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Evolution Simulation -- Evolution is a Blind Watchmaker (27)

1 Name: Sawducum : 2012-06-07 17:54 ID:WMoDQCHQ [Del]

So I found this very cool video.
Some bloke writes a simulation where clocks evolve.
That doesn't do it justice though.
It explains it better in there.

Youtube - Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker

PS. If you aren't smart enough to get it due to religious brainwashing, or you're too close-minded to watch all of it due to religious brainwashing, DON'T COMMENT!

2 Name: Kaori !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-06-07 18:54 ID:c/2Tid8k [Del]



sawed u cum last nite.

By the way, it's very inconsiderate to call it: Religious Brainwashing. What if YOU were the one secretly being brainwashed? o-O feels weird, doesn't it? This has nothing to do with a personal problem, or finding/seeking self advice to better yourself.

3 Name: Sawducum : 2012-06-07 18:56 ID:WMoDQCHQ [Del]

Then where would you put science and social philosophy?

4 Name: Kaori !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-06-07 19:16 ID:c/2Tid8k [Del]

Possibly in Random, but don't remake the thread. Just make sure u know where to put threads as such. You can leave this one here. :D

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 19:19 ID:OdWiRVp0 [Del]

>>3 In this form? Nowhere. This thread was not made as a discussion, nor were you asking for help. A BBS is not an alternate Facebook. You don't just post random videos and hope people who share your opinion will commet. You post discussions, ask for advice, or create something that fits in with the board's theme. If you explained the video yourself, created a philosophical discussion, and put your bias towards religion to the side, it /could/ be posted on Main. In all honesty though, this thread--as it is--doesn't belong anywhere.

6 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 19:19 ID:OdWiRVp0 [Del]

>>5 comment*

Damnit, I got ninja'd with someone saying the opposite.

Anyone else want to give input on this thread's purpose/placement? :|

7 Name: Sawducum : 2012-06-07 19:28 ID:WMoDQCHQ [Del]

>>5 Alright, asswipe.
What the fuck do you think people are supposed to do with it?
Of course it's a bloody discussion by default. Don't be retarded.

I said no brainwashed idiots who refuse to watch it.
They do nothing constructive. Ever.
It's perfectly reasonably to request that a discussion not be filled with drooling morons waving a story book around and threatening people.

And before you say "Not all Christians are like that," I have yet to meet one.

8 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 19:34 ID:OdWiRVp0 [Del]

>>7 Oh my. That's a very dignified way to respond to a reasonable explanation as to why this doesn't belong here.

How is it a discussion? What questions did you ask? What were you hoping to get out of this?

Again, you are biased. You assume everyone is the same. By showing that you thoroughly believe in stereotypes and generalizations, you are only proving to us that you have a narrow-minded perspective on the world. To be blunt, you are a closed-minded, hypocritical dumbfuck who doesn't even understand what a discussion is.

9 Name: Kaori !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-06-07 20:07 ID:c/2Tid8k [Del]

>>7 Excuse me, you really don't have to call someone an 'asswipe' as that IS and WILL BE used against you -in the court of law jkjkkjkjkjkj- but seriously, it's rather inconsiderate.

On the otherside, hello, I'm a Christian and I'm not completely against evolution. I believe that it's possible, though not completely. I don't believe humans could ever have evolved from ancesteral apes nor chimps because for one reason, in a realistic and reasonable amount of time: it would take too dang long.

How many circumstantial environmental problems can occur during the appointed 6.5 billion years ago? I doubt it, no really, I do. It would take so long to get every detail just right. Although I do believe that natural selection can and does occur. It only takes a person with common sense to believe that.

10 Name: Kaori !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-06-07 20:10 ID:c/2Tid8k [Del]

By the way, if apes were our common ancestors, don't you think we'd still be seeing them evolve through natural selection possibly at a sped up rate due to our (as HUMANS) affect on the environment as a whole? Look at how many other animals are going through mass extinctions and evolutions and such, why is it then that we don't see it happen? And, wouldn't be inhumane then, to capture and cage apes as they are our common ancestors? As are fish, and amphibians, and others?

11 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-07 20:20 ID:Pk6XMv/o [Del]

>>7 Okay, I'm Christian. I believe in evolution, so yeah, not all Christians are like that. In fact, I'm the one defending evolution on one of the news threads right now, so fuck off. And no, this is not the place for this thread. Oh, and you called Bunny an asswipe, automatically invalidates everything you say after this point.

12 Name: Sawducum : 2012-06-07 21:03 ID:WMoDQCHQ [Del]

I've had Christians make attempts on my life.

As in shot at, threatened at knife point, pack of zealots tried beating me, half-hearted attempt with a car. Oh, and my drink smelled like bleach when I got back from the restroom once.
I can only assume it was vitamin water and bleach.

I think the closest thing to a sane christian I've encountered was shrieking about how I'll burn in hell. But hey, she wasn't trying to murder me.

Oh, and it's a discussion, not a help thread.
You're not supposed to ask a specific question.

13 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:08 ID:OdWiRVp0 [Del]

>>12 What does it matter if they did that to you? Not every Christian is like that. As much as I hate to admit it, there actually ARE nice Christians out there.

I see that you still don't know what discussion is. A discussion centers around a question/topic which is debatable. It is organized and explained in the first post and asks for peoples' opinions on various topics. This thread does not do that. You posted a link to a video and made biased generalizations about a religious group.

I fail to see how this is a discussion.

14 Name: Sawducum : 2012-06-07 21:12 ID:WMoDQCHQ [Del]

>>13 Well, that could just be because you're stupid.
Or 'average.' Whatever. Same thing.

15 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:17 ID:OdWiRVp0 [Del]

>>14 You also don't seem to understand how to respond when someone tells you you're wrong. You explain why you're right - you don't automatically start insulting them. It makes you sound like an immature dumbfuck (which, you are). You also don't bother implying that you're smarter than them, because chances are that you aren't.

Enjoy watching this thread die. Nobody cares about it nor your opinion if you can't even explain how it has a purpose. If the OP can't even explain its purpose, nobody can, and it obviously doesn't have one.

This thread is useless and wastes space. OP is rude, narrow-minded, and does not take other members' opinions into consideration. He will not care about anything you have to say unless you agree with him. Therefore, this thread has no purpose, and OP is an idiot.

Do not comment further on this thread.

[Bump/White Knight at your own risk.]

16 Name: Sawducum : 2012-06-07 21:25 ID:WMoDQCHQ [Del]

IQ of 142.
If someone beats that, then they wouldn't need to be told how to use a thread.

By the way, don't come across so hostile.
It tends to make people a little unfriendly.

I also wasn't stereotyping in the OP.
I didn't stereotype until my forth post after everyone was shitting themselves over me wanting to keep the kind of nutjobs who try to kill me away from here.

You clearly knew it was a discussion, otherwise you wouldn't have bitched about me not saying it's a discussion, which kind of blows your argument to shit.

17 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:34 ID:OdWiRVp0 [Del]

>>16 Nobody gives a fuck about your "IQ of 142", mainly because that's bullshit. It's the internet, and your IQ fails to show here. You tell me to not come across so hostile, yet last I checked, you were the first one to whip out "asswipe" after I calmly explained the issues with this thread.

You weren't stereotyping? Oh, that's funny. What was that, "PS. If you aren't smart enough to get it due to religious brainwashing, or you're too close-minded to watch all of it due to religious brainwashing, DON'T COMMENT!" part, then? First of all, you told people to not comment if they don't agree - that automatically says that you aren't interested in a discussion at all. Second of all, you tried to say that religion was brainwashing. That is bullshit.

"You clearly knew it was a discussion, otherwise you wouldn't have bitched about me not saying it's a discussion, which kind of blows your argument to shit."
lol!no. This is far from a discussion, kid. Try looking at our more popular threads in Main. Those are discussions. This? Not so much.

18 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-07 21:41 ID:Pk6XMv/o [Del]

Only commenting because this is at the top.

I don't believe you have an IQ of 142, I believe you pulled that number out of the air. Besides, you can be extremely intelligent and still not be smart. I don't believe you are either. You contradict yourself and were the first one to be hostile. If people are trying to kill you I don't think it's because of religion, it's because you have a horrible personality.

Religion is just a different way of looking at the world.

19 Name: Sawducum : 2012-06-07 21:51 ID:WMoDQCHQ [Del]

Whelp, then I guess the state must have some pretty poor testing methods, huh? And the EOC exams that I score middle of advanced in on all subjects every year since kindergarten? Nah. That's just a fluke.

Read that again. "or you're too close-minded to watch all of it"
In what was is that saying people who disagree aren't allowed? I asked that they don't take the time to post if they don't take the time to watch the video.
Which is what >>9 and >>10 did, otherwise they would see the simulation covers that, so clearly it is necessary.
You, also, haven't posted anything related to the discussion. All you've done is come here looking for fights, which, judging by This, you do that a lot.

Oh, and there aren't any discussions on main. You spammed them off.
There is one on News that started out being about gay rights, but got converted to evolution vs. wizards.

20 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 22:02 ID:OdWiRVp0 [Del]

>>19 "You, also, haven't posted anything related to the discussion." That's because this isn't a discussion.

"Oh, and there aren't any discussions on main." lol

And the list goes on.

21 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-07 22:04 ID:Pk6XMv/o [Del]

>>19 I don't have EOC in my state, but I've been at the top of my class everywhere I've been and in gifted education (under it's many names) in every school I've been in.

Implying that being religious would make you closed minded is hostile. Also, in your first post you imply that anyone who doesn't agree has been brainwashed; immediately meaning that by disagreeing with you they do not fit the criteria for posting here.

Kaori doesn't really care enough to watch your little video. The only discussion I have seen is the argument of religion. That whole fight was someone overreacting because Barabi told them a thread was in the wrong place. If you looked, you would easily find many discussions on Main; they just tend to get bumped off when we're trying to get shit threads off. The threads that have pertinent Dollars information are the ones constantly being bumped up.

Oh, if you noticed, the one religious person posting on this thread is also the one who has been arguing that evolution is real on a different thread. So no, it's not "evolution vs. wizards", it's those who believe in the science in front of them vs those who decide to take a different route.

And no, I haven't watched your little video. I already know all about evolution and don't need to watch a clock simulation to teach me more.

22 Name: Sawducum : 2012-06-07 22:06 ID:WMoDQCHQ [Del]

>>21 "and don't need to watch a clock simulation to teach me more."

That's the close-minded comments I said not to post.

23 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 22:08 ID:OdWiRVp0 [Del]

>>22 We'll post whatever we want. Don't make a thread if you don't want people to comment.

24 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-07 22:15 ID:Pk6XMv/o [Del]

>>22 *Sigh* I have been studying for a AP bio exam for the last couple of days. One of the main units in it is, you guessed it, evolution. That is not close mindedness, it's I'm tired of this subject. I used to think all of those Christians who complained about discrimination were idiots, I'm starting to change my mind.

25 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-06-07 22:19 ID:Eq8wvB4R [Del]

I want to post with some form of intelligence and logic, but all I can go is draw one conclusion:

OP is an idiot. Plain and simple. I'm not even going to provide reasoning. It's obvious.

Now everybody shut up and let this die. I'm tired of reading this bullshit.

26 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 22:20 ID:OdWiRVp0 [Del]

>>25 We've been trying. I've bumped it off twice now - both times he bumped it back up. OP isn't going to just let it die =o=

27 Name: Kaori !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-06-07 22:20 ID:c/2Tid8k [Del]

>>26 Then we don't let it die? This is our site, so who really cares what a prick is going to do? He's one person...