Dollars BBS | Personal
















big news! (14)

1 Name: Zerena : 2012-06-02 16:27 ID:NHJolIS6 [Del]

Hey my fellow dollars My little sister is graduating! Im sitting here waiting for her name to be called at this very moment and wanted to shareware news and event with y'all!

2 Name: Kaze : 2012-06-02 16:36 ID:Pm3k5HTQ [Del]

That sounds fun! Are you proud? Graduating what? (highschool? Univeristy? etc.)

3 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-02 17:11 ID:D6bFmwLS [Del]

>>1 I hate to break it to you, but this isn't Facebook. Aside from your one post bragging about your sister, does this thread have any purpose? However, congradulations.

4 Name: zerena : 2012-06-02 23:58 ID:PamovwkX [Del]

my little sister graduated from high school today!
BarabiSama if u can be so kind as to guide me to the rules for posting something under the personal board or any board, i will be happy to read the rules and follow, but for now, im under the impression that this is for posting something personal and someone wants to share with the rest of the Dollars.

it has a purpose for me and thats good enough

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-03 00:15 ID:D6bFmwLS [Del]

>>4 You wouldn't happen to have read that lovely board description at the top of the page, would you?

This threadt having purpose for you is not good enough. A BBS is for sharing things which have a purpose for everyone. The Personal Board is to ask for advice and counseling. Threads are not FB statuses - you don't make them in a fashion that nobody cares about and only three or four people will comment on. You make threads that are useful and pertinent rather than this.

If you want to brag, we have a bragging thread. However, this is not a social networking site, and nobody cares about your day. To be blunt, this thread is a waste of space.

6 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-03 00:17 ID:D6bFmwLS [Del]

"the rules for posting something under the personal board or any board, i will be happy to read the rules and follow"

Go read the FAQ on Main for your answers.

7 Name: Loliprincess : 2012-06-03 00:26 ID:WJOWwslW [Del]

My older sister graduated High School on Thursday. Congratulations for your sister. Might I suggest instead of having just named this thread "big news!" you might have wanted to call it "Graduation". Not only that but maybe instead of just stating your little sister's graduation you could have asked fellow Dollars members if they or if anyone they knew has also graduated.

8 Name: zerena : 2012-06-03 00:38 ID:PamovwkX [Del]

alright i need advice now Barabisama.
i had this great event happen today that i wanted to tell to the whole world that my little sister graduated high school, when my little sister was born the doctors told my parents she wouldnt live past the age of 4, she did but she is mentally challenged due to some problems with her brain when she was born. she had to face tons of problems from schooling to medical. today was a big day and when i wanted to share it to the whole world i posted this on the Dollars website.
it turns out i made the simple mistake of posting it on under the personal board, someone was rude and posted something that hurt my feelings. i responded because i wanted to know where would have been the best place to post it.
that same person posted again saying that it something i found awesome wasnt good enough to share with everyone instead of replying kindly that there is another board i can post one. what should i do? i made a mistake because im new to this whole thread crap, and wanted to post something awesome, but now im sad that some jerk out there called my sister a waste of space on the infinite internet.

what should i do my perfectly happy exciting day is ruined because some jerk decided to comment RUDELY on my post instead of directing me to the right thread and the rules like a normal person would do if they saw something that wasnt in the right place and a person needing guidance?

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-03 00:47 ID:D6bFmwLS [Del]

>>8 Whoa, kid. I suggest you chill your tits. It's the internet. I was being a fuckton more respectful than usual. I asked you if the post had a purpose. If you responded and informed me that, yes, it DID have a purpose pertaining to everyone, then sure, it would be fine here. If it didn't, I would inform you where it belongs, which I did.

You do not need guidance. You are bragging about your sister. I said congratulations. It's great that she graduated, I don't care what her mental situation is. This doesn't belong here. I'm not here to ruin your day, and if you feel that I'm ruining your day, you need to thicken your skin.

You also need to learn internet etiquette. Your sister may not be a waste of space, but this thread is. It has no use, and in the next few days, it will die and go into the archives. It will waste space on our site and clog up the subback. Being strict on these things is necessary. One thread may not seem like a lot, but when you consider that we get many threads like this a day, there just isn't any slipping past it.

The thread rules are clearly displayed for each board on the top of the page, and the FAQ is always on the first page you see after you enter the password. There is no excuse for this, nor is there any excuse for you back talking someone explaining the fault of a post. If you want me to be rude and mean and hurt your feelings, I can be. Thusfar, however, I have not been.

10 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-06-03 01:08 ID:GPstzcKB [Del]

>>8 There is no need to be upset.

It's great that your "mentally challenged" sister "graduated" "high school" even though "doctors" said she "wouldn't live" past "four."

11 Name: Zerena : 2012-06-03 01:49 ID:a/xYEn1K [Del]

I apologize for my behavior. I was wrong in posting something in the wrong place. I got offended, it was my first time actually trying to post something with words, I've only ever posted some art under the art place but no words attached to them. My feelings got hurt and my pride took a hit. I've calmed down now and realize that i should have been more mature about this. Im twenty years old i shouldnt have gotten emotional. Barabisama u got me mad but since Im in the wrong i apologize, i didn't want this one post and mistake to ruin this site and the dollars for me. Im going to bed now and it was weighing on me, how immature my reply were. Ill try and figure out where to post in the right places next time i ever want to post anything.

12 Name: Ai : 2012-06-03 03:38 ID:6nQjM7Qn [Del]

Congratulations! ^-^

13 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-03 04:06 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

>>11 The bragging thread. This is about the only place this would really go, but it would actually belong there.

14 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-06-03 04:23 ID:v3MRZRtB [Del]

@BarabiSama You know, I saw this thread earlier and thought to myself "You know, this isn't suppose to be here, but I'm going to let this one slide because I do not want to be an asshole today."