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Help (44)

1 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-04-29 23:52 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

I hate to come here to ask for help, because I think it makes me feel weak. I'm really big on strength and handling things myself, but that aside. I'm now actually asking for help, well.. again. I'm confused. I'm hurt, I feel alone. People say they will stay, people say they care. They leave though, they lie. No one truly stays, well. One has, but it seems they're not enough but I feel they should be. I have built up anger which I'm trying to release but there's just so much, I need ideas to release it, but not publicly. I hate public things... Uh... I keep getting sad like every few hours then managing to pull myself together but yeah, that's pretty useless and it's really hurting my loved ones. Anything that lives, no.. Anything that exists has potential to piss me off in less than a second at this point actually. I have so many feelings built up and kept inside that I can't even comprehend what to say to ask for help. Okay, bottom line! Uhm... Help me understand how to deal with my multiple feelings and depression, along with anger and all that. Much appreciated. <3 Sho-Sho out.

2 Name: custom !vP93IZ2rns : 2012-04-30 00:40 ID:YiYnja1D [Del]

You're not alone there, I know the feeling, you may think they leave you all alone, but think of them and the possibility of their predicament they may be going through and maybe they just cant be there at that time, and i know you have anger but releasing it doesn't do a thing in way it makes the anger worse. you want to put out the fire not release it. All I'm saying is don't stay silent, don't sit around and expect a person to know. If you need help ask your loved ones for as they are the ones you want to protect. and try to find something (and i do not mean by "someone" exactly) to make you happy. and i know you may think this is pointless but give it try you never know. hope this helped, Good Luck.

3 Name: bcrobert : 2012-04-30 03:32 ID:17XkAOlM [Del]

If you have loved ones that'll listen to you, or even a teacher/councilor/co-worker for that matter, just ask them to hear you out for a while. If you can admit to yourself and to some other person that you just need an embarrassing moment to move on, it might help. Some people get better just by finding creative outlets or working hard to keep themselves occupied, but in general you have to let yourself be vulnerable to get the best results.

Bear in mind that strong negative emotions will make your happy moments sweeter by comparison. (And there will be happy moments again, believe me.) Also, breathe. Take some time to just breathe. I hope you feel better soon.

4 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-04-30 07:38 ID:zISgeiIg [Del]

I think you just need someone to talk to somebody. I know it's hard because it make you feel week (trust me im the same way) but sometimes in life we all need help. I can't do everything alone (and I hate it) but sometimes it's just out of my hands. Talk to your loved ones; 9 times out of 10 you feel much better afterwards.

5 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-05-23 00:53 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

I'm back, I figured making a new thread is useless. I talk to my gf about it constantly. A few other friends too. It's just too bad, just talking about it is useless...

6 Name: Kaori !!zEnInHNI : 2012-05-23 15:40 ID:+lcCqflj [Del]

I love everyone's suggestions. So full of thought and content, and possible helping wutnawts they call it. :D

here's my two pence, fathah.

Don't you worry about a thing. There are people in the world, and you've met two of them already, who have gone and are going through the same thing. Life has its moments, its a giant crappy haystack that you just cant get out of. I can't quite exactly say it like this....but....meh, wutever, i dont even know what im saying.

How about this:
1. Get a sport to exhort. Remember that? Sport to Exhort. /chortle/ You don't exactly have to get an expensive sport, or a sport that forces you to talk to others. In fact, it'd be best to get a solitary sport first. Then you can focus on exhorting your anger through physical passages that wont hurt others in the process. If you're feeling like you would enjoy being with other people in the sport, then go for it. :D

2. Humans are naturally communicative. Or...however you would go about saying that. You could totally talk to someone, talk to a friend, your girlfrend, someone....>_>someone..I find chat completely and entirely helpful at this point. For me, i'm not the most social person irl, but on chat, you can just say what you want. :D go for it.

3. And if that's not it? What if you can't find your voice on chat? Well, that's fine, because no one has a voice on chat, they only have words typed by fingers. LIKE THIS. /type/ So here's my spiritual, but not completely spiritual, advice for you. (Also, bt-dubs, im not forcing anything on to you.) Try going out for sometime.

HAH. Not with your gf silly. :D I mean alone. Just go out. It doesn't matter where, as long as it is where nature surrounds you. I would suggest parks, your backyard, up the mountain, take a hike (in the friendliest manner i mean), and just sit there. You don't need to do a thing. Just....sit there, listen to the world around you. It's almost like time is standing still. I know, i know, at first it's like: OMUHGAWSH, THIS IS TAKIN FER EVUR. But you know what? After that feeling goes away for a few minutes, it's actually quite nice.

Just sitting there, that is. Talking, thinking, to yourself. (Here's the part im not pushing on you:) You can talk to God, because He's always there listening to you. He just waits, and you never know, He may talk back through the rustle of the leaves, or the wind smacking your face. You never know until you try it.

Don't be afraid to try new things, of course you get those weird jigglies in your tummy at first, but when you do it: you find it's not so bad after all. Overcoming fear, depression, anger. It's what makes you stronger. How does one overcome those? I don't know. It comes to you. Trust me, it'll come to you. It's like a rapid maturation of your character and you feel like you can just make things rite.

Oh, and I don't know about you, but taking a shower helps me. I mean, when im sad and -depressed-. I usually take it as symbolically cleaning myself. :O As in, im washing away the old me, and bringing the new me out. The new me is going to do blahblahblah and blahblahsuch. You can try that, but....anyhoo, my fingers are arthritising on me, and my brain is dying slowly. So i'll be back, good luck with whatever I just said just nao. :V

7 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-05-23 18:25 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

Wow i can literally feel the same 24/7 Shometsu and im thinking the same and asking the same. but iv lived 6 years in hell since i moved out of calgary, i felt so much anger toward people my girlfriend got scared of me. she was always worried i might take it out on her so i broke up with her. though that didnt help now im pissed off and alone. she keeps trying to turn me in but i dont want a therapist otherwise my parents will make it worse. I can't do sports it'll cost too much money since i live 30 minutes away from civilization and thats when you drive like a bat out of hell. in fact my anger is so bad i took a tet in class ysterday but i just wanted to stab the bitch next to me soo bad that i left the room. but besides that i know what your going through i get my anger out by working out and while i do it i imagine all the assholes in the world and that makes me work harder thats my suggestion to you work out and get pissed while doing it you'll work out so often you'll be ripped by the end of summer this year

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-05-23 18:44 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

>>7 Work out? I'm not a very athletic person, very weak and fragile if anything; I'll try though. Thanks, a lot.. ^^

>>6 I don't really believe in a God, but a creator. Let's not debate religion right now though, thanks for the advice also. I'm a bit young though and my mother get's all... erm... Worried if I try to go anywhere alone...
I'll try chats and MAYBE a sport. I was wondering while reading that though, could I possibly have your email? ^^''

Now to everyone: I was wondering..., how bad could this get?

10 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-05-23 18:55 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

to answer that question you could end up wanting to commit homocide as in murder thats worse case scenario i was in that scenario for about a month and i flash in and out of it sometimes, but if you can release your anger then it wont be as bad. if you cant find a way to release your anger through sports or working out or something like that then i would suggest music or running every day might help or just go to a high place in the area that you live and stare off into the distance and think about your life there are thousands of possibilities to help you but believe me anger management doesnt work in fact it just ended up pissing me off more if you get out of control try a therapist if you think your family will approve that would be my suggestion

11 Name: Kaori !!zEnInHNI : 2012-05-23 20:37 ID:+lcCqflj [Del]

>>9 Of course, try

It's my "werk" email, but haodydandydoo, i check that one most often. :) Good luck, and if you need help with those sports things, I'd love to help.

12 Name: Haruhi-5 : 2012-05-24 17:45 ID:X+JKMOjm [Del]

Hey there Shometsu! I have felt this way before, and it's not exactly something I want to go through again, but I have to tell you that, if you need a way to get out your anger, go home and just through some non-breakable stuff around your room. Helps me get anger out, and it doesn't break anything so no-one knows! :D I think that, should you sink into a very bad depression, it can get worse. But I have a feeling you won't. You seem like you are doing well so far, so I honestly think it will start getting better, but I can't tell you when. I would love to e-mail you, but I will make a new g-mail 'specially for this :) ~my actual e-mail gives away my name and stuff ssooo...~
I hope this helps, and let me know what your e-mail is so I can e-mail you dude! Feel better, and good luck!

13 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-05-24 17:48 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

>>12 Anything I have, has potential to be broken because of my anger. I almost broke my finger today at school because of it. Sorta

14 Name: Haruhi-5 : 2012-05-24 17:54 ID:X+JKMOjm [Del]

Huh. So, you are like a real life Shizuo? I'm not trying to make fun or anything if that is taken the wrong way, That's just a way to help me understand the situation better. Hmmmm..... I'll try to think of more ideas to help you out, and I'll send you an e-mail soon-ish.

15 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-05-24 23:57 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

I suppose so, except I'm not nearly as strong as him. Though I am stronger than I look.

16 Name: Setton : 2012-05-25 16:08 ID:w6RQm8NF [Del]

I have the same problem..! I sometimes feel really lonely too..and I think that no one cares about me..You don't know how much I understand you...I was thinking that no one was worrying about me...I felt pathetic thinking like this..! I still do sometimes...!I'm strong too..but when I'm thinking about this I feel so pathetic..:P I couldn't tell anyone about my I feel really better :)

17 Name: Kaze : 2012-05-25 17:55 ID:Pm3k5HTQ [Del]

I don't really know how it is to have a lot of anger. However, I did have a time in my life when I was depressed and a lot of things happened. Nowadays I feel better and that's because of my friends. So~ the best thing I can say is really. Just to talk to someone. Even though I know it's REEEEEEALLY hard and can feel kind of awkward it usualy helps in figuring out one's own feelings. Also, it might be easier to talk to someone you don't really know or are not sitting in front of (like on mail or chatt like others have suggested) (Me?).

A way to take out if you are frustrated could be to just take a peice of paper and a bunsh of pens and just... go wild? It will be an actuall picture of your feeling as well. - Just write down whatever you feel as much as you like and when you're done read through it. Then you can trow it away or do whatever with it but it could be a good way to just.... react?

I don't really know what to write but: Closing up your feeling won't help. They will find a way out anyway. - And: There will always be ups and downs. I've come to realize that after my happiest moments comes my sadest. But after that comes something good as well and we have to live on the good moments in the bad once even if it's hard to see the good once at that point.

If you ever want anyone to talk to you can send me an email ^^ (

18 Name: Alyosha : 2012-05-25 23:05 ID:Y+PsDyEM [Del]

How do I take out my aggression? I own a punching bag and some boxing tape. A couple of rounds and I don't take out that anger and aggression out on the people around me.

How do I deal with being sad? I turn to writing fiction, a great passion of mine, and sort out the feelings that way.

How do I deal with being confused? I take a walk.

How do I deal with boredom? I play Street Fighter or Street Fighter x Tekken (I love fighters) or I watch movies.

I also suggest meeting new people and being around others. It seems stupid, but other people and their good moods are infectious.

19 Name: Anasthaeziiya : 2012-05-26 08:36 ID:LllmLE6r [Del]

Heeeeyyyy I do that sometimes...
...I tend not to tell people about it either...probably unhealthy right? Idk if you can do something like this...but what I do is just...choose NOT to be sad. Everyone can control their emotions and their mind if they try. When I'm feeling awful I tell myself it's pointless to feel bad and I'll probably be smiling and laughing with my friends in ten minutes, so it's useless when the feeling probably isn't even real.
Basically it's a good idea to distract yourself I think...and also trying to find the source of your depression and removing it. For me, it's a feeling of insignificance and invalidity. So I simply have to reason with myself that I do have my own personality and I'm not completely insignificant.

...also with anger...
I can't help you there. My mind went through so much frustration and stress at one point that it's simply beyond anger. Everything is only mildly annoying at best....
...if I had more details I could go full psychologist mode Considering other replies, any further information would be kind of unnecessary.

20 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-26 09:09 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

For you!! Okay, let me think. I have the same problem you have with dealing with my anger. So far, I have never actually done something bad because of it, but that's because I'll just lock myself in a room and throw things. No, that is not how you are supposed to deal with anger.

I think exercise would be your best bet. When I'm mad, I find it better to just go outside and run. I run until I have no more energy left then return home. That way I'll be too exhausted to fight. It also helps with stress, anxiety, and depression.

Another thing that helps me is reading and writing, but that's only because it's a passion of mine. Find something you love to do and you feel passionate about and go do it. It helps you forget you anger, stress, anxiety, or depression, and it just makes you smile. You get lost in what you're doing. Maybe you like cooking? Reading? Writing? Exercise? Taking care of animals? Playing video games? Doing math? I won't judge you for what you love to do. Just have fun.

21 Post deleted by user.

22 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-05-27 01:52 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

>>16 I'm glad in the midst of my anger and agony, I have helped some sort of living creature.

>>17 I understand how that would work and all but just..., I admit I could be a good writer if I put my mind to it. It would be good as hell maybe, I dunno, but I'm not one to just sit down and start writing. I need to do something active. Talking to people (online or..., yeah) does help sometimes, but most of the time unless I really like them they'll piss me off.. There aren't many people I've taken a liking to.

>>18 I think I'm getting a punching bag soon so I'm just gonna go ape-shit on it on a regular basis, so I actually hopes this works. As stated before in this post, I'm not one to just sit down and write something though. It's just, I can't do that, because when I get sad; I get pissed because I'm getting sad. Well maybe a punching bag would kill two birds with one stone. I can deal with boredom though, lol!

>>19 Choosing not to be sad is merely impossible for me though, I apologize. I'll maybe try again though

>>20 I'm gonna try to get outta my house and just fucking run around and y'know, do what you said. I'm running out of options so I might as well attempt, I don't have any passions though. I don't like many things...

>>Everyone Thanks soooo much for helping me, with all your suggestions and. and... care I'll surely get through this. You have no idea how thankful I am to be part of the Dollars. ~ <3

23 Name: Alyosha : 2012-05-27 09:16 ID:K0EDYeYj [Del]

We're here to help. Also, the punching bag will definitely increase your overall health which will lead to general happiness. Plus you learn your strengths as a fighter. That'll come in handy later in life when you need it. Just remember to strike from the hip. That's where your power comes from. Also, keep your thumb out of your hand.

24 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-05-27 11:35 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

>>23 Thanks~

25 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-27 11:49 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

>>22 It's no problem really. I'm just glad to know that I made a small impact on somebody's life. Remember that exercise is good for anger and depression because it releases hormones that make you happy.I forgot if is was serotonin or dopamine. Either way it's good for you're all around mood. You don't have to run, but that's something that anyone can do as long as they don't have knee issues. Riding a bike or playing an active game such as tag would work too.

26 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-05-27 12:38 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

>>25 So just anything active would work?

27 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-27 15:17 ID:PM+SqIGd [Del]

>>25 Dopamine makes you happy, serotonin helps you sleep.

28 Name: Kaze : 2012-05-27 15:18 ID:Pm3k5HTQ [Del]

>>26 Yes. I think so anyway. Helps exhaust both body and soul and it feels releving afterwards I think. My only advice is to keep going even though you're tired, then it'll feel better afterwards.

And yes. I just hope I'm able to help you a little.

29 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-27 16:25 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

>>27 No. dopamine and serotonin both make you happy. Melatonin helps you sleep.

30 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-27 16:48 ID:D6bFmwLS [Del]

>>29 Serotonin affects both emotional level and sleep. However, dopamine is the one widely known to make you "happy," and it is the main one released during phsyical activity. Look it up.

31 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-05-27 16:52 ID:Eq8wvB4R [Del]

You're both right.

32 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-27 16:53 ID:D6bFmwLS [Del]

>>31 This.

33 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-27 17:18 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

>>30 >>31 Oops. My bad. I knew serotonin did something else. That explains why doctors keep trying to make me take it. Sorry Kaze. Does it help if I mention that there are two other happy hormones? Probably not because I don't know what they are called. Okay I'll just crawl back into my hole now.

>>26 Yes. It releases the happy hormones. Then you can be happy. Another benefit is that you're too tired b the end of the day to give a fuck if you go until you are exhausted.

34 Name: Kaze : 2012-05-28 15:03 ID:Pm3k5HTQ [Del]

>>33 Haha, exaclty my point. But you took it to a sientific level. XD
But I hope that what we're saying is helping somehow. ^^

35 Name: Mayu : 2012-05-28 15:19 ID:rdYHMR6C [Del]

I recommend boxing to get out your anger and other emotions or some sort of physical exercise.

36 Name: Alyosha : 2012-05-28 15:42 ID:jh5y4Xfr [Del]


Totally suggested that. They sell boxing tape and punching bags at Academy.

37 Name: Mayu : 2012-05-28 15:59 ID:rdYHMR6C [Del]

>>36 I didnt realize until after i typed it in my comp isnt the best at showing me everything

38 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-28 16:35 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

>>34 I kind of only think about the scientific side of it because that's what's forced on me. Everyday I here the scientific reasons why eating healthier and exercise will help my depression.

>>26 Eating healthy also helps. If you eat healthy, you feel better about yourself and have more energy all day. If you eat crap then you'll have a small boost in energy then crash.

39 Name: Mitsubachi : 2012-05-28 19:08 ID:Fe+3xyiv [Del]

I suggest two things: one, you should get a good way to vent. You could write or exercise or draw or play music or just take a nap. Things that just help you relax that you won't get tired of too easily and frustrate you even more.
Two, I suggest you keep yourself busy. I don't mean take on unecessary amounts of work, I mean just don't have too large an amount of idle time. When you don't need to relax or work, just take some time to go through your hobbies. Things that make you happy.
Above all, just try to stay positive. A good outlook on things can change everything. <3

40 Name: Katiesmith : 2012-05-29 09:40 ID:re70InP3 [Del]

Shometsu, my father tried to leave me on multiple occasions, so I understand you're anxsiety (sp?) over people leaving. He said he loved me, then left me in Texas with this woman I had never met. My earliest memory is of him trying to leave me at th side of th road and I'm chasing him down. Try to find a constant in life and cling to it with everything you've got, ok? IDK if this helps, but I really hope it does. Just know you're not the only one.

41 Name: Reiraa : 2012-05-29 11:11 ID:I7iwbjJl [Del]

I know exactly how you feel. I hate relying on other people too, for the exact same reason- I'd consider myself weak :/ what I do to deal with depression, or when I get too worked up? well, for starters I tell my self 'fuck it' and chill out. Get a nice warm bath, not thinking about anything. then I go back to my room, shut all the blinds, get into bed and read a book or play a game or sumthin :O but I'm not usually depressed, ya gotta take things like a boss ;)

42 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-05-29 21:31 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

I think... I think I got this... I'm gonna start talking to someone about my problems, and I'm just staying positive now. I'm not letting anything take me down anymore, I won't let my only loved ones I have left be harmed by me of all people. I got this... there's no way I don't got this. <3 Thank you, everybody.

43 Name: Toru Katz : 2012-06-04 00:15 ID:9S8kYHJz [Del]

Shometsu im glad i could be even a small spark of what helped you out. and i hope the best for you. make sure you beat this then maybe one day you could help me out with my anger haha. good luck.

44 Name: Shometsu !xSZBqZMT.M : 2012-06-07 08:31 ID:2xKejswY [Del]

Maybe we could start today!!!
Your in the same boat as me after all. <3
I like helping people too,
it's my dream and life goal to change the world after all.