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Done With It All (2)

1 Name: DarkWolf22 : 2012-06-14 23:22 ID:qU2jutXO [Del]

This may not really make sense to anyone but tell me if it does. I just need to vent.

So I have this friend. She and I have been the best of friends for almost 4 years. When been through everything together but lately she has started to get on my nerves.

We used to text all the time, but now she's always on some type of social network or texting some person that's way too old for her. (Did I mention she has like 10 accounts for one social network? She's obsessed.) Whenever I text her, I either never get a reply she stops after a few replies. Therefore, I don't text her anymore.

When we hangout, she never really pays attention to what I'm saying because she always on her phone on a social network or texting someone that lives in a different country.

She has a tendency to snap and bitch at people for no reason. Here's an example: I say "Hi." Her response is "Don't talk to me or I'll fucking punch you in the face."

Then there will be times that whenever I see her, she has multiple scratch and bite marks on her arms. She says that nothing is wrong but I really think she has some sort of problem and can't even be mature to go to her parents and tell or talk to them about it.

Add of this and some more stuff and it comes to the point to where she has totally gotten on my nerves. Even some of my friends don't want to deal with her and her constant drama and shit. She either needs to stop the bullcrap or seriously get someone to help her because I'm done with it all.

2 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-15 01:51 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

We have a rage thread. Go post it there.