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Has This Ever Happened To Anyone Else? (12)

1 Name: Envy Noir : 2012-04-28 22:39 ID:gfn5jnrp [Del]

Okay so.. To put it to the point... My father doesnt accept me for who i am...

He would much rather put me through rigorous tasks and he expects so much perfection from me when all i can do is give him my best..

Around other people he acts so normal, but once we're behind closed doors, all hell breaks loose.. What do i do? Is this normal?

2 Name: Aktherion !CXiwsDH/uY : 2012-04-28 22:50 ID:DYGKCC8X [Del]

going only on what you've given us I can only assume that this is a classic case of high expectations. It happens to a lot of people.

and if you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by perfection? because I doubt that he's honestly expecting perfect scores on everything

3 Name: Envy Noir : 2012-04-28 23:02 ID:gfn5jnrp [Del]

To put it this way, my dad can be best described as proud.. And i guess with me being his only child in his side of the family, all he wants is the best for me, but he pushes me too hard and its putting a lot of emotional toll on me... I mean i have to be honest i tried to commit suicide twice because of it and he still shows no sympathy.. I can understand that its normal but i'd just like to know that i'm not alone..

4 Name: starwizard : 2012-04-28 23:53 ID:YQSAkl8I [Del]

you're not alone. I love anime, videogames, and reading. I'm also very smart. If I continue being as smart as I am then chances are I'll end up getting a job that pays very high. In fact most of the jobs I could get with this intellect I'd end up making so much money that I could send about half my monthly income to where ever (including my dad) and still have enough to be considered filthy stinking rich. however my dad would rather have a son who gets sent to jail and has to be bailed out on a daily basis, but is popular and very athletic.

5 Name: Envy Noir : 2012-04-29 00:00 ID:gfn5jnrp [Del]

I know how you feel, im smart also but ive had quarrels with my father in the past, sometimes up to the point where a fist fight would break out (because i have my mother's nasty attitudes and my father's cockiness which probably isnt a very good combination), so ive lost most of his trust. He likes to label me as "worthless", "unacceptable", "lazy", and everything else that would hurt, and in the past he tried to rape me but... it just hurts to look on the past..

6 Name: Aktherion !CXiwsDH/uY : 2012-04-29 00:05 ID:DYGKCC8X [Del]

For what it's worth I'm glad you didn't commit suicide.

now, on a much less depressing note, no, you're not alone. My dad pushed me to do my best, and he refused to let up or let me give up.

and it's because of him and his persistence that I'm the man I am today. And I couldn't be happier for that.

So don't worry, Everything will be ok.

7 Name: Envy Noir : 2012-04-29 00:13 ID:gfn5jnrp [Del]

I havent commited suicide in a while because of my mother... We also had a quarrel but she came to finally accept me, and it made me happy.. So i promised her that i would do the very best i can to make her proud and grow up to be somebody.. Im glad that im not alone also..

8 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-04-29 03:02 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

Anyone else feel like smacking starwizard upside the head? >>4

That comment was quite misleading and didn't contribute anything but their ego to OP's plight. To highlight some things that would make that train of thought wrong, it would be preferred to be a good, rounded person than a self-proclaimed intellectual jackass.

But in OP's case, your dad might be going hard on you because he expects more out of you, and that's an issue many people face. It takes a long time for parents to come to terms with what their children are capable of, and it's practically their job to expect more. If they expected less, they wouldn't be doing a very good job of trying to raise you.

But it can be excessive if they aren't understanding why you can't meet their ever increasing expectations. You probably need to sit down and have a serious talk with him about it, and maybe get his perspective. One of the hardest things to do, on your end, would be to put yourself in his shoes and see how he can expect such things out of you. And that's one of the hardest things for him too, no doubt - putting himself in your shoes and understanding why you can't do certain things.

To give a personal anecdote as an example, when I was younger, my parents would constantly be upset with me about something or another. When I sat down and discussed it with them, it helped to consider it from their end and realize that I actually had some problems that needed ironing out as well. When you stop making excuses for a while, you realize you're not always completely right, even if your parents are more wrong. And we did come to that conclusion - that I had problems to work out, and they were pushing things too far for it to be constructive.

Compromises like that will take longer than a single sitting, but both of you have to start trying to understand each others' viewpoints. Generally speaking, neither of you are better than one another in terms of morality - you just have different interpretations of what is "right."

It does neither of you any good to be disdainful. He might be thinking of you as too lazy to meet his expectation, and you might be thinking of him as too unfair to even try to please him. But if you don't talk to each other calmly, especially if you consider suicide instead of just reasoning with him like an adult, problems will never fix themselves.

9 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-29 13:56 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

You're not alone.Not at all.

10 Name: Anon... : 2012-04-29 17:28 ID:osQ4KbZg [Del]

It's happening to me too. The worst part tho, is both of my parents. They want me to follow every single thing, they always expect perfection from you. It sucks especially if you have no one to tell about it. They might be doing it for you but the issue is, do they care about what you feel or like you hope they would at least know what it's like for you.

11 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-04-30 03:23 ID:m2gjv5+T [Del]

The thing is, egocentrism - being unable to put yourself in someone else's shoes, per se - is a difficult thing to overcome. In much the same way you can't hope to understand the stress of the adult world and sustaining a family, they can't imagine why you can't meet the expectations they set. It's selfish to say "I do so much more work than they've ever had to, they should at least do ____," but that's how parents will end up thinking. The problem is that you are a child, still. Regardless of your maturity, you simply haven't been prepared through experiences for the same amount of hardship an adult would face without much complaint.

This is a change that is relatively unnoticeable as you grow up. Hardly anyone marks the period they learned to handle shit. But because of this, parents might be out of tune with that discrepancy.

Don't place all of the blame on your parents, because they put up with more shit than you on average. But they are to blame somewhat if they don't understand how unreasonable and disproportionate your stress is.

12 Name: Little Black Raincloud : 2012-04-30 06:56 ID:OBmZ5Ixk [Del]

same situation here OP.