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Do I sound like I'm over reacting? (16)

1 Name: Mizuki : 2012-06-18 19:07 ID:YekHaLAR [Del]

I have friends from school, even though they're not that much, well apparently I still have some. Sometimes, I usually feel left out, like I'm not a part of their conversations. The feeling that I'm just nuisance, probably someone who's there because she's a part of it but has no role. It sucks. Yes, it sucks. I've never been bullied but sometimes some people just take it further that sometimes it's becoming more personal. I feel like I'm useless, not fun to be with, people don't like me, they won't talk to me until I take the initiative but eventually they will lost interest. Yes, I do have a hard time socializing with people. </3

2 Name: AnnaMarie : 2012-06-18 19:33 ID:sOrSsRSQ [Del]

I don't think you're over reacting at all. Some people are just more social than others. I have the same problem that you do. I kinda just learned to live with it.

3 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-18 20:21 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

Do you want advice? Or to just answer your question?

People say I'm over reacting if I say something like that. I kind of think you might have slight depression.

4 Name: Caramel Tea : 2012-06-18 20:31 ID:41fMUDw3 [Del]

I don't think it's overreacting either. Sometimes I think overcoming your social insecurities with someone 1 on 1 instead of more really helps. It might be hard making a friend like that at first, but once you do, it's really a godsend.

When something happens over and over again, just like when someone says something to you over and over again, you begin to believe it.

Perhaps you're saying to yourself over and over these kind of things and convincing yourself that these things are true. Just like how when people say things over and over to you, it eventually gets through.

Keep note that the other people you communicate with may also be insecure socializing when it comes to people they don't know as well, so you're not alone, even when it seems like your friends are excluding you. x(

5 Name: Kuroyuri : 2012-06-18 21:55 ID:8oAAlAPW [Del]

Hey, I've had this same problem as well.

You're not overreacting. This is a common problem with people who aren't extremely outspoken or relaxed in social settings. I have this problem as well, feeling like I'm a third wheel.

But you have to remember that sometimes you have to take the initiative, even just a little will do. No one in this word is useless or uninteresting unless they live in sealed box. If you don't feel as though you're being included in a conversation, include yourself. You can either ask what they're talking about or try to come up with a topic yourself. If you're respectful, talk a bit, kind, and have at least a dash of humor, then there will be very few people that won't want to be friends with you.

Never take people's joking to be serious. If you become too sensitive things or let it show, then people won't want to associate with you. However, if someone really hurts you, then take them aside and tell them what bothered you.

Sometimes it's hard to really step up and try to social with others. I can barely make phone calls to strangers and even my family members, without worrying over every little thing I say. You're not alone. You just need to communicate with people as best as you can, just try text messaging them or sending them notes if you can't get yourself up to speak with them personally.

No one in this world is useless and you can't say people won't like you. There are billions of people in this world. You are bound to find someone, even if it's just one or two people in the world that you can be close to and be able to talk freely with.

6 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-06-18 23:00 ID:GPstzcKB [Del]

Maybe you're boring?
Being social isn't easy to kind of have to force yourself into it. Make yourself part of those conversations...but also make sure you're the most interesting one around. If your life isn't that entertaining, make it more entertaining. You have to want people to want you.

7 Name: Robo40!FzAyW.Rdbg : 2012-06-22 02:06 ID:eOfj1joq [Del]

I know EXACTLY how you feel...somtimes i think i can act introverted toward people around me,and not even know it!
Not fully sure if i am one or not,but i do get that feeling
of others treating me the same way all the time.I personally have just stopped trying to figure it all out in my head,an just let shiz be!

8 Name: Anto : 2012-06-22 15:20 ID:Sa/uHRDN [Del]

You sound like my friend...Rosa. Even though she doesn't say it out loud, I can just tell that she feels this way. Noticing that behavior, I try to talk to her more, bring her into the group conversations a lot.
Tell your closest friend how you feel. I'm sure they'll do something to not make you feel left-out.

9 Name: Aya : 2012-06-22 19:27 ID:FtmHolGS [Del]

Force yourself to speak more and more. Throw the way of thinking "i'm a useless, no fun" and all away. Get into any school activity you like, or join the student council to gain your existence and self-confident. And don't give up. The start is always the hardest. Trust me, I've ever felt it before. ;)

10 Name: vampcake : 2012-06-23 19:53 ID:LlknrpQ7 [Del]

ur in the same exact place i used to be :/ im sorry
just try talking more and tell them how u feel ok? and if it doesnt work out find new people to hang out with, friends come and go. its sad but true... i should know, but once u find the right friends everything will work out :)

11 Name: Syx : 2012-06-23 22:00 ID:T2MZeuwN [Del]

Heh. Hey you feel like me. Exactly like me. I gotta feeling that we would be great friends. :)

12 Name: Syx : 2012-06-23 22:03 ID:T2MZeuwN [Del]

Also, something more. I've felt this way for years. I can't get help too. Hope you get better though. Don't end up like me. I havn't got one friend. Even my brother, sisters, and my own parents resent me. I've figured out though, this doesn't work for me, but talk. Talk to people, friends, famliy, random people you see in school. Just talk. Hope this helps.

13 Name: Mizuki : 2012-06-25 01:49 ID:YekHaLAR [Del]

Thank you guys! Reading the replies actually made me feel A LOT more better. I know I'm socially awkward that it's kinda hard for
Me to talk to people in chat rooms too. The feeling that I am
No fun at all is always there. I will try to boost my confidence more I guess and gain better friendship with others.

14 Name: Syx : 2012-06-25 21:48 ID:RNE2ckRh [Del]

Cool! I hope you get lots of friends!!!

15 Name: Shizu : 2012-06-26 12:49 ID:zgemjMNi [Del]

I don´t think you are overeacting to be honest somtimes I feel that way too but try to think in a more possitive way because if they are your friends they won´t leave you alone. I hope you get over this and continue your life and remember you are NOT alone

16 Name: nii-sama : 2012-06-26 15:20 ID:WRAMxJkZ [Del]

omg! idk why anyone wouldn't wanna be friends with u!!! u seem really nice! if anyone doesn't wanna be your friend, then thats their problem. they don't know what they lost. but i'd happily be your friend if you wanted me to! :)