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Hatreds for boys (5)

1 Name: Kyomi : 2012-06-12 21:02 ID:dIHcBg2H [Del]

Well u c i hav problem with boys. i dont kno y but i just hate them i never been able to make friendship with boys at all and i hav a guy in my class that i really like but i dont kno how to get close to be his friend? He chang school and now i have his address on facebook wat should i do?

2 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-06-12 22:52 ID:TfA9CYsV [Del]

You should probably take a bunch of tylenol and then lie down. A good nap always helps when you have negative feelings about stuff.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-12 23:11 ID:7+aliv6z [Del]

YES Tylenol and a nap with do just fine, because drugs and avoiding the problem ALWAYS solves everything.

Hell, if you're old enough, take a few shots too. The alcohol will do everything,I promise.

If my sarcasm wasn't imminent enough, I'll tell you right now; Don't do any of that.

I would give you advice, but this thread is so contradictory that I don't even.

Just talk to him, if he doesn't like you, then that's it. He changed schools anyways, it's not like you'll be able to communicate much outside of that (I assume.)

4 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-06-13 00:24 ID:TfA9CYsV [Del]

No, trust me.

Take a whole bottle of Tylenol and go to sleep.

5 Name: Loliprincess : 2012-06-13 14:18 ID:3T/3tkqW [Del]

If you really do like this guy and want to at least be his friend, you should try to find out the reason for your hatred of boys. Think about what it is that makes you hate boys. Was there a man you knew that had a big impact on your life? Did someone ever lead you to believe boys are terrible? Once you have the answers as to why you hate boys then maybe you could try to give other boys in your life a chance to be your friends. Afterwards, try to become his friend. It may not be easy but you just need to take one step at a time.