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Help please (7)

1 Name: Jez : 2012-05-02 04:12 ID:EiLnV19E [Del]

Recently one of my friends has started becoming good friends with another of mine, and i know i should be really happy but i can't help but sigh sometimes. i have some other friends but they are all guys (yeah i am a chick) and i don't really care that much but i can't help but miss hanging out with girls. I have other friends from other schools but we can't hang out much because basketball takes up a lot of my life. Im a positive person so i tell myself its fine all the time but every now and then i start to feel really bad and i just want to punch a wall. I don't really know what to do, because I'm afraid one day I'm just going to start really freaking out.

2 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-05-02 07:05 ID:9k/z1qCi [Del]

Thats... Kind of selfish. Just because one of your friends is becoming friends with another one of your friends?

3 Name: Eve !V41FL0UQHA : 2012-05-02 07:07 ID:xYHOaSYU [Del]

It's okay to feel a bit "out of place" when your good friends become good friends with each other and looked like they enjoyed hanging out with themselves than with you (is it?). So why don't you just join them? They are okay with you hopping in I'm sure.

4 Name: Jez : 2012-05-02 08:17 ID:LMJ9rpTN [Del]

Like I said I am really happy they are becoming friends, but because of that they are forgetting about me. Sorry if that sounded selfish in my first one :(
I guess it's just that it's getting harder to deal with people, and keep up the face that I'm happy but I just don't know what to do. Should I just tell them everything or should I ignore it? I haven't been feeling happy lately and the main reason I posted this was because I wanted to see if anyone had been through the same thing, and give me ideas to help gets through it. Sorry.

5 Name: Kaori !L3Njg/6UYI : 2012-05-02 23:49 ID:Wfi6n7iL [Del]

Ignore Nae, she's a cuss.

I can honestly tell you, without blinking this squinting asian eyes at this black pixelated screen, and without inhaling a single piece of lint while doing it, "I FEEL YOU." Appropriately of course. :3

Yeah, it sucks when you feel like you'd introduce two frends and the three of you would be togethAH FO'EVAH' and it ends up they hang out more than with you. I've had that happen a lot. :/ BUT WAIT. this isnt about me. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. naw, gurl, 'sbout chyuuu. Enjoy your frends, like i say:


You need to communicate. The more you keep yourself bottled up and stuffed emotions and all, the more you allow yourself to be vulnerable. The more i was sad and down in the dumpsters the more eager i was to find fault in others. You need to tell IMMEDIATELY! /o/ dont just wait, just sit the two down and say, "Guys, lately i've been feeling...." or "I was just wondering if you guys still..." or anything you can think of that might work. It doesn't matter how you start it, as long as you get the point across that you're feeling left out and or feeling like you've strayed from both of them, or your relationship has been faltering a bit. Just tell them.

If they are people who are extremely talkative. Idk how important promises are to yall, but i would make them promise to not talk until you were done. Or set communicative rules if necessary. Such as "dont interrupt one another" or "no raised voices" and such. Hope you understand, they are still your friends, its AMAZING of you to be happy in their new relationship, but their relationship isn't all about them, its about you too.


6 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-05-03 00:22 ID:0ESEpw3q [Del]

>>5 But she's right. It is kinda selfish.

7 Name: Roseykins : 2012-05-03 20:01 ID:R/EcOSM4 [Del]

Mate, I know how you feel.

I have two friends, who seem to get along with each other and talk a lot more than they do with me; in fact, I don't know if I can even class them as friends anymore, they seemed to have just "forgotten" about me. Truth be told, I don't contact them as much as I should because of school work and such getting in the way, so maybe it's a bit like that for you, with being caught up playing basketball and whatnot, so try talking to them more. I know it can get tiring, and you may feel like you're running after nothing, but if you truly value they as your friends, you won't give up, right?

>>5 I agree with needing to communicate. They won't know how you're feeling if you don't tell them.

It's always hard when it seems like you've become a third wheel, I know. But that's why the dollars are here, to give you that support you need. <3