do anything at all, I don't drink. Even if it's a little bit. But the moment I find out I'm not doing anything, and others are drinking, I drink, too.

    People who get drunk because they wish to, do it because they enjoy it. Whether or not it impairs people's bodies shouldn't be a reason why those who enjoy it, shouldn't do it.

    16 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-06-24 20:53 ID:GLR96g3B [Del]

    >>5 There is no documented information saying that is true. Some argue that by eighteen the mind is fully developed (hence the law being 18 in Europe) while others will go as far as to say complete development isn't until age 24.

    >>11 You've come into the BBS/Chats drunk before. It was lulzy.

    17 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-24 23:37 ID:yV3VSv8N [Del]

    If I put a "Stop alcohol abuse" thread on Missions, will it be a duplicate because of this thread?

    18 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-24 23:59 ID:o4KJXi18 [Del]

    >>17 no, entirely different. This is just discussing about Alcohol, the thread you're suggesting is to stop abusing it.

    19 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-25 00:13 ID:yV3VSv8N [Del]

    >>18 Just the person I wanted to ask! Okay. I'll consider making that thread too. I doubt anyone will look at it, but it seems like a good mission to me. You should be here more often. I like you answering my questions.

    20 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 01:11 ID:JjtgsZ8Y [Del]

    >>15 "Many." I'm sorry, but amongst the younger community, most of them aren't getting drunk to get, "calm," unfortunately. Also, from the experiences I've heard of, you can get calmer without getting completely drunk. Some people flip a shit when they get completely drunk - how is that calm? Stopping at a light buzz isn't that bad, but aiming to get dead drunk to the point where you can't do anything is fucking retar- I mean, isn't a particularly great choice of action. That statement is going to stand as my opinion.

    "Whether or not it impairs people's bodies shouldn't be a reason why those who enjoy it, shouldn't do it."

    Of course that's a reason ಠ_ಠ It's a damn good one, too. I honestly do not think I need to explain myself here. You're putting yourself in a situation where you can't make proper judgements. It's dangerous for both yourself and those around you.

    I honestly would like someone to explain that process of thought to me. Why would you purposely put yourself in that situation? Something other than "because it feels good." That excuse just isn't valid. Why not? Well, isn't that the same excuse druggies use? That wife-beaters use? That rapists use? That doesn't make anything right, and it doesn't shatter my reasoning at all. I don't understand the state of mind of people who try to get dead drunk.

    21 Post deleted by user.

    22 Name: Meow : 2012-06-25 04:05 ID:V3TgHd2d [Del]

    I think they're just trying to drown themselves in alcohol because it addles their minds and makes them forget their problems. Maybe their just trying to kill themselves but can't pull the trigger. Thus they do stupid things and say, "Hey, the drink made me do it."

    23 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-25 10:19 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

    >>16 Regardless of how true it is, that's the reason given for the law.

    And most people who drink to get drunk do it because they want to "get shitfaced" and party, or because they need the alcohol to do something they otherwise wouldn't have th courage to do.

    24 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-06-25 15:38 ID:GLR96g3B [Del]

    >>20, See >>22 and >>23, and it makes more sense. If you drink to get shitfaced, you generally have an underlying problem or an invincibility streak, for lack of a better word. From what I've seen, once the underlying problem is resolved, alcoholism generally goes away. And once you mature, getting shitfaced doesn't matter anymore.

    Personally, I drink alcohol because I like the taste of alcoholic drinks. As I said before, I don't get drunk. I be responsible about it.

    25 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-25 15:43 ID:85nazzS+ [Del]

    I get shitfaced cause I want to. I don't have some problem. Why is that hard to comprehend? Why is it so hard to understand that not everyone has a fucking problem, just cause they do shit you all don't like? Just because I drink to get drunk a lot of the time, doesn't mean I'm hiding from problems, or that I have some issue needing to be resolved. I just like to do it.

    You all need to stop trying to play "Therapist" and trying to say everyone has a problem if they drink more than 'you do'.

    Just understand that not everyone is the same, and what may be problematic to you, or to those around you, may just be normal to others just because they enjoy it

    26 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-06-25 15:50 ID:GLR96g3B [Del]

    >>25 I'll let it go, then. In my personal opinion, I'm going to continue to think you do have an underlying problem; I have every right to do so. But you know your body and mind better than I, and of course you have the freedom to drink to your heart's content.

    27 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-25 15:55 ID:85nazzS+ [Del]

    Still, there is no actual reason, whether or not you've the right, to think I have some problem. You may have experienced problems with family or friends, but I am someone you don't know.

    You can continue to think it, but until you actually KNOW me (which won't happen) it'll be baseless opinions.

    28 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 16:52 ID:JjtgsZ8Y [Del]

    >>25 You get shitfaced because you want to, alright. But why? Please, tell me what is so enjoyable about being shitfaced if you don't have any specific reason to drink so much.

    29 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-25 18:05 ID:gJ1Pr/8F [Del]

    Because I can. Free Will. Because the feeling isn't all that bad, and if you do it in a safe place, around friends, with no way to drive, it becomes highly enjoyable. We had pool to play, food to eat, music to listen to. Plus the drinks.

    You never should drink when pissed. That is when shit gets bad. I only drink when in a good mood, and the time calls for it.

    30 Name: FlyingKnives : 2012-06-25 21:34 ID:ljO6S52Y [Del]

    I'm way underage, but I've drank before. I've only drank enough to feel drunk and only a few times, It's not good for you under any circumstance, so I made sure to limit myself. The people I drank with were a couple of my friends and my awesomely awesome sister. I'd say underage drinking is ok ONLY under responsible company (not nessicarily parents), in heavy moderation, and when not failing classes.

    31 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-25 21:41 ID:uZGFOGG/ [Del]

    In my state it is legal to drink in a residence with your parent at any age. At 17 I've taken advantage of this law on several occasions.

    I drink because I like the taste of the drinks. I like cuba-libres (rum in coke), pina coladas taste better with some rum in them, and I personally like sake (I wouldn't suggest it to most other people though). I refuse to drink most wines, they simply taste like straight vinegar to me, but some of the sweeter ones are good.

    I don't see a problem with drinking if you're responsible about it. Don't drive/do stupid stuff ect. Drinking to get drunk is pretty stupid considering the affect alcohol has on the body, but it's your body so who cares? I want to get drunk just once to see what happens. Just once. Considering I have an insanely high tolerance to everything this may take awhile.

    32 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-25 23:02 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

    >>29 Because I can. I can kill someone. Doesn't mean I should.

    33 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-26 06:05 ID:JjtgsZ8Y [Del]

    >>29 "it becomes highly enjoyable"

    Why? Why is it so enjoyable?

    34 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-06-26 06:39 ID:Onn53pjk [Del]

    Being drunk releases inhibitions. You feel less shame, less restraint, and less of a tether to norms you have set for yourself. It gives you a sense of freedom, while on the flipside those restraints were the things that made your judgement sound in the first place.

    The more astute would recognize that i've never been drunk - I'm speaking from the perspective of my brother, who is 24. I can vouch for his good judgement; he doesn't push getting shitfaced, but he does get drunk when the occasion calls for it. He wouldn't do so if it was somehow unenjoyable.

    There seems to be a pointless argument brewing (GET IT?? BREWING? BEER? Someone kill me) when it's really all a matter of opinion. Barabi, you place a lot of importance on keeping a standard of high logic and brain function at all times, but understand that not everyone does this all the time, and it doesn't make them lesser for doing so. MKOLLER is technically in the right to make assumptions based on prior experience; that's just how cognition works. But I do agree with Thiamor that people just have different mindsets and that concept shouldn't be beaten into submission.

    35 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-06-26 10:12 ID:7+aliv6z [Del]



    I thought you hated puns

    36 Name: reiko : 2012-06-26 10:31 ID:oddRFx/H [Del]

    under age drinker here Xp
    I dont drink often but i do drink at parties...
    and I oly drink red wine soo yeah
    And i think under age drinking is bad so dont do it!!

    37 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-26 12:35 ID:UPp0Lx9Y [Del]

    >>32, no, shouldn't compare that with what I said, because it's still 2 different things. My wanting to drink doesn't compare to people wanting to kill.

    38 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-26 12:57 ID:yV3VSv8N [Del]

    I don't want to read this whole thread because I don't want to read an argument between you guys about whether you think drinking is good or bad.

    Most kids under the age of 21 drink simply it's against the rules. (I'm going by American standards, so if you don't live there don't bother arguing.)It's the same thing with drugs. They think it gives them a baddass image that makes them more attractive in other people's eyes, or they do it just to fit in with everyone's badass image.

    I don't care about under-aged drinking. I think the only reason why they have an age limit is to prevent stupid kids from drinking to get drunk all the time. Adult are more mature, so they are less likely to do stupid shit like that. If you drink the amount that your body can handle without getting drunk, then have fun with that.

    I don't see why people get drunk. I understand one or two to knock the edge off when you're nervous, but full out drunk? Alcohol is a depressant, so drinking will actually make you more depressed. On top of that, do you really want to spend the night puking and have a hangover the next morning? People feel like shit after being drunk. Do you want to know how some people deal with the hangover? They drink more. I don't want to even get into the stupid things people do when they're drunk, but it wouldn't be a valid argument without it.

    If you hold your acohol well, then this doesn't pertain to you. Do you know how many people do stupid shit when they're drunk? How about hoe may people are killed because of drunk driving? What about the people who are angry drunks? Or the people who get others drunk to rape them? What about the people who die because they drink with their medications? Or the people who die of alcohol poisoning? What about the alcoholincs? How about the damage alcohol does to your body? There are a lot of bad things that happen because of drinking.

    I don't care if someone wants one or two drinks, but bad things happen when people drink to get drunk. There are more cons than pros, and I don't think the pros outweigh the cons. I personally think that the hangover the next day is enough to keep me from getting drunk. I just wanted to throw in my two cents about this conversation.

    39 Post deleted by user.

    40 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-26 15:01 ID:9I5RmDJ+ [Del]

    Well, I find drinking in general perfectly fine as long as you're responsible. My rule for most things is that as long as you don't hurt others or yourself (yourself is bendable I guess), then it's okay.
    I don't however completely agree with under age drinking, because in most cases, people AREN'T responsible about doing so at that age. Especially teenagers, who often have poor judgement.
    I don't, personally, drink, and don't plan to. A weird thing about me is that I don't want to drink, but I'm curious about how it feels to be drunk :l. Anyways, off topic. But, I am very young, so my opinion may change.
    To wrap up my feelings on the subject; I don't have any problem with drinking as long as you don't hurt anyone doing it.

    41 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-06-26 15:42 ID:GLR96g3B [Del]

    >>38 Good points, but I want to clarify a few things:

    Alcohol is a depressant, so drinking will actually make you more depressed.

    True, but it also doubles as a relaxant. I know when I drink it puts me to sleep. Your mileage may vary, however.

    Do you know how many people do stupid shit when they're drunk?

    I can attest to this. I was on RA Duty when my drunk friends did stupid shit, got disorderly and had to be escorted to their rooms.

    How about how may people are killed because of drunk driving?

    Personally, I hate this argument, because the same or worse can be said of texting while driving. It's also completely preventable and only a small percentage of those who drink will get behind the wheel because they are too stupid to think beforehand. As a driver and someone who drinks, I know never to mix the two.

    What about the people who die because they drink with their medications?

    You have to be some kind of idiot to drink while on medication to the point where it's life threatening. Granted, this has happened to me before. My first time, I drank way too much and the following day almost had a seizure. I learned my lesson. Now I make sure to not drink in excess, and to manage my medication wisely if I intend to drink.

    Or the people who die of alcohol poisoning?...How about the damage alcohol does to your body?

    The main damage to one's body is through the liver. You need a liver to stay alive, otherwise the alcohol isn't being filtered before entering your bloodstream. Alcohol is just another brew of ethanol (you know, like the kind that goes in modern day cars). It's toxic as you increase the amount that is in your bloodstream, as it impedes bloodflow and oxygen circulation to the brain.

    People have gotten their BAC up to .24 and lived easily. Beyond that, you're asking to die. On the other hand, people with a BAC as low as .15 have died. Every body is different, but one thing is for sure: as long as you take care of your liver, your liver will take care of you.

    The best advice I can give is to detox regularly. Drink a lot of water (eight glasses a day), and every six months to a year, talk to your physician about herbal remedies to clean out your body's waste filtering organs. And that's pretty much it. Because at the end of the day, there's a lot worse out there than alcohol (like cigarette smoke, carbon monoxide/dioxide, bacteria/mold, etc.).

    42 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-26 16:29 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

    >>37 It's not as different as you might think. You're ability to make rational decisions is impaired. You can say "well I would never drink and drive" right now, but when you're drunk, that may not be the case. And drinking and driving puts others lives at risk.

    43 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-26 16:36 ID:UPp0Lx9Y [Del]

    Well before I drink, I make sure those who do drink have no way to drive. This way, we're stuck where we're at. I do stuff beforehand, to make it safe to drink.

    44 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-26 17:01 ID:yV3VSv8N [Del]

    >>41 I have a few responses to what you said.

    How about how may people are killed because of drunk driving?

    Personally, I hate this argument, because the same or worse can be said of texting while driving. It's also completely preventable and only a small percentage of those who drink will get behind the wheel because they are too stupid to think beforehand. As a driver and someone who drinks, I know never to mix the two.

    You under-estimate people's ability to be stupid. Just becauswe you're smart enough to know not to mix the two, doesn't mean there aren't people out there that think it's totally okay.

    I agree. Texting and driving is just as stupid, if not more so, than drinking and driving. If this were a thread on that, I'd argue about without end. There are many things that are bad to do when driving. Talking on the phone and driving. Driving with a person yelling at you. Road rage. Taking certain medications before driving. (We've all heard stories about most of these.) If this was a thread on driving, I'd probably go on with the list. Just because there are things that are just as bad, if not more so, doesn't make drinking and driving okay. Especially with how common it is.

    Alcohol is a depressant, so drinking will actually make you more depressed.

    True, but it also doubles as a relaxant. I know when I drink it puts me to sleep. Your mileage may vary, however.

    I guess that depends on each person's body, and varies from person to person. With the number of people dealing with clinical depression these days, drinking a depressant does not help the matter.

    What about the people who die because they drink with their medications?

    You have to be some kind of idiot to drink while on medication to the point where it's life threatening. Granted, this has happened to me before. My first time, I drank way too much and the following day almost had a seizure. I learned my lesson. Now I make sure to not drink in excess, and to manage my medication wisely if I intend to drink.

    Again, you under-estimate people's ability to be stupid. Have you ever seen someone do something and ask yourself, "How fuckin' stupid can this person be?" It's people like that who you are currently under-estimating.Plus, you admit you made the same stupid mistake.

    Or the people who die of alcohol poisoning?...How about the damage alcohol does to your body?

    The main damage to one's body is through the liver. You need a liver to stay alive, otherwise the alcohol isn't being filtered before entering your bloodstream. Alcohol is just another brew of ethanol (you know, like the kind that goes in modern day cars). It's toxic as you increase the amount that is in your bloodstream, as it impedes bloodflow and oxygen circulation to the brain.

    People have gotten their BAC up to .24 and lived easily. Beyond that, you're asking to die. On the other hand, people with a BAC as low as .15 have died. Every body is different, but one thing is for sure: as long as you take care of your liver, your liver will take care of you.

    The best advice I can give is to detox regularly. Drink a lot of water (eight glasses a day), and every six months to a year, talk to your physician about herbal remedies to clean out your body's waste filtering organs. And that's pretty much it. Because at the end of the day, there's a lot worse out there than alcohol (like cigarette smoke, carbon monoxide/dioxide, bacteria/mold, etc.).

    For the alcohol poisoning, I mostly meant for things like "21-21". Where people drink 21 shots as fast as possible as quickly as possible as soon as they turn 21. You know, the people who drink way too much.

    I take good care of my body. I'm just saying that excessive drinking can hurt it. I know people who keep complaining about there weight, but are too lazy to diet correctly to lose it. You are now under-estimating people's ability to be lazy. Do you know how many people are just too fucking lazy to take care of their body properly? Have you not seen the people who are so obeese they have a wheelchair and are legally crippled? If people don't give a shit about being obese when it makes you ugly, crippled, and hurts your body, then why the fuck would they do to the doctor and bother taking herbal remedies to only clean the inside?

    45 Name: blauherz : 2012-06-26 17:33 ID:SZZZIdDo [Del]

    in my country im allowed to drink (in usa i wouldnt be :P)
    i used to drink ALOT, not till i had blackouts, but to the point that id start getting nervous n itchy when i didnt drink.
    so atm i drink about twice a month, and not much.
    a beer or two, or some schnaps. never till im sick or loose control.
    usually im the driver(i dont drink then obviously!) or the 'drunkards-sitter', for 6 xD

    im am against underage drinking.
    i believe underage drinking d be ok if they would knew theyre point of stopping!
    but they dont so im against underage drinking.

    46 Name: someone173 !LPt5GqYWXc : 2012-06-26 17:40 ID:aBmmWo7Z [Del]

    Are you of age? Do you drink? How often? How much?
    19 is the legal drinking age in my province, so yes.
    Maybe 2-3 times a week.

    A pint or so each.

    Do you think that underage drinking is good or bad?
    (This seems to be a US centric question, so I'll answer it in that regard)
    This question seems to imply that underage drinkers tend to binge drink, which seems to be a product of the drinking culture the US has brought up, where the drinking age is stupid high, while alcohol possession is cracked down on heavily. This results in a lot of college kids drinking the evidence, which surprise, results in binge drinking. It also creates a sense of rebellion, which entices more to do so. On the other hand, in countries with more tolerance towards underage drinking, they're raised to know that alcohol is just like any other drink, but at the same time learn that moderation is important, so when they hit drinking age, they don't go nuts. In the end, underage drinking is impossible to avoid. In the US, there needs to be a better way of handling this, but the culture that's been set would make it difficult..

    47 Name: That Guy : 2012-06-28 01:40 ID:FwJAdWmo (Image: 640x400 jpg, 52 kb) [Del]

    src/1340865608672.jpg: 640x400, 52 kb
    Are you of age? Do you drink? How often? How much?

    18 here, I'm 21. Sure do. About once or twice a week (heavily).

    Are you underage and drink? How often? How much?

    I didn't when I wasn't of age.

    Do you think that underage drinking is good or bad?

    If you can handle your liquor well, then I don't see why not.

    48 Name: harlequin : 2012-06-28 02:11 ID:KKBw0nVt [Del]

    i am 21 and im in the USA so thats the minimum age
    ya i drink and i have since i was 18 i dont drink all that often but when i do i can hold my own

    as to whether underage drinking is good or bad i dont think theres a clear answer because it depends on whether you can be responsible or not

    i for one have never been drunk to the point of black out and only to the point of not being able to stand up once, i try to keep myself at a point where i can function but im still having fun with everyone

    49 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-28 09:35 ID:rvS9BVdu [Del]

    >>47 ...And the picture was necessary...Why?

    50 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-06-28 09:46 ID:7+aliv6z [Del]

    >>49 It's funny.

    Who the fuck calls someone out for posting a picture? :I

    I think it's somewhat relevant to the thread, though the message it conveys isn't the best, lol.

    51 Name: Kannerz : 2012-06-28 11:03 ID:KzWBse4K [Del]

    Woot. Don't feel like reading the whole thread but I'll post anywayzz.

    I am eighteen and though I don't drink I have drunk alcohol before O: I have drunk shitty and good beer, and also good wine under parental care. I don't like the taste of either and the smells irritate me. The caffeine sparkling feeling in my throat disgusts me. This is also why I don't like soda V: I've never been drunk though I've drunk enough to get buzzed. I generally don't like situations were I feel my sanity declining. I fear them. I also don't like the warm-then-cold feeling wine gives you.

    I've gone to a few alcohol-friendly parties in which I did not drink. I must admit it's fun watching people get drunk, but I also don't like it. I don't like what alcohol does to people. I don't like how it represents rebellion for underaged kids (there's no drinking age in florida but purchasing and possession of alcohol is 21), how it's used as an escape, how it can be addictive. I mean, people can drink whatever they want and I'll sit beside them, but I wouldn't drink and I'll leave if I'm under peer pressure.

    52 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-06-28 14:24 ID:Sf0M6u/q [Del]

    >>46 Pretty much this.

    Also, I like to get hammered on occasion.