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What'shappeningtellme (11)

1 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-05-15 18:34 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

This is like, my third time posting a thread on Personal. (I am disappointed with myself for that.) On to the subject.

Towards the beginning of the school year (2011), I noticed this one extremely tall guy, then pheromones happened and I immediately started crushing on him, and the fact his locker and everything is near me really started getting me nervous because I figured this would impact my grades (it didn't which is good), but this crush, over the span of like, seven months, grew into sort of an awkward obsession (Obsession is gone, I did not turn into Yuno), and eventually it faded off, but this is really making me nervous and I hate having a crush on a guy I don't even know. Do you guys have any advice on how to tone this problem down? People say I should enjoy having a crush, but it feels like hell. (Also, I want to harm this guy, all dese emotions be pissin' me off). ; u ; I'm dying here.

2 Name: Shikkit !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-05-15 18:39 ID:fi6EFM1I [Del]

Hahahahah I hate that feeling! Happened to me to! Except I decided to pursue him XD I asked him to dance, he said yes, the next day he asked me, and I just kept trying, and trying.

I liked him more and more too, which -like you said- felt like hell. Then he asked me out after a year of me trying, and I said yes. I broke up with him soon after because I found out he was bad news. Hahah!

You never know until you try. And that feeling will be the same regardless if you know or don't know they guy if you like them. It doesn't go away with age either :P

3 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-05-15 21:09 ID:J82At3Gf [Del]

Well get to know the guy, start a conversation all you have to do is say 'hello.' maybe he could end up liking you back.

4 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-05-15 22:06 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

>>3 Uuummm...never in my life. There have been many awkward moments in which I have had to avoid him for around five weeks. Like almost running him over whilst trying to get my binder back from some other person.

5 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-05-16 01:02 ID:bTDBGDdo [Del]

>>1 I believe you mean hormones, not pheromones. Pheromones are chemical smells emitted by animals (usually during mating season) to induce certain behaviors.

But when you go to your locker, just say hi, and make a little small talk until you get more comfortable. Eventually, work yourself up to asking him out. You can't date him if you don't try.

6 Name: PainKiller : 2012-05-16 05:41 ID:F1DGIQeM [Del]

>>4 Seems like this is a one-way deal. Find out from others all about this guy. It never hurts to get your friends, family, or servents to get information for you.
I've seen and helped situations like this actually work for the better. Know this guy, find out what he likes, and just take it from there. If he's interested in similar things as you, start conversations on that specific area. Sooner or later, some relationship will grow.
Sadly, however, it doesn't seem like he's interested in you entirely, at least. So you may have to start from the ground-up. Good luck~

7 Name: Eve !V41FL0UQHA : 2012-05-16 08:11 ID:LbmxbGL1 [Del]

So, here are 2 actions you could take:
1. Move on and forget about the guy.
2. Try and get him to like you back.

And here are my advice:
A. For the former option:
- Change your locker position, exchange with your friend who wanted to also or avoid using your locker at the same time as him.
- Try talking or hanging out with your other male friends, and maybe you could get another crush (this time you know the guy).
- Don't talk in a topic involving your crush first.
B. For the latter option (I believe there are a lot of suggestions for this one so I'll make it short):
- Try talking to him first (jokes makes a good impression), there are a lot of ways and situations to do this, depends on how you want to do it.
- Get to know him better, you can search for information by asking his friends or people that might associates with him.

I think that's all, the decision is up to you to make. I'll not give suggestions of your options as the situation isn't really clear to me.


8 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-05-16 15:31 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

>>7 Sadly, all these choices are um..impossible in whatever way. Including locker position changing isn't available in my school unless it's concrete bullying.
>>6 Servants? o - o.. Um, I'm just trying to get away from him actually. I never wanted to be near him ever. Plus I'm afraid he considers me a freak for various things I've done by accident.
>>5 I've been having conflicting questions about hormone or pheromone, thanks for clearing that up.

9 Name: Eve !V41FL0UQHA : 2012-05-17 00:13 ID:L4uSiVpK [Del]

>>8 Okay, so what's the problem with my two cents? You said you wanted to get away from him but you wouldn't even try (well, based from your words I'd say you haven't)?

Avoid using your locker at all.
Exchange with your friend, your teachers wouldn't notice anyway, in my school they didn't.
When you passed him, act like you don't know him.

You wanted things to be really cliche?
Tell him all those things you had done that makes him think you're a freak are accidents because you have a crush on him, then walk away without hearing his answer.
From there it's an open ending.

10 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-17 00:24 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

>>8 then dont tell the school o.O you cant just ask your friend "hey, switch lockers with me?"

11 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-05-17 15:21 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

>>9 >>10 I have the most awkward, prudent, boring, ridiculously stiff friends. None of them accepted those proposals. I'm just going to pretend like I don't see him.