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i need friends :( (60)

1 Name: Curiosity : 2012-05-02 22:39 ID:Ien87EyA [Del]

guys, i need friends. i dont have friends at school, everyone bullies me, they call me names blah blah blah. they call me anime freak jsut because i end my sentences with "desu" at the end. so what if i have a fairy tail "tattoo" on my arm written in pen. RIGHT?! so what if i go by the name "Tsuna" at school, i tell the teachers to call me Tsuna instead of my real name. please help me make friends :(

2 Name: SOUL : 2012-05-02 22:41 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

sorry man but ur not the only one at school with no friends hell at my school im a loner i get beat up cused at the all tellme to kill my self all because they think im emo so trust me it could be worse u could be like me kid

3 Name: SOUL : 2012-05-02 22:46 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

anyone else want to reply

4 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-05-02 22:46 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

. _ . Um..

I suggest loosening up on your anime philosophy, even though you love it, speak desu, doing stuff like that really blocks friend making. They call you that because you sound like a weaboo.

Have any other interests? Like, sports or music? If you use small talk and mirror someone then you can make friends pretty well. When I mean mirror though, I mean to reflect their emotions in your on way, don't copy them. I don't have friends either if that makes you feel better, everyone's too social over in my side of the world.

>>2 Don't kill yourself. That's cowardly.

5 Name: SOUL : 2012-05-02 22:49 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

how u telling me not to

6 Name: SOUL : 2012-05-02 22:50 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

i mean who u telling me not to

7 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-05-02 22:52 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

Someone who wants people to live. It's Curiosity's thread. Moving on.

8 Name: SOUL : 2012-05-02 22:52 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

SaintSoul u telling me not to

9 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-05-02 22:53 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

Dude I very well know that.

10 Name: SOUL : 2012-05-02 22:56 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

dude u think i listen to the assholes down here if i die it will be because some one here has killed me

11 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-05-02 22:59 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

. -. I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, but this is Curiosity's thread and I suggest we just keep it to topic.

12 Name: SOUL : 2012-05-02 23:00 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

sorry to personal a kid if u want frinds true freinds be ur self fuck those kids that make fun of u but cool it down with the name and fake tat

13 Name: Doremo : 2012-05-02 23:00 ID:yQ60ysAR [Del]

Try to stop saying stupid shit like desu at the end of your sentences and go by your real name.

14 Name: SOUL : 2012-05-02 23:02 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

could of been a little nicer than that but true

15 Name: SOUL : 2012-05-02 23:03 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

any questions kid

16 Name: SOUL : 2012-05-02 23:09 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

any one

17 Name: Doremo : 2012-05-02 23:10 ID:yQ60ysAR [Del]

You don't need to keep replying

18 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-05-02 23:15 ID:emcjRFHn [Del]

Jeez, you think that you got it rough. I'm shunned at school and at home, but I'm actually going through it without complaint. Sure I quote anime stuff sometimes, and having an anime nickname is cool, but the desu thing has got to be toned down by a lot. And don't think about suicide because it doesn't help anyone, no matter what they say. I know that there's got to be people out there that isn't as you say and think and could actually be your friend if you tried.
This is advice coming from someone who has moved over 12 times in the last 6 years. Trust me when I give this advice. I've been there and done that. I don't have many real friends now because I choose not to and the religious problems where I currently live. So no one say that I'm an emo or anything related to that because that's offending to me.

19 Name: soul : 2012-05-02 23:19 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

good stick u should look at all the replys Nanami Rai

20 Name: soul : 2012-05-02 23:22 ID:YqVot8hn [Del]

see Curiosity ur not alone dude most of us have more or less the same problem as u

21 Name: Blue : 2012-05-02 23:34 ID:5YK06jLE [Del]

Just be yourself that's all that matters.

22 Name: Kaori !L3Njg/6UYI : 2012-05-02 23:37 ID:Wfi6n7iL [Del]

My great curiosity as to why you keep replying to this thread? o3o no....okay yeah, pun intended.

Curiosity, there are a few's not that you're wrong, in fact lots of other people would think you're right, but the thing is, and I hate to burst darling people's loves, but: Reality is NOT anime.

The things you do, the things you say and pretend to be are....very much weeaboo-ish. I assure you, dont be such a weeaboo, people will see you as a perfectly loving child/teen/GROWN AHHHHHDULT? O^O that you really are.

You need to be able to balance reality and the real world with your fantasy and your inevitable dreams. Haven't you caught on yet? That everything that happens in anime, NEVER happens. Well, i wouldn't say never, but MOSTLY never happens. Real life is completely the opposite, it's unexpected and hungry. And right now, it's hoping for some yogurt.

Main thing is, channel for anime, in another way. People are more open to others who show their interest in something in a subtle and yet seemingly 'sane' way. Not that you're not sane, its the way Amurrricunz think.

Instead of drawing anime tatoo's on your arm, draw it in a notebook or your home work. Instead of trying to be someone you're not, be who YOU are. People find themselves strangely attracted to others who seem more "connected" and more stable in life. To nonanimelovers, they see you as trying to be some weirdo and being successful at that. Be yourself, not that weeaboo who is obsessed with anime, but the one that's bundled up and tossed in the can because you didn't want to be that person.

In fact, im going to eat yogurt now. I hope my relentless hunger has done something good....because all im thinking of is yogurt, hence my repetitive and unofficial writing right nao. :U YOGUURRRTT. go eat some, darlingpoo.

23 Name: Meow : 2012-05-03 10:26 ID:T70NYsVc [Del]

be yourself. i do that too. don't give a shit about what they think. ignore them if they don't want you. it's a lot harder to pretend to be someone else whom you're not.

but really, what's wrong with your school? it sounds so damn crappy.

24 Name: Vickram101 : 2012-05-03 11:01 ID:b0wUNQw3 [Del]

Everybody else is just jealous because they can't be as free as you. The best thing is to stick your values and be yourself no matter what.

25 Name: Roseykins : 2012-05-03 19:45 ID:R/EcOSM4 [Del]

Making friends can be tough, and I know people are always saying "be yourself". But what do you do if who you are is turning people away?

Well, honestly, why would you want friends like that, who doesn't accept who you truly are?

26 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-05-03 21:09 ID:e5PEsLWv [Del]

>>24 That's actually terrible advice. If literally every person hates who you are, then there is something wrong with you. If who you are is someone who mutilates cats and wears their heads as a necklace, people won't want to be around you. The solution is not to go, "This is who I am. Fuck you if you don't like it," it's to change yourself in a reasonable way that will make you able to create some form of relation with other people.

All the fakey weeaboo shit OP is doing is not them; it's who they think they should be based on the television programs they've watched. Here's an example you'll get: When Kamina shouts, "Who the hell do you think I am?" he is certain of who he is. Are you certain of who you are? Are you really the person who wants to be an anime character so badly that they have to sacrifice any form of friendship with another person?

27 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-05-03 22:44 ID:Onn53pjk [Del]

>>26 Essentially this.

Although your option isn't solely that you have to change yourself. The other option is to acknowledge why people find it unacceptable and weird, and to understand that, and be prepared for it. You can't blame people for thinking you're weird if you are.

Seriously, the amount of egocentrism I see on the personal board these days is staggering. Can nobody seriously just think from another perspective and consider that they may actually be wrong? You're not the victim if you provoke it. You're just dumb, and need to rethink priorities a bit.

28 Name: starwizard : 2012-05-03 22:49 ID:YQSAkl8I [Del]

as long as you're not hurting anybody then I say be who you are. if they don't accept you for who you are then they aren't worth having as a friend

29 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2012-05-04 00:06 ID:TRIoYEAR [Del]

Lol, am I the only one who finds these "just be who you are" advices kind of naive? You won't get far in the world with that kinda attitude and perspective of things.

30 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-05-04 00:40 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

>>29 nope.

31 Name: meteor : 2012-05-04 01:38 ID:TezztVan [Del]

i think misuto's right. if you are weird then you're weird. suck it up, bro. if you really wanna be friends with anyone, be ready to connect to them.

but i'm thinkin about the be yourself thing. maybe they mean be yourself and not some anime character, coz you are not that person. accept it.

32 Name: Parker : 2012-05-04 01:43 ID:sqAypjcV [Del]

Be who you are, because being anything besides that is living a lie. There will always be haters, and none of them have lives.

33 Name: Eve !V41FL0UQHA : 2012-05-04 05:06 ID:CSEOMg77 [Del]

Dear Curiosity-san (if you're even reading the responses you got, oh, and the "-san" was just for formalities),
I'll just straight out tell you: you're an anime freak.
The way you always (really? always?) end your sentences with "desu" (means "it is") just because of an anime you watched, and having a pen-tattoo of the Fairy Tail on your arm (don't you know that can cause cancer?), and wanting to become Tsuna?
You know Tsuna was called a no-good in his school (anime universe), right? Do you want to be a no-good? And yes, Curiosity, I read KHR and Tsuna's awesome when he fights, and he's cute.
But why is he so cool now?
It's because he wants to CHANGE. The fictional character wanted to become a better person, a person who is not a no-good, a person who is accepted, and a person with lots of FRIENDS.
That's why if you wanted to have friends:
1. Tone down your anime-loving side a bit, to an acceptable level.
I have a friend who likes anime. She likes Fairy Tail too and called herself "Juvia" but only sometimes and only around us (my friends and I) who also knew the anime. She also spoke Japanese a bit (also around us) because of her interest to Japan but she doesn't end her sentence with "desu". And here's the thing: our classmates knew that she liked anime but they still be-friend her.
Because she didn't publicize her interest in a "too high" level. And she's willing to show her other interests that matched with others.
2. Some people said "just be yourself", but what the real you wasn't accepted in the society? That means there's something unacceptable about you, and you need to fix that if you wanted to be accepted. The world is a tolerable place, that means you had messed big time.
Don't act like the world is an anime show. Nothing is 100% the same with those anime in reality. You think by being called "Tsuna" you will meet "Reborn" and be a mafia? If you did then you're a real smart person to think life is as nice and dramatic as an anime.
3. Here's the easiest tip: if you didn't want to change, search for a person with the same high-obsess towards anime. And that kind of person was rare, I tell you, good luck with that.
I know I'm being cruel (and maybe wrote too much, please don't mind it), but it is necessary to give you reason.

34 Name: Amewarashi : 2012-05-04 07:52 ID:MpBZr72D [Del]

These guys are right...
But if you think that this ^(the things you described that you do) is being yourself, you should remember that you can not please everyone. Show this side of yours to people you trust and to only those who understand you.
It's a fun idea to be called the same name as a favorite character but that's not you at all.
You know, it can be fun to have friends from both: ones who don't know anime, and ones who have the same anime passion you do. And you can attain that if you stop the pretense and make a name for yourself.

35 Name: Vickram101 : 2012-05-04 08:05 ID:b0wUNQw3 [Del]

>>26 What the Hell XD How this went from being an anime fan not getting friends to mutilating cats? LOL You're arguement is very entertaining but I think being an anime fan is not as weird as mutilating cats. The Fuck's wrong with you? XD

36 Name: RAIN : 2012-05-04 12:03 ID:JpyP1h2I [Del]

>>1 i think that it sucks that u have to go through all that trouble but ya i think u should loosen up about the anime but i think its wrong that people dont whant to be your friend just because u are a otaku so ya loosen up on the anime like call your self by your first name thats my advic and stop saying unesasery things at the end of every sentence

37 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-05-04 14:09 ID:e5PEsLWv [Del]

>>35 They're actually the quite similar. One is a sociopath without the ability to empathize with others and the other (you) is delusional and has no ability to distinguish between reality and fiction. Neither have friends.

38 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-05-04 14:59 ID:Onn53pjk [Del]

I'd like to direct you to a certain blog - it's called weebstories, or Weeaboo Stories.

Just to test yourself,
If you identify with and are personally offended by any of the stories on here, which are meant to be humorous accounts of the worst types of anime fans out there,
Then there is a problem.

39 Name: Vickram101 : 2012-05-04 15:10 ID:b0wUNQw3 [Del]

>>37 Woaw this is very funny and entertaining. You should write a manga so something. So you really understand the logic in what you're saying? HAHAHAHA You're really a psychopath. XD

40 Name: Vickram101 : 2012-05-04 15:14 ID:b0wUNQw3 [Del]

*Or not So

41 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-05-04 16:29 ID:e5PEsLWv [Del]

>>39 Because delusional, friendless, Asia-obsessed idiots are always the best judge of character.

I don't think there's any hope for this one, people who are legitimately concerned for OP's sanity, so I say we sage/spam Spidey. All they've done is pick at my responses for not going, "You're perfect how you are!" At the least, Spider-Man will give her some exposure to culture not from Japan.

42 Name: Vickram101 : 2012-05-04 17:04 ID:b0wUNQw3 [Del]

>>41 *Sigh* Oh well I guess we can't come to terms with each other on this argument. Which is sad because I was really enjoying this argument with you. XD But now it's become a bit mundane. LOL Oh well I don't care anyways.*Shrugs Hands in the air* Hahahaha. Cya and @Curiosity, Good Luck.

43 Name: Pandora : 2012-05-04 17:34 ID:lSfIYNna [Del]

"Desu" means nothing and makes you sound like a frakin idiot when at the end of an ENGLISH sentence. Yeah, being who you are is great but...not at the cost of no one liking you cause you're taking your like for anime to far. PLUS WEABOO IS THE SOUND THAT R2D2 MAKES!! STOP USING IT IN A RUDE CONTEXT!!! It makes you all sound like frakin idiots. If you play or played pokemon, Final Fantasy or whatever then you're weaboos too! Since you're using the word in the context of anyone who likes anything Japanese.

44 Name: Mio : 2012-05-04 17:50 ID:rdYHMR6C [Del]

Listen be your self and lay off the anime names and the desu stuff. Also no offense but highly doubt full that everyone hates you. There will be somke one who like you, and do really all of you act like an anime character? If so look for the line of reality and fantasy and step over to realalty. No offense but no one has ever fought monsters or demons or whatever. and theres no otherworlds where people can fight and killing doesnt have any consiquences.

45 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-05-04 17:52 ID:mcXn8yhy [Del]

>>43 Wrongo on two accounts. R2D2 goes "Wrew roo wreeee". See

And the second one is the definition of weeaboo. "Someone who is obsessed with Japan/Japanese Culture/Anime, etc. and attempts to act as if they were Japanese, even though they're far from it. They use Japanese words but usually end up pronouncing them wrong and sounding like total assholes. You can find alot of these faggots clogging up the forums of Gaia Online, hanging out in the international aisle of the supermarket, or crowding the manga section of your local bookstore. Synonym of wapanese."

That's the definition. Watching a show from Japan does not make you a weeaboo. Playing a game from Japan does not make you a weeaboo.

HOWEVER. Thinking you're an anime character? Weeaboo. Saying Japanese words? Weeaboo. Thinking the Japanese are the master race? Definitely weeaboo.

46 Name: Pandora : 2012-05-04 18:01 ID:wxhqRJ/g [Del]

>>45 No he can go "Weeeee" and "boooo" You also just said the definition of "Otaku" and....anyone who thinks the Japanese are a master race not a "Weeaboo" they're quite the opposite. Also, I take Japanese and say the words I learn. So that makes me a "weeaboo" then? No. Curiosity is just someone who wants to be something they are not and using anime as a way to do it. They could have used a popular book character or something else as well. He/She being a "Weeaboo" has absolutely nothing to do with them acting the way they do.

47 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-05-04 18:27 ID:mcXn8yhy [Del]

I'll admit, that was a bad definition of weeaboo. But, I've found a better definition, with both otaku and weeaboo in it.

48 Name: sk8erkid19897 : 2012-05-04 19:36 ID:BTFYC4Qf [Del]

U remind me of myself dont be afraid to be you im proud of me and u should feel the same about u I too dont have as many friends but I go through life just by being happy about who I am. And i am not afraid to do what I like and I hope u feel better :) good luck

P.s. I'll be ur friend

49 Post deleted by user.

50 Name: Nel : 2012-05-04 20:36 ID:9SpWPX4Q [Del]

awww I'll be yooz friend! :D

51 Name: Shadow : 2012-05-05 20:32 ID:0shm2LG0 [Del]

Don't worry, I've been bullied alot too, thinking I lost all my friends. But even though I don't watch anime for a medical reason, I wouldn't say it's terrible. I actually really want to watch. But as outcasts, we need to stick gogether. So take my hand, and we'll make it I sweaf. Because we all need to be livin' on a prayer.

52 Name: meteor : 2012-05-06 13:19 ID:M5fsaLCH [Del]

some people really need to learn the definition of consideration:

OP: you're an inconsiderate person did you know that?
and people who are with her side: you're inconsiderate too.

why? because you're trying to force what you like on other people.

the only insane part of her is thinking she's an anime's delusional. BUT, this site WAS from an anime so shut the fuck up.

53 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-05-06 13:41 ID:mcXn8yhy [Del]

>>52 Uhh what? You offended by me making the weeaboo comment or something? Well, I did admit it was a poor definition, I got it off of Urban Dictionary without reading further than the first line. So what's up your ass that you needed to say "fuck you" to me?

54 Name: meteor : 2012-05-06 13:50 ID:M5fsaLCH [Del]

cuz you didn't check it before putting that stuff there

55 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-05-06 14:22 ID:ejhvI+b+ [Del]

That's a really nitpicky reason.

56 Name: meteor : 2012-05-06 14:23 ID:vl9mBeQe [Del]

reason enough

57 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-05-06 14:25 ID:ejhvI+b+ [Del]


58 Name: meteor : 2012-05-06 14:31 ID:fMIXzQx1 [Del]

still reasonable

59 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-06 18:45 ID:lsFpYFNZ [Del]

This is all pretty good advive for Curiosity, but please, for the people who don't know what grammar is, please go back to school, it is rather annoying how you talk like that.

60 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-05-06 23:42 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

I don't think Curiosity's replied once.

I hope you're taking the advice dude. . _ .