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Weird feelings.. (28)

1 Name: hellrider13 : 2012-06-11 18:45 ID:zz/bySXL [Del]

hi,um.. I'm sorta new to this.. but here's my problom..hope you can help..
okay, so ever since last month IDK why but I've been having weird feelings about the same sex.. IDK WHY There there, but its really weird and confusing.. like, I still like girls and all,but for some guys it's not the same old Wussup bro and hangout its like.. feelings I have for them..NOT ALL,just some..
Idk if i should accept these feelings or's against my religoun,but i want it.. but i don't want it either..idk what to think..
I've told my twin bro..but it was the wrong everytime he wants something from me he just starts blackmaling me and saying he's goin to tell my parents and friends :/..
I feel confused and alone..
I don't think anyone has sufferd this..
but if you can help id aprreciate it..

2 Name: hellrider13 : 2012-06-11 18:54 ID:zz/bySXL [Del]

but like i said i don't believe anyone can relate to meh :P

3 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-11 19:00 ID:rvS9BVdu [Del]

.........Just about everyone does this. It's called being curious.

4 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-06-11 19:05 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

>>3 This. <3

5 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-11 19:06 ID:rvS9BVdu [Del]

>>2 Even I have experienced this. You're not alone.
You're never alone.

6 Name: hellrider13 : 2012-06-11 19:08 ID:zz/bySXL [Del]

thanks.. but what am i going to do about my brother .-.

7 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-06-11 19:09 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

I got him, if you want.

8 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-11 19:43 ID:Pk6XMv/o [Del]

It might be a phase you're going through. Now, before everyone attacks me; some people have feelings toward the same sex while going through puberty and then "grow out" of them as they get older. It's just the hormones messing with them. Go ahead and tell some of your more trusted friends, they may be able to help you. If it's against your religion then I think you need to rethink that part of your life.

9 Name: iono : 2012-06-11 20:38 ID:iJBYxoCP [Del]

>>8 I agree with all of that except telling your friends. Not that your friends will backstab you. Im just saying they might make a bigger deal of this than it really is if it's just hormones. Either way its your decision.

10 Name: Hoshi-chan : 2012-06-11 21:51 ID:AFnO/cc2 [Del]

Well, I think you decide what you think makes you happy.

... Or maybe it's just your hormones. But it'll be fine. ^_^

11 Name: Mayu!P7cMgw9iCQ : 2012-06-12 02:08 ID:KPR98FoD [Del]

I was confused when I was younger, finally realized I was bi when I got older. On your twin brother I wouldn't take the black mail. If your parents are super religious, you should flatly deny ever saying it, if you are good at acting you'll be able to pull it off. I don't know if there is favoritism in your family but if not it should work out. As for your religion, I don't know how deep you are in it or exactly what it says about having gay thoughts. I'd say continue following the rules as long as you live with your family. If you turn out bi when you are older, you'll have to believe that your God will forgive.

12 Name: Hellrider13 : 2012-06-12 23:04 ID:rWihF6uX [Del]

Thanks gize. Well first of all i'd like to say that it hasent been a couple of months, its been a couple of years :/ but i really have tried to ignore it, but it always comes back... Any way i"ll take most of your advise, but any on how to try to take it away?

13 Name: Kyomi : 2012-06-13 04:05 ID:dIHcBg2H [Del]

the feelings u hav for them must hav been friendship or cuz it natrual for boys to feel that way at a certain age i dont know cuz i'm a girl or none of that then ur a Homo.

14 Name: Hellrider13 : 2012-06-13 17:13 ID:2BdBU+Tb [Del]

well,bicurios.. :P.. but i still want to ignore it but i can't...:/

15 Name: TheMonochromaniac X3 : 2012-06-13 18:02 ID:nELSLzZk [Del]

Don't feel confused and alone. I have gone through the same thing (but i'm a girl so it would be the other way around). It's nothing to be afraid of. Don't let it bug you. I experimented a little, and I found who I really was. I bet you that half of your friends are going through the same thing. It's totally normal to get feelings like these.

16 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-14 11:34 ID:rvS9BVdu [Del]

>>12 If it's been here for a while, then you need to test it. See if you actually do like guys as well. Do it secretly, and if you do like guys as well, then that's just who you are. It's not wrong. God loves all, and all are equal before him. Important- Tell your parents if it's true. It will only get harder if you don't. Your parents need to know.

17 Name: Ayre : 2012-06-14 11:41 ID:uwvkdapP [Del]

Everyone's entitled To their own opinion and veiws.
So whatever you do finaly decide upon its your choice and no one
can change it, the world wont stop spinning if one person is "odd" if anything its this planets society thats incorrect.
Do what you feel is right and if others look down upon you then they dont deserve to know you. Be yourself


18 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-14 15:04 ID:QgoDM1nP [Del]

First, bisexuality is a real thing. As a matter of fact, most scientific studies on the subject have come to the conclusion that there are very few people who are completely gay or completely straight; almost everyone is somewhere on a sliding scale in between where you have a preference for one or the other but are attracted to both to some degree.

You might be bisexual. You might be gay, but conditioned to think of girls as better by your upbringing. You might just be curious, and after some experimentation determine that you were straight all along. I'd advise you to talk to other people in similar situations (there are literally hundreds of thousands like you), people who have resolved the issue in either direction, etc. The internet is a great place for this, and there are entire communities dedicated to helping people just like you without any risk of it getting out to your friends and family.

As for your brother, does he have any actual evidence? Like, a recording of your conversation or something? Because if he does tell anyone, you can pass it off as a lie easily enough. I'd be kinda surprised if you managed to get through the school system without being falsely accused of homosexuality at some point. The important thing is that you not let him manipulate you into doing something that actually is wrong, or that can be used as more solid blackmail material later.

As for religion, I don't know your specifics, but God (/Allah/the Creator) made you who you are, right? So if you're bi, or gay, or whatever, that's because He made you that way. So how can it be wrong to be who you are? As a general rule, anyone talking about how you're damned doesn't know as much about their own religion as, say, the average cat. And even if they were right, I'd personally prefer hellfire to spending eternity in their idea of "heaven."

19 Name: Hellrider 13 : 2012-06-14 20:18 ID:RaElmqOB [Del]

Thanks' (: any more opinions...? :/

20 Name: Hellrider 13 : 2012-06-14 20:32 ID:AA9qjPq4 [Del]

Oh yeah... Uh I don't think that any of my wanna expirament tho :/ They don't even seem like there goin throo the same thing as me.. NONE OF EM. Not even girls :P and how will I even know that they wanna expirament how do i come up to them?

21 Name: Hellrider 13 : 2012-06-14 20:39 ID:XStSlnf3 [Del]

And im not even the type of person to seem bi or gay in any way... I look and act totally straight... So how do I talk to themabout expiramenting and how do i know who to ask? Please help.. :/

22 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-06-14 20:48 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

you sound exactly like clay. a buddy of mine who turned out gay. he told his sister and she blackmailed him like crazy. then he told me and at first i was a bit shocked he didnt seem like that type of guy but still. i accepted it he may be gay but hes still my friend. that being said its true some people wont accept this. though hiding it can turn out bad too. it all depends if you want to get rid of your brother say "I was curious not gay so what're you going to blackmail me for?" im not saying that would work but if your brother is gullible it could. another thing regardless if its against your religion those feelings are there its strange yes but whether or not they're your true feelings or just curiousity can be discovered through experimentation as the others said

23 Name: Hellrider 13 : 2012-06-14 20:54 ID:7aBxTRJg [Del]

But how do i get to expirament! Like how do i get the right friend to be able to expirament with?

24 Name: Hellrider 13 : 2012-06-14 21:01 ID:AA9qjPq4 [Del]

Like how do i come up to him and ask if he wants to expirament?

25 Name: Hellrider 13 : 2012-06-14 21:40 ID:VTAYYJx6 [Del]

Someone please :/ if you could help i'd apreciate it MUCHOO (;

26 Name: Hellrider 13 : 2012-06-14 21:48 ID:Edb/6B2p [Del]

But really tho ): i wanna expirament but idk how to tell my friend or who to pick to do it with.. :P

27 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-14 22:11 ID:d5JJRVO+ [Del]

First, there really isn't such a thing as "looking gay" as a general rule. Some people are all flamboyant and stereotypically rainbow-ish, but there are just as many if not more who are entirely normal aside from gender preference. And several who wear rainbows, do fashion design, etc. and are pretty much completely straight.

As for the who... can't really help you there. Sorry, I'm asexual so I've never personally had to deal with it. I might be able to introduce you to someone, depending on your area, but I'd recommend taking a look around the internet yourself. There's almost certainly an LGBT group in your area that you can talk to for more information.

If you're paranoid about getting caught searching or leaving a trail as you look, you might want to look into some anonymizer tech... is a decent place to start. It's unlikely that anybody's going to try to follow you, but you might feel better not looking over your shoulder as it were. You're on your own for any physical sneaking about though.

28 Name: Hellrider 13 : 2012-06-14 22:57 ID:AA9qjPq4 [Del]

Thank's, but still i need help on who to pick and how to get to come up to them with the option of expiramenting :/