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I need to get away... (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-21 20:58 ID:Pp4h7rM4 [Del]

I simply don't know who else to ask. I've been having a lot of problems lately with my family. My brothers and I are drifting apart with our constant arguing of the smallest things. My parents are in bad health. I just can't trust them. One minute we get along fine and the next second they're trying to get me in trouble. Siblings are supposed to help eacher, right? They say that siblings feel a closer bond then others, correct? Well I don't feel that bond. I NEVER have. Don't get me wrong, we're family. I have to love them no matter what. I try not to dissapoint my parents. But it seems imposible. There's always something. I asked my closest friend. She told me I should get away. Become a foreign exchange student in Japan or France. Or even a boarding school. The more she talked, the more convinced I got that I should. Maybe it's just me being selfish. Maybe i'm just going through some stupid stage. I don't know. Can someone please help me?

2 Name: PierogiGuy : 2012-06-21 22:37 ID:0A5W2kn5 [Del]

Let me say this I have 2 half brothers (around 15 years older than me) and a brother (a year older than me). I barely see my half brothers because they had a disagreement with my dad. But it good to see them. One of them is a chef and I want to be a chef so we have something in common. My brother is a hot head and we fights a lot but it die down at the moment. Remember you do have to love them but you don't have to like them. On the foreign exchange student idea it all up to you and here a quote that might help you out with the decision:

Two roads diverged in the wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Maybe some time away might be good for you and your brothers. Remember it all up to you.

3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-06-21 22:40 ID:Onn53pjk [Del]

I don't know if anyone says definitively that every sibling gets along with theirs. I know I don't, or at least I didn't when I was younger (and we're far from having any sort of bond now). It wouldn't make sense if you just unconditionally got along with someone that's only objectively linked to you by the fact that you live under the same roof, especially if you just don't agree with them personally.

I don't think it's reason to get away from home. Lots of people have issues with their siblings; it's kind of a thing you live with, or learn to live with. Are you younger, or older than them? If they're younger, then that only makes sense - you're probably reaching a point where you're noticing a difference in maturity, and it's grating on you to the point it makes things incompatible.

If they're older than you though, then it's probably just the other way around. It might be necessary for you to come to some kind of understanding with them before things get more stressful. Don't necessarily involve your parents, unless they just outright refuse to listen to you. Just lay out your frustrations, and if both sides can be understanding, it should at least bring your problems to light, if not fixing them entirely.

4 Name: Anto : 2012-06-22 15:23 ID:Sa/uHRDN [Del]

I feel the same way.
I don't believe in God and ever since my big brother became a church-goer, we've grown far apart.
My little brother now lives with my father meaning I only see him a few times a year.
I've never really liked my father so we were never close.
I never let my mother get too close to my "personal circle" so we're not close either.
All I have is my friends. But, I don't like them either.

5 Name: Perry !iP8OSQftAk : 2012-06-22 18:45 ID:Pp4h7rM4 [Del]

Sorry. OP is me. I can't even get all of them together at the same place. One's always going somewhere or "busy" with their games. I'm the middle child and being the only girl is really tough for me. I'm always the first for them to release their stress on. They sometimes hit me. Not like playing, like they're pissed of and want a punching bag. My parents are even noticing their habits growing on my baby brother. I'm tired of babysitting them all the time. I feel like I was forced to grow up to take care of them. (My parents are always busy with work so I watch them.) I know I'm complaining a lot. It's actually really stupid of me. But I think I really do need to take a break. I want to tell my mom...but I've never really expressed myself and opened up to her before. Is there a good way to tell her?

6 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-22 21:00 ID:sSHY4vMl [Del]

Me and my brother have fights all the time, but we've never tried to hurt each other. I love him completely and he's my favorite in our family. You should not be the one to take care of your siblings, you should be able to be a child (or teen, whatever) yourself. I know what it's like to feel responsible for other people, it sucks. I don't know your exact circumstances, but I get the feeling that that part can't change, however, so you're going to just have to try and deal with it (sorry, crappy answer here). People aren't always close to their siblings, my parents both have five. My dad talks with all of his and they love each other dearly. My mom will only speak with one of hers unless absolutely necessary.

Try to find a time when you and your mom are alone. Offer to help with dishes or laundry, go on an errand or something, ect. Explain how hurt your siblings are making you feel and let her know that you don't blame her (or that you do, hard to tell here). If needed, write down what you want to say so you can more fully express it.

If things don't get better I would suggest getting away. Every summer I purposely pack as much stuff in that takes me away from my family as I possibly can. The break from my parents and brother is amazing. Just being away from them and letting them sort things out for themselves may help your situation quite a bit.

I hope things work out for you.