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Ummmm help (67)

1 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-05-23 18:51 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

I have problems. i sit in class imagining some of the people dead because sometimes i so wish it were true. I wanted to kill a girl the other day and no i am not going to a therapist my parents would make my life more of a hell then it already is. If i could i would just beat the hell out of them and be finished with their BS but they'd have to hit me first i need them to start it but they wont because they know i would win. so sadly i need help wit this if my fellow dollars could help that would be great

2 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-05-23 20:26 ID:a47NxuOf (Image: 500x313 gif, 58 kb) [Del]

src/1337822790559.gif: 500x313, 58 kb

3 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-05-23 20:30 ID:lI+s2dVq (Image: 396x349 jpg, 27 kb) [Del]

src/1337823052004.jpg: 396x349, 27 kb
We havent spiderman'd in ages..

4 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-05-23 20:34 ID:a47NxuOf (Image: 303x252 jpg, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1337823251037.jpg: 303x252, 12 kb

5 Name: Ray : 2012-05-23 23:39 ID:P09yn3rV [Del]

>>2,3,4 wow you people are no help.

Well, i don't know much to say except maybe "you can get by this" or "it'll pass over" cuz i just wanted you to know your fellow dollars do care and not all will post things like the comments above this one so... hang in there.
Dealing with people suck but there are other people out there and i'm sure you have atleast one friend who will undeerstand and help you. if not, you'll find one cuz you should know that in every case no matter what: you are not alone. (dunno if this helps or not, sorry if it dozn't)

6 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-05-24 01:24 ID:jbYZPFav [Del]

For the record

Even if they hit you first, "excessive violence" rules out the "self defense" argument.

And we don't care not because we are legitimately unconcerned about someone with the disposition to think this way - we don't care because it's basically a stated fact that they are all talk. Every kid goes through the special snowflake stage when they believe all the world's problems revolve around them, and the best thing to do is not entertain it.

They didn't post this thread to get advice, they posted it to let people know they're different and have morbid trains of thought. It's an unbearable thing to come to terms with the idea that you aren't so different from most people, but I dislike it when people corroborate a lie to impressionable kids.

I mean seriously. If you want me to help out...
Show of hands, who, at any point in their childhood, got mad enough at someone to "want to kill them" or something similarly morbid that they probably wouldn't do now?


7 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-24 01:49 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

2 hands up = 2 votes. What now.
kid has issues, big woop, aint jack shit any one of us can do about it. All they really wanted is someone to pay attention n say "i know that feel bro"

8 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-05-24 02:07 ID:NufwThQV (Image: 400x391 gif, 60 kb) [Del]

src/1337843245192.gif: 400x391, 60 kb

9 Name: Illusive Man : 2012-05-24 06:59 ID:GEuT2wPD [Del]

>>8 that word is one i dont expect to see our members tossing around. please repost with out the image ok? There truly is not OK definition of that F-word.

10 Name: Illusive Man : 2012-05-24 07:00 ID:GEuT2wPD [Del]

I do see my minnor slip up at the end,
"Please repost without the image, there is no OK definiton to that F-word.">>9

11 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-05-24 07:00 ID:ejhvI+b+ [Del]

It's the Internet. Get used to it.

12 Name: BarabiSama!!Xu7p6LDw : 2012-05-24 13:32 ID:oGr4sZ7h [Del]

>>9 Whorin' faggot-niggers be errywere. umadbro.jpg
>>11 This.

13 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-24 13:54 ID:0D3pNwai [Del]

>>11 in addition, play CoD. Itll get you desensitized to the word right quick

14 Name: BarabiSama!!Xu7p6LDw : 2012-05-24 13:56 ID:oGr4sZ7h [Del]

>>13 THIS.

15 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-05-24 15:31 ID:NufwThQV [Del]

>>11>>12>>13 These.

Oh...and stop being a faggot >>9.
Getting sad about a word is the ultimate sign of faggotry.


16 Name: Lydia : 2012-05-24 17:27 ID:+Q1jZ+65 [Del]

Okay, this is prob really stupid, but make your own death note notebook and write down stuff just like from the anime death note. It will prob help let your feelings loose than a diary (i really hate diaries. they're really boring to me). Kill whoever you want in the notebook. of course, nothing will happen, but it might help you sleep at night feeling satisfied...... (0.o)

17 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-05-24 17:38 ID:ejhvI+b+ [Del]

How bout NOT encouraging psychopathic behavior?

18 Name: BarabiSama!!Xu7p6LDw : 2012-05-24 18:56 ID:oGr4sZ7h [Del]

>>17 This.

19 Name: Aidens : 2012-05-24 19:13 ID:vyBxdeav [Del]

ignore them. theyve done nothing for you so they should mean nothing to you. violence wont solve the issue,itall only add feul to the flame. i suggest you continue with your thoughts, but keep them just as that, thoughts. try writing what you feel you want to do to them, then burn the pages and watch the ashes fall. may help

20 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-25 14:40 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

Do what I do. I get hated more for it, but I respond in the same way.

Just think you're too cool to listen to them and ignore them. Hey, I have a pride complex because of this, but it works. I just think to myself, "I'm smarter than them and I'm better than them." Then I pity them because they can't be as good as me. It also helps me to ignore them, to not listen to them, and to not take what they say to heart.

21 Name: Alyosha : 2012-05-25 23:11 ID:Y+PsDyEM [Del]

Sounds to me like you're young and haven't figured out the great truth in life.

As much as we're told from an early age that we're special and oftentimes smarter than everyone else the reality of the matter is that we're really all pretty much the same. Those same people you think of killing are likely thinking the same about you. They think they're smarter and better than you and vice versa. At the end of the day you have more in common with your perceived enemies than you think. It also doesn't help at all that every slight that you think they've done to you is either completely meaningless or they don't even know that they've done it. Personally I think most people are fairly decent and if they knew they did something to you they'd apologize. However, you're not going to think that, especially if you're a teenager, because your body chemistry won't allow it. You'll think you hate them and once your hormones balance out you'll think back and go "Hey, I was kind of a jackass back then. I really wouldn't loan that guy money". Eventually, you'll find peace but only after you've realized how not special you are.

22 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-27 12:05 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

>>21 Interesting theory you have there. Okay I'll admit that you have a point in the small possibility that they don't know that they have slighted you theory. I have done that and didn't know it. Almost got me into a fight. I've just now realized how many times I've almost gotten into a fight. I guess it depends on what they are saying then. Like the people I deal with know what they are saying. There is no way in hell anyone can say these things and not know that they are being rude. This is why I say there is a slight possibility that you could be right.

As to your other theory. Me equal to them? That's a good one there. That's real funny. I know I'm not better than everyone else, but I'm most certainly not the same as these people. I'll tell you why. As of this moment, only one person has understood me. I can tell some people exactly how I feel, and they still won't understand. I can lie straight to someone's face about how I feel, and they won't know the difference even if it's obvious I'm lying.If we were really all so alike, then can you explain to me why I'm misunderstood by almost everyone?

23 Name: Kerra-Chan : 2012-05-27 15:44 ID:oBDfRtRK [Del]

I know how you feel it has happened to me before and more than a few times. I just surpress the feelings to do what goes in my mind. I can't ask for help seeing as my parent doesn't give so just hang on and know that you are not alone.

24 Name: Alyosha : 2012-05-27 16:54 ID:NqC9qbod [Del]


I can explain this. As much as we are all mostly alike, we are also unable to fully convey anything to one another. You aren't different from everyone else Leigha.Everybody is "misunderstood"? I am. Kerra-Chan is. You are. Why? Because it is completely impossible to bridge our realities and the realities of others. You can't share feelings, knowledge, patience, wisdom. At the end of the day it all comes down to ourselves. Does that mean you are alone? No. It means you are alone with your own thoughts, your own soul, because nobody can be part of that. That is the only truly unique thing about a person. We can relate. We can see parts of ourselves in others. We cannot share in our complete understanding of the world because that is the only thing that is really different about us. Aside from that, we're pretty much the same. I know it seems contradictory, but that's just how it goes. Humans are like that. Just try to be a decent person, get over yourself, and grow as a person.

Side note: Don't try to compare suffering. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how "misunderstood" you are. The only person who can truly make you happy is yourself.

25 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-27 18:29 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

>>24 Did I compare suffering? Shit! I'm sorry if I did.

It's contradictory, but it makes sense. I just have not seen many instances where me and someone else were alike. Chances are that I'm wrong. I will eventually see that I'm wrong. I will most likely except that I'm wrong when it comes to this until it can be proven. Once I'm proven wrong, I'll probably not admit it in this case, unless me and another person are in a debate about this and they prove me wrong.

26 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-27 18:31 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

>>25 "I will most likely not* except that I'm wrong until it's proven."

27 Name: Mitsubachi : 2012-05-28 19:14 ID:Fe+3xyiv [Del]

It looks like you're having some pretty dangerous obsessions, though I advise that you do everything in your power to keep from acting upon them.
I understand a desire to stay away from therapists due to possible scrutiny from others, but if things don't improve, you should really look into it. Trust me, it'll help you.
Also, try your best to keep your temper in check and to keep your hands to yourself. It's easy to get carried away if you don't, and that would end absolutely horribly.
I suggest you keep yourself busy with activities you enjoy. Try to focus on hobbies when you can, and try to stay relaxed as well.

28 Name: Katiesmith : 2012-05-29 09:26 ID:re70InP3 [Del]

You're not the only one who wants people dead. "I just wish the deathnote were real, then my problems would be solved." is often what I think. I've had to talk to a therapist b4, trust me, they're not helpful. I often get mad at others for doing stupid things (like being a teen and being pregnant at th same time, or if others hating gays.). But I don't let anyone know. As far as I'm concerned, no one but my Mom cares. I tell my friends everything is fine and I lie to my boyfriend about my feelings. I understand wanting to kill others, but plez don't.

29 Name: T.M.S. !hpr1gHK1l6 : 2012-05-29 18:15 ID:XZyft5pF [Del]

like i told another guy GO WILD. Trust me it feels bad once you bottle it up but just hold it in until the anger and confusion takes over and GO WILD. it will feel good like well there is nothing as good as letting it all out when it happens. Main point GO WILD - T.M.S.

30 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-05-29 22:19 ID:e5PEsLWv [Del]

>>29 Yes, tell the person who wants to kill everyone to just do what their urges tell them. Great advice.

31 Name: Ryuzaaki123 : 2012-05-30 03:40 ID:2T9kQPZi [Del]

>>29 This is spam. Second time I've sen him post this BS.

32 Name: Lydia : 2012-05-31 18:13 ID:+Q1jZ+65 [Del]

Try asking your school counseler for help. You can always ask him not to tell your parents.

33 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-06-04 00:02 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

>>22 I agree with you 100% on that one, i have tested that theory, i walked up to a classmate and said to his face "Often times i imagine myself hurting you severely" he just laughed it off but i was dead serious, next day i told him i had no beef with him and he believed me i lied to his face and he thought it was the truth.
>>21 yeah im not like that i know im not special, ever heard "all is one and one is all" if i died today outside of my closest friends and relatives nobody would give a shit. they would move on cuz they didnt no me im not special and i realized that when i was 8 years-old because unlike most people i wasnt brought up to believe so i was brought up with the dead truth. thats how my parents raised me and its made me strong. and the likelyhood their thinking the same about me is 1/100,000,000 the reason i say this is because i have never talked ill of people i was raised that way as well if i talked ill about someone my parents would say "Shut the fuck up, how would you like it if they said that about you" they were but if i argued id just dig a deeper hole for me.
>>16 thats a good idea i'll give that a shot thanx
>>6 I didnt post this to get attention i couldnt give a fuck about attention, i want genuinely to be helped my family has a long history of mental instability and im almost slipping past that point. i would like to try and keep my head though. number 16 in this thread gave good advice i'll take that into account what you said is fucking dumb. attention? you realize how many homocides are commited by children and teenagers nowadays, especially when the kid comes from calgary and moves to a small piece of shit town where everybody is a judgemental prick who thinks im a fucking rapist!! i own a gun and multiple knives how often do you think its crossed my mind that like many others in history "Kill them then kill myself that way i stay out of jail" people like you are the cause of people like me if i wanted attention i would tell my friend this not a bunch of people on the internet im asking for genuine advice you stupid prick think before you post

34 Name: Kanra : 2012-06-04 09:27 ID:sCK20sZx [Del]

talk to some people who know you then >.>

35 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-06-04 23:01 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

>>34 tried that they think im joking like in my comment above. i tell them sometimes i actually want to kill people they just laugh it off

36 Name: Setton : 2012-06-05 13:44 ID:hBQNFQyN [Del]

Why do you want to kill them? Are they getting on your nerves..or did they do something to you?

37 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-06-05 13:57 ID:vP5ghL9L [Del]

I know how you feel sweetie. :( Some people man. But really, just smile threw it. And remember a few thing: 1. The world isn't as bad as you think 2. People act the way they do for a reason. And we don't know that reason, because we are not them. Just like with right now. Nobody here truly knows what your intentions behind posting this is. You could be an attention seeker, you could really want help and had no one else to turn to. So, some of us act like jerks and tell you to get lost, some of us do our best to help (which, btw, is the DOLLARS way. Seriously guys. If your gonna be a Dollar, up hold our ways). Some people deal with their problems is life by taking it out on other people as a means to not feel so alone, some people deal with it by loving others with the thinking of "Just because I can't make my life better doesn't mean I can't make someone elses life better". My point is, don't be so quick to judge people by how they treat others. More often then not it's the meanest of mean people that need to be shown love and forgiveness the most.

38 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-06-10 03:02 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

>>37 i did consider that people have lives and problems of their own but those were washed away at that "dare to care" thing that came to town. we all stated our problems in life. on guy i didnt like had problems the only other problems is a bit of flak they take from their friends and ive seen it. its not that bad its simple light stuff. I wish it were that simple but its not i know some might have problems but they dont have friends outside our town. they've never left. i have friends in calgary who's problems far surpass mine. they cause depression i cause myself anger. i dont ever feel depressed i only feel angry its how i cope. but i dont want to anymore. i just want some advice on what to do to solve my problem i need to release some anger

39 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-06-10 03:35 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

>>36 i want to kill them for multiple reasons. i want to kill them because they've given me 6 years of hell, when moving to the opposite environment wasnt bad enough. i want to kill them because even when my friends died they didn't care they just insulted me and them anyway. i want to kill them because regardless of how many times i tell them to stop they dont. they keep going past the point they should've stopped. i want to kill them because even when i tell them "I'm in a really bad mood" they ignore it and continue running their mouthes about how pathetic i am and how useless my friends were. I want to kill them because they disrespect me and my honor as much as they possibly can. i want to kill them more often then not. And sometimes i wish my body would move and just do it

40 Name: roxas132 : 2012-06-10 17:02 ID:hX4POYfF [Del]

First : those people r son of a bitches. second: In your situation I would beat the hell out if them but that is a sorta bad cuz u would get in trouble. Just find something that won't feel pain imagine those bitches face on it and go right at it and ouch it until u calm down or your knuckles bleed.

41 Name: roxas132 : 2012-06-10 17:04 ID:hX4POYfF [Del]

I ment punch

42 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-06-10 20:58 ID:CA6TNNUM [Del]

Killing someone never did any good. Sure those people are gone. But now you have their blood on your hands. And that will always haunt you. Where will these people be compared to you in 10 or even 5 years? Somewhere other then where you are. And even now, you can go home and get away from them. You can come on here and vent to us. :) And just so you know. The number one reason (not always so) why people like that bully others the way they do is because the ring leader is getting abused by someone else. Maybe their dad beats them up, or their mom slaps them around, or when no one is around their sibling messes them up. They could be in some serious trouble right now. And their friends that help or week, pathetic people, that need to modal themselves after the strongest person they can so that they don't feel week and useless.

43 Name: Flame1200 : 2012-06-11 09:38 ID:b8MiHy7D [Del]

direct your thought into action or focus on other impulses trust me iam 16 and going through this myself. you just need to stop and think it out or direct the actions in creative ways like music, working out, studying, and if you can art. personally i can't draw for s#!* but give it a shot. THat or you can move everything to your dreams.

44 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-11 13:28 ID:rvS9BVdu [Del]

It's called being a normal human being.
I think we already covered this. A while ago.
Just about EVERYONE does this. Saying you have a 'problem' because of this does not make you special. I'm just saying, I have a feeling that's why you posted this.
If you really want help, then you you need to fucking do it yourself. Tell them the problem. Deal with it. There are annoying, retarded people in this world. And you know what you got to do? Deal with it. Ignore it.

45 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-11 13:32 ID:rvS9BVdu [Del]

>>44 Oh, and I forgot to mention in that last post:
"Stop being such a faggot."

46 Name: (Smil3y Fac3) : 2012-06-11 17:45 ID:9Tch62Zc [Del]

Join a kickboxing class. 101 ways to crush someone's nuts.

47 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-11 17:55 ID:mCPrynpB [Del]

Doctors told my dad this, I shall tell you.
Wanting to harm anyone, may it be slight fighting or wishing upon them Death, is not normal human behavior. No matter if a lot of people do it, they say you're not anywhere near normal if you wish to hurt someone.

With that being said, you need help. Massive amounts of help that we cannot and shouldn't give you. What do you expect from us? Why should we care about some nut wanting to kill people in their mind?

Check yourself into your local Mental ward, and hope to god they can fix your damn ass. Also, I didn't read all of the original post. I stopped at the first part of them wanting people dead.

It is also not normal asking people who really could care less to help someone crazy. Let alone it being on the Internet. The cesspool that spawns lies.

48 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-11 17:56 ID:mCPrynpB [Del]

>>47 Well not wishing to kill them personally, but wishing death upon them, in general.

49 Name: SlapBoxKid !!K5s9zxzV : 2012-06-11 18:46 ID:Va16ve/b [Del]

You know, Toru, self control is a marvelous thing. Sometimes classmates may pick on others because they look too timid or pensive, but always remember the words of Sun Tzu, "Walk silently and carry a big stick." Just sit at your desk and keep your composure; I am sure that your aggressors are looking for just one thing: a reaction. If you rob them of a reaction, you win. And you keep from looking like a douche bag.

Now, if you are talking about having unprovoked urges to hurt people, i would go with Thiamor. Get help.

50 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-06-14 20:27 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

>>44 Your wrong. i didnt do it because i think im "Special" as IVE already covered from a young age i was brought up to believe im just like everyone else in certain ways im unique and im sure im not the only one who wants to kill someone. but i would like help my way of doing things is a reflection of my brother's. Beat the shit out of them and they will leave you alone. id rather not but it seems to me im heading that way
>>49 you remind me of a person i know. she tells me the same thing course self control is a wonderful thing. but not something anyone in my family has been known to possess. They are not looking for a reaction, despite what the morons who designed the Anti-bullying bullshit would have everyone believe they do it because i dont react. this is coming from the mouth of one of those asswipes "We do it because you can take it. you brush it off your shoulders and continue walking regardless thats why its fun we can discharge all of our burns on you and you can take it without taking it to heart" They obviously arent doing it for my "Reaction" if they were it would've stopped in 2nd grade when i officially decided to say fuck em their retards but my mindset has changed. i wish it were that simple but reaction has nothing to do with it
>>45 fuck you. you take a day worth of the crap i take and then we'll see whos fucking talking huh? ever taken shit from 42 people in a matter of 8 hours straight. its not fun and its even worse because friends in this town mean shit all. you come to my school you sit in my shoes and by the end of the day you'll feel the same fuckin way call someone a faggot when you realize what pain truly means and what being alone truly is

51 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-06-14 20:32 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

im thankful for all the suggestions....the ones that weren't written by retards who ASSUME shit. i'll try my own death note it seems like a good idea. i am taking jeet kune do lessons during summer so i have a good way to work out my anger. an acuintance from school has asked me to be his sparring partner since we take the same jeet kune do classes so thats another way to relieve anger if you have any more suggestions i would be happy to hear them and give them a shot i usually work out to relieve me of anger too so thats a bonus

52 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-14 22:16 ID:D5ZXq+UU [Del]

Hey, everybody wants to kill everyone every once in a while. What you need is a hobby. Like manipulating people into doing your bidding. Start studying psychology and see where it takes you; if you keep at it you'll be inserting false memories and making your enemies doubt their own sanity in no time!

53 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-06-14 22:29 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

>>52 that is bloody genius i love that devious plan very creative i'll definetly try that

54 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-14 22:45 ID:bAS3TDAO [Del]

Then EVERYBODY will be officially noted as crazy.

55 Name: KitsuneLawliet : 2012-06-15 01:26 ID:ApEWBkbW [Del]

Manipulating people may only make things worse. In a way you will be taking away their free will and that's the worst thing (in my oppinion) that you can do to someone. I have felt like this before and getting a hobby is a good thing to do. I started studying witch craft. I do not try to harm people with these spells. i try to help them. i have actualy gotten someone to change their veiws on things with one of these spells and now are one of the nicest people you will ever meet. (compared on how they use to be) I do believ that what you do to someone will come back at you x3 (or Karma as other's would say) I haven't had any problems with people sence i have started these studies.

56 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-15 13:23 ID:W5muBaLS [Del]


57 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-15 22:58 ID:rvS9BVdu [Del]

>>52 I'm not sure whether to give you an applause, or to tell you to not give people advice that will ruin their lives because they have no clue how to control it.
Oh wait, I just did.

58 Name: Luxis : 2012-06-16 03:34 ID:V5B3XLR6 [Del]

Get some proffessional help.

Also, if that many people are making fun of you, there must be a reason, like, I don't wanting to kill them all.
How old are you? 13?
Just get over yourself, everyone has problems.

Also, remember, if you kill someone, there will be other people harmed by it, saddened by the loss.
Death isn't something to joke about.

59 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-06-16 06:44 ID:QyeI2IWV [Del]

If you hurt others than there are going to be more problems. It's not worth it and they sure are not worth it. Just forget about other peoples shit; why even worry about it? Wishing death on other people is dumb to think about; what would that resolve? Sure they wont be around anymore but like I said there not worth it; it's never worth it. Stop thinking about something so useless and unnecessary; it's common for young people to be thinking silly thoughts like that but it's only because it's out of your impulse. So don't worry about; they want to be dumb then let them be dumb but don't let them bring you down to there level.

60 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-20 22:32 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

>>58 im 15 actually and i think i know that already. ive lost two of my best friends. but about these people i dont care if they're saddened by their loss they never gave one little gram of fuck about me so why should i return the favor
>>55 i dont mean to insult you but you literally sound like my mom she does the same shit. I thought of going into it myself but i dont know how to do that crap
>>59 you make me think of the people who say "Two wrongs don't make a right" question for that statement is, then when the hell does a wrong make a right 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 it doesnt matter to most they just sit back and take it im not that kind of person im strong willed hence why i mouth off my teachers when they try to fuck with me and why i yell at my parents for giving me the shittiest advice in the entire planet so my question stands if im not going down to their level cant i just push them farther down so maybe they have no level so they can fall endlessly that would work

61 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-21 03:47 ID:ztlOksi6 [Del]

if people are pissing you off do something about it, dont just wait for it to happen kick there asses now. if you let it go on an on, waiting for them to do something it wont fix anything and if there anything like the people i think you might be describing they never will. its better to just get it over with then to keep dealing with it over and over think about it, deal with shit from your parents and have no one fucking with you, or keep getting fucked with but not get as much shit from your parents. + plus if your parents are making your life a living hell then who gives a dam. if it can't get better at home do something to make it better in class. i can't tell you what to do but whatever you do make sure your sure about it.

62 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-21 03:56 ID:ztlOksi6 (Image: 540x443 jpg, 33 kb) [Del]

src/1340268991088.jpg: 540x443, 33 kb
also if you do end up know, killing some one do it with a smile. anti-

63 Name: Greenkap : 2012-06-21 10:00 ID:0EgfQ4hd [Del]

yay happy plane. No but in all seriousness killing somebody is a bad idea. Snapping an arm on the other hand....

64 Name: Greenkap : 2012-06-21 10:02 ID:0EgfQ4hd [Del]

yay happy plane. No but in all seriousness killing somebody is a bad idea. Snapping an arm on the other hand will get them to leave you the fuck alone you might get in trouble but if you don't you'll have to deal with they're shit forever

65 Name: Mayu : 2012-06-21 11:34 ID:rdYHMR6C [Del]

Toru Katz what ever you do dont get your self in trouble i admet yeah hitting those guys for what they did would feel amazing, but violence only brings out more violence. Also if you kill them then youd go to jail ,and whos life would be ruined yours ,and you seem like a good kid. Trust me you dont wanna ruin your life.

66 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-06-21 12:03 ID:emcjRFHn [Del]

My only real advice is trying to meditate or figure out why you have the urge to kill that person. It might be a stupid reason, so meditation could help calm those thoughts. (Not saying that you can put 100% faith in this, its only a suggestion)

67 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-07-05 13:56 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

>>62 that gave me a good laugh thanx lol
>>64 snapping an arm in my school would be grounds for expulsion. sadly enough i cant afford to be expelled if i am i cant take high school classes because there is no other school in my area.
>>66 i have tried meditation but the problem with that is my mind tends to wander. i have ADD so its not very easy to meditate for me. i have done it twice and reached a point of i guess "spiritual enlightenment" or the full meditation stage but that was once out of the 100 times ive done it

All in all i think its about time to let this thread die ive gotten some suggestions and jeet kune do classes are going well since im no longer bound to that hellhole for 2 months anger doesnt come very much. im calming down thatnx to my sparring partner and these lessons, plus my life is looking up since i got a new girlfriend and im doing better.
i'd like to give thanx to >>16 for the great suggestion i liked it and use it every day and it does make me feel much better
id like to thank all the others for sending me good suggestions and tell those who didn't and insulted me that "some fucking dollar you are huh?" so thanx and lets let this thread die now