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I am a monster.... (23)

1 Name: Lina : 2012-05-20 16:20 ID:j0j/LOBu [Del]

No one believes me when I say I am. They think I'm to nice and to innocent. When I say I'm a monster I mean that I have this...thing, inside me. Its to hard to explain, but I cant sleep or it "takes over". I need help, it wants my best friend. PLEASE HELP ME.

2 Name: Ray : 2012-05-20 16:28 ID:P09yn3rV [Del]

Have you ever heard the song "Monster" by Skillet?
Or " Animal I have become" by Three days grace?
I find songs can help me cope with life, you might wanna give it a try...

3 Name: Kaori !!zEnInHNI : 2012-05-20 16:58 ID:+lcCqflj [Del]

I wish I could help, dearly. But you need to explain as much as you can. :3 I really have no idea what you mean by that, all i can think of right now is that you have an anime fantasy of yourself being some completely crazy/secretlybadass person that everyone underestimates. Hopefully that's not what you mean right? Because that kind of psychological analysis just then was just random. :/

4 Name: Lina : 2012-05-20 17:48 ID:j0j/LOBu [Del]

>>3 hells no; I will explain more I guess....
Its been like this my whole life, it makes me hate myself. My parents know about it and pretty much hate me for it. When I get angry or upset, they immediately try to calm me. I can see "it", its shadow is wolf-like, and Im afraid of it. It stirs when I sleep, so my eyes are really dark. Lately its been targeting my friend, wanting her. It literally becomes me and speaks through me. Seriously, I need help on this. Please!

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-05-20 18:06 ID:623n4Imy [Del]

OP, the faggot police have been contacted.

All kidding aside, you probably have schizophrenia.
Or you live in some kind of fantasy world.
Either way, you need to seek out a psychiatrist.

For further reading:

7 Name: Lina : 2012-05-20 18:22 ID:j0j/LOBu [Del]

>>6 you're hilarious :/ (sarcasm self check complete)
But thank you for atleast trying to help.

8 Name: Kaori !!zEnInHNI : 2012-05-20 18:24 ID:+lcCqflj [Del]

That....>>6....although I don't like the way it was placed into your thread. So how about:

You may be diagnosed with Schizophrenia, and you should really just ask your parents (in all seriousness)if you could go to pyschiatrist. It may help.

In a spiritual factor, and no one smite me for this, because GOSH there's a hella lot of athiest and satanism threads suddenly, you could try seeking some spiritual peace. How? I don't know, I've never been in your position to be honest. I would love to help you out more, but the only way I can is by speaking my own thoughts, and that would mean talking about Christianity and God, and to some members it's horrible and disgusting and I have been told not to talk about it. So....

I'm truly, sorry, but I could divulge you in my Christianity/God/Spiritual talk if you'd like. :A

9 Name: Lina : 2012-05-20 18:46 ID:j0j/LOBu [Del]

>>8 yes please do, I could use a little bit of God today...

10 Name: meteor : 2012-05-29 09:22 ID:jBoqbz8M [Del]

the idea of trying to control the desire to break someones neck, or the fear of losing control the freaky feeling of being exhilarated and yet being so afraid of what you might be capable of doing...

11 Name: Enigma42 : 2012-05-29 12:26 ID:n0jIQDkH [Del]

I would actually consult a Priest. I myself am Roman Catholic. Everything in this world is either Good or evil. Things come from God or the Devil. If these feelings you seem to be experiencing don't seem to be coming from or resulting in good then (in my belief) there is only one other place that it could be coming from. This is just what I think though.

12 Name: meteor : 2012-05-29 12:41 ID:oVD28/MZ [Del]

you look at things in black and white

13 Name: T.M.S. !hpr1gHK1l6 : 2012-05-29 18:07 ID:XZyft5pF [Del]

if you ask me religious things ain't going to help. Like me for example my memories only contain the worst things I've experienced. so if i was you i would embrace it. GO WILD. Don't stop. That is the thing that makes things between you and everybody different. Main thing GO WILD! - T.M.S

14 Name: starwizard : 2012-05-29 19:06 ID:YQSAkl8I [Del]

this is strange. i am going through something similar right now. only, with my experience sometimes it feels like my emotions are being completely turned off, and i also kind of like "the beast within".huh, guess i'm just weird like that. as for how to help you... i don't really know i said i kind of like having this thing so i haven't tried to get rid of it. sorry i can't help you.Oh and thread viewers, feel free to bitch at me for posting what you might think is a useless comment

15 Name: Kazuya : 2012-05-29 19:31 ID:4+arcByB [Del]

If the monster "takes over" what happens to you?

16 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !I/7tfzIuaQ : 2012-05-29 22:18 ID:am0icnlh [Del]

1 word: Vocaloid.

17 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-05-29 23:30 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

>>16 Shut up, this is nothing to joke about.

Lina, E-mail me. I'll help because I'm in a similar problem I suppose but I don't want others seeing ._.

18 Name: Ryuzaaki123 : 2012-05-30 03:37 ID:2T9kQPZi [Del]

When people see this they're just going to ask, "Who the fuck are you?"

I wish the section of the site wasn't so heavy. I feel like this place should just be boarded off since it's either some extremely disturbed individual, a troll or some whiny 16 year old...

There's absolutely no way we can understand what you mean by 'Monster' when all you've done is post a few messages on a message board. If you're afraid you'll hurt your best friend just be consoled by the fact that you may just be an idiot (I'm not joking). You need real world help - It's unlikely we can help you.

As for the religion idea... you have to ask yourself if that's what's wrong with you. Do you believe in God? Heaven? Hell? Do you obsess over it? You're posts on here too vague for it to be understandable.

I personally believe in no real God but I do believe in Heaven and Hell. You just figure out what you believe.

19 Name: Alyosha : 2012-05-30 08:51 ID:f497wj4U [Del]

You are not a monster. Put your mind at peace and you will have it.

20 Name: Lex14 : 2012-05-30 11:16 ID:a8JYp713 [Del]

i know what you mean, i know the monster your talking about. this thing eats away at you right? makes you think unwanted thoughts? i may be able to hellp. i deal with a simaler monster thats tied to my soul. i cant explain here. email me if you want my help:

21 Name: Trap !9eHot4WQvA : 2012-05-30 12:23 ID:x7KM8XqE [Del]

Someones been watching too much anime.....

But in all seriousness it sounds like this monster inside of you is symbolic/an exaggeration of your deep thoughts ._. or demon possesion, and I'm pretty sure it's not the latter.

22 Name: Lina : 2012-05-30 13:52 ID:j0j/LOBu [Del]

My friend and I went to a relaxing outdoorsy place and I put myself in a peaceful state. I feel better from when this thing was here. It feels like its pretty much gone........ thanks for helping me.

23 Name: Little Black Raincloud : 2012-05-31 07:08 ID:OBmZ5Ixk [Del]

you may be a werewolf. just sayin'
>>21 this