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1 Name: Roseykins : 2012-04-30 08:01 ID:L3YfRBIJ [Del]

I don't know whether it's just a stage most teenagers go through, but I know there is a large number of girls, and boys, who suffer from eating disorders. Why is that? I believe that some of the reason is because, we're all given this impression that there's a standard set by the public of "perfection" and if we don't meet that standard, we're seen as unworthy.

There are many things that play a bigger part for teenagers having an "eating disorder". It's a horrible truth, but deep down, we all just want to be accepted by everyone, and we do so at any cost it takes. More horrible truth to it, we all judge each other so harshly. Admit it, inside your head, when you see that XL girl walking past you, with a bag of potato chips in her hands, and her thighs like jelly, you're thinking, "God, that's gross; I'd hate to be her" "She needs to go on a diet" "How could she live with herself?" "Is she really eating when she looks like that?". On the other hand, that skinny girl, who's fingers are like bones, whos legs are the same thickness as her arms walk past, you think, "Wow.. I wonder what it'd take to be like her." Well, I know that's what I think. And because of this, because of this odd picture in my head, where to be perfect you have to be a twig, I have an "eating disorder".

What really amuses me, however, is that fact everyone close to me, my family, my doctor, my pyschologist, they're all looking for someone else to blame for my way of thinking. They try to find out if it's been caused by something a friend has said, or maybe a bully, or maybe even my boyfriend. Well, no. It's the public as a whole, the media, the stars, the barbie dolls I used to play with when I was a little girl, all these little things that have shown me "to be thin, is beautiful."

With all that said, I do not understand how a way of thinking could lead to being told I have an "eating disorder" and it really angers me. Why am I being labeled with such a name, such a judgement, when all I want to be known as is "perfection"?

2 Name: Zero : 2012-04-30 10:13 ID:lDB/9Wiv [Del]


3 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-30 11:35 ID:sAFy8ykJ [Del]

:| you jerk I was planning on making one of these. Just not as.. ranty and lack of questiony.

4 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-04-30 16:42 ID:x4eHLBph [Del]


5 Name: Roseykins : 2012-04-30 23:46 ID:L3YfRBIJ [Del]

>>3 Great minds think alike? e.e;

6 Name: Meow : 2012-05-01 00:08 ID:lS3LiE3+ [Del]

dudette, it coz they don't realize that they were the one who put it into your head in the first place.