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WTF (67)

1 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 03:30 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

Profanity warning! Also, I appologise if any content in this post offends anyone.

Ok, seriously!? What the fuck!? This is a post that is pretty much just a rant about the bullshit of the human race, but mostly about the bullshit of my classmates and random dumbasses on the internet. And, get this straight, I really don't give a fuck what they think, I just think it's mildy funny and annoying at the same time.

So, I'm a weirdo, okay? I'm a lesbian, a Witch, a pyro, midly apathetic, slightly bi-polar (kinda redundant, I know) and also kinda an insomniac. I talk to myself, to my Demon, and to the Goddess out loud all the time. I dress emo/punk/goth and wear a dog collar (with tags that have my name on it, which really is Wulfie, my parents call me that, my friends call me that, I write it on my papers, my teachers call me that, so it's my name.) and wear a white wolf tail on my pants. I wear combat boots and my whole wardrobe is black. I growl when I get pissed and bite people. I'm overall morbid and violent, love to fight, and am an adrenaline junkie. I'm weird. But the thing I don't get is why people make such a big deal about it. I'm just me, dude, calm down. My teachers even comment on my weirdness. I openly acknowledge it! I'm a freak! And I LOVE it. I would hate being normal. Normal is boring, I hate being bored. I consider myself non-human, I'm a WolfKin Therian, and I honestly can say that I just don't get many things that humans do. Back to my original point, though. Other people walk around me in the halls (don't get me wrong, I like my space) and whisper about me, they ask me "Like,omg, and stuff, like, why do you, like, wear a, like, dog collar? Ahahahateehee" (ugh.) and I don't even bother answering anymore. Really? There is no greater reason. I just wear because I want to, because that's who I am. That's like me asking someone, "Why the fuck are you wearing that hat?" It's pointless. There is no greater reason. And then there's the staring thing. If I find something interesting, I'm gonna fucking stare at it! If you ask me if I "have a staring problem" then I'm not even going to dignify that dumbass-edness with a response, I'm just gonna keep staring. And then, there's the whole religion thing. I don't go around broadcasting my religion, nor do I go around broadcasting my sexuality. But If someone asks, I'll tell them. I'm not ashamed of who I am. But then they go, "HOLY SHIT A SATANIST!! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!" Wtf!? If I was a Satanist, I'd say, "I'm a Satanist." Being a Witch has nothing to do with Satan. Satan is a Christian's invention, and to beleive in Satan I'd have to beleive in the Christian God, which I don't. Why don't you do your research first before you make a complete BAKA of yourself, you dumbass! Then, there's the whole gay thing. I actually had someone come up to me yesterday and ask me, "How do you.. uhm.. do it?" Like, seriously? Did you REALLY just ask me that? If you wanted to know that, why don't you Google it? u.u Gah. And I'm sitting there in Language Arts, and this fucktard behind me is talking about how being gay is unnatural. I turn around and tell him, "Nothing unnatural, if it wasn't natural then it wouldn't exist." You know what he said? "God didn't make Adam and Adam, he made Adam and Eve. God says that being gay is wrong, so it's wrong." That pissed me off. Ya know what? If you follow the Bible in that, you have to follow the whole thing. You have to stone your daughter to death if she gets raped, and, if you want to get specific: "A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deuteronomy 22:13-21)" You have to do that, too. And who the CRAP ever said that gays are Christian? Some of them, yes, but just because you beleive in something doesn't mean the rest of us have to. And HELLO, America (If you don't live in America, sorry, but that's where I live so that's what this point is about lol) has something called the FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT, which goes a little like this: "...No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws..." Uhm, HELLO? I think that saying that gay people can't get married is kinda depriving them of life, liberty, and, as the constitution says, "The pursuit of happiness" so DER, wake up! Also, if you were REALLY trying to "save marriage", YOU'D MAKE DIVORCE ILLEGAL! And there's also something called the seperation of State and Relgion, so saying that God says it's unnatural so it should be illegal is pure and utter bull shit. Plus, who the fuck ever said the damn Bible was written by God? No one, that's who. So how do you know if that's even the "word of God"? It could be some bull shit that some bored guy made the fuck up. Anyways. This isn't meant to be a Christian bashing post, I just wanted to get that out there for any people who are going to use the whole "religion" BS against any gays. Ahem. Next. I, personally, think that people are batshit crazy. Everyone. There is no such thing as "sane" that's just.. crazy! Everyone does SOMETHING crazy in their life, or has some sort of view on something that other people would think is crazy. And.. and.. okay.. I'm tired now. I could probably rant for hours about all the shit that I have in my head, but now.. I must sleep. Blessed Be, people. Post any rants you want here, if you want, because everyone needs a rant every now and then!

2 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-04-26 04:33 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

No no

It's not that you're a freak,

It's that you think you're one

You're being incredibly silly stop

3 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-26 06:17 ID:YTIAodhh [Del]

Yes, because humans like paragraphs.

You freak, stop building walls.

4 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-04-26 06:40 ID:zISgeiIg [Del]

So yea, read the whole thing and for the most part your right. The only thing that I have to point out is your staring problem you mentioned. Be respectful of others is all im going to say about it (if you star at people that it) if not star away! Yea; live like how you want is what you do, and that's a good thing; as long as no one gets hurt by your actions (I don't mean like their "feelings" were hurt [pussies] but rather physically). Also try not to blow up in their face when they start asking stupid questions; I know it's hard but some people are just stupid like that and it's not something to hold a grudge against.

5 Name: Vixenfur (Izaya) !.DMN.R8UpM : 2012-04-26 07:17 ID:v24RmiEl [Del]

Agreed with >>4 , just be yourself but don't forget to be respectful. When people ask questions, answer calmly; trust me, I wear a cat collar every day too and I'm always asked why I wear one.
I completely agree with being different, too. Normal is way too boring. So, be yourself and be proud : )
As for the gay stuff, that's all pretty damn true. Tell them this- the Bible says that eating shellfish is a sin, as well as seeing any family member naked. It also says that fucking a goat is a sin. So, well, it's your choice if you want to believe in that or not. :/ *shrug*
Oh, and it was recently proved that sexuality is determined in the womb, therefore making it a completely natural aspect of any human.

6 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-04-26 09:07 ID:0AGSo22L [Del]

What is this white wall filling my screen?
[Paragraphs are your friends.]

7 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 10:54 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

lol sorry, my indent key is broken cuzz I used it too much in my imaginary copy of this :D

8 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-04-26 11:35 ID:tSYK6SYJ [Del]


>>1 I didn't have enough time to read your entire story, but I will share my thoughts on what I DID have enough time to read. So...I find this tale interesting. VERY interesting. Your wardrobe sounds a lot like one of my older friends. (Also: You're right about the bible not written by God! It was written by some prophets or something like that...But, whoever thinks that JUST BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS ITS WRONG it should be punishable by horrid deeds is a sick and twisted mofo.) ANYWAYS,
I just want to say: you strike me as a person who is BEYOND different. And that can be a good thing, or bad, depending on what you do with your difference.

9 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-04-26 11:35 ID:0AGSo22L [Del]

>>7 You can't indent on a BBS. You put two spaces between each paragraph.

10 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-26 15:04 ID:0ESEpw3q [Del]

I didn't read anything past that this was a rant because we have a thread for that... So technicallly, this should go there.

11 Name: Zero : 2012-04-26 16:53 ID:Io116Omr [Del]

Read all this...

one word: WOW

12 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-26 19:16 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

I didn't read the whole thing for a few reasons. Paragraphs would be great. There are threads for this. Multiple threads, one which I've created myself, depending on how you want your post treated. If you just want to complain and bitch, then my thread is good for that. If you just want to rage about things you hate, there's a thread for that too. I don't want to read a long post full of people bitching. I can some up everything you have said in one sentence. People can be ignorant and stupid. There you go.

In all honesty, despite how openly blunt and rude I words sound, I would probably try to be friends with you if I saw you. Why? Because you're different. You're smart. You're a smartass when people ask stupid questions. You are open about it and don't give a fuck what other people think. I tend to enjoy being around people who are totally different and say what they think, even if they won't open up at all. I find the experience drives me forward. I actually enjoy it.

>>5 I disagree with the whole be-calm-and-polite-when-answering-stupid-questions crap. I absolutely HATE stupid questions. I also HATE people judging me. You will not believe how stupid questions some people ask me. I HATE stupidity in general. I simply LOATH it. Here is a dictionary definition of stupidity, "lacking intelligence or common sense." It's worse when you get the same stupid question REPEATEDLY. It makes me think, "How many fucking stupid people are out there?" I don't care if it drives people off. If they want to talk to me, then they should get a brain. I don't think I'm a genius. I simply think I have average intelligence and that it's easy to achieve. So, go on ahead and make them feel like fucking idiots.

For those that were wanting an example of stupid questions I got. I'll list a couple.
Are you sunburned?
How do you get sunburned on your face?

No, I'm not sunburned. I was mauled by a zebra. I don't know how to get sunburned on my face, because I don't get sunburned, I get mauled by zebras, but I think it has something to do with lack of sunblock, UV rays, and sunlight. That's just a theory though.

A stupid question deserves a smartass answer.

13 Name: Moon : 2012-04-26 20:59 ID:x7KM8XqE [Del]

Why is it that every time someone goes against gays, the only argument they have is that "God said it's bad." Yeah well God also said that cheating, lying, stealing, and a shit load of other stuff was wrong too. Do people still do them? Yes. Then what's the difference between homosexuality? Aren't Christians supposed to believe that God and Jesus forgive all sins, and as long as you live in the Gospel you go to Heaven?

14 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-26 21:05 ID:AwbxYZdU [Del]

Fa duck did I just read?

15 Post deleted by user.

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 21:10 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

u.u I've posted this same thing like eight times but I keep making typos xD

>>12 I automatically love you. Just... gah! >14 I don't know, you tell me?

18 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-26 22:55 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

>>17 Not many people do like me because of my way of thinking, so I'm glad you do.

19 Name: Kelandis : 2012-04-27 18:20 ID:/LLo/kwv (Image: 400x458 png, 350 kb) [Del]

src/1335568832402.png: 400x458, 350 kb
Ok Wulffe, i would like to throw in my 2 cents but first i have to state some stuff about me that may or may not change the way you see my opinion.

1)I am a teenage boy.
2)I am a Roman Catholic, born and raised and i believe it to be true. Also, ive gone to Catholic school all my life.
3)Most of my best friends are not Catholic(Mormon, Babptist, Lutheran etc.)
4)I have never met a lesbian(that i know about) but all the gays ive ever met were really cool.

So, now onto my two cents. My religion says that gay relationships are bad, but im pretty sure it extends only to members of our Church(and other Christians possible idfk). So, seeing as you are not either, it should not apply to you.

Next, about the way you dress and the stupid questions. I think the way you express yourself is pretty cool, i definitely don't have the balls to do that, so i admire your individuality.

Stupid questions are everywhere, there is no avoiding them and i personally hate them. I am a very sarcastic person because of all the stupid questions i have been asked.

The staring thing is understandable, everyone has their own quirks(i guess that's the word, correct me if I'm wrong) and you will know that you have found someone that cares for you when they can ignore or appreciate those things. Personally, I'm kinda blunt, sarcastic, and fairly naive at times.

So I guess what I'm getting at is that You are You and people just need to learn to understand that. My religion says that i shouldn't be gay, but it doesn't say that i have to hate anyone who has taken that stance in life.
P.S. Being called Wulfe is bad ass.

20 Name: Kelandis : 2012-04-27 18:22 ID:/LLo/kwv [Del]

Shit messed up ur name twice forgive me.

21 Name: Shika : 2012-04-27 19:54 ID:4TDKN3Cj [Del]

>>19 I like that picture. it makes sense

22 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-27 21:20 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

Hah! Thanks, Kelandis, and it's good to know that not all Christians are jackasses >.> That picture is completely true, and makes a good point. And lol, I forgive you for spelling my name wrong xD

I mean, I'm not going to stereotype and be just as bad as all the other haters out there and say that all Christians are homophobes. I totally respect your beleifs and you can do whatever the fuck you want, ya know? But I think that if the haters have a problem with me and my sexuality, then why don't they just come out and say it, instead of hiding behind their religion? And they should NOT judge my entire person based on just one tiny fact about me. I'm very glad to know that you are actually a good person, and that not all Christians are totall dumbasses. :D

23 Name: Kelandis : 2012-04-27 21:38 ID:/LLo/kwv [Del]

Glad to know I was able to redeem us Christians(lol) and maybe even make a new smile. Yall are gonna call me tacky for this I'm sure, but remember The world isn't as bad as you think. :P

24 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-27 21:43 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

Haha xD The world is terrible, doesn't mean you can't change it :P

25 Name: Kelandis : 2012-04-27 21:46 ID:/LLo/kwv [Del]

Of course i can change, why the hell do you think im here :]

26 Name: Kelandis : 2012-04-27 21:46 ID:/LLo/kwv [Del]

change it*

27 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-27 21:48 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

:D the first thing I'm going to do to change the world is fucking kill the Typo Fairy :3

28 Name: kimimaro!oBOTQMIm2o : 2012-04-27 21:49 ID:YYz3SJTS [Del]

>>1 I completely agree with you on pretty much everything you said. I'm personally atheist, but cannot help but notice the almost innumerable contradictions within the bible on the issue of homosexuality alone. Also, being different is good, without diversity life would be completely meaningless. People asking stupid questions may be annoying, but you can't help but feel sorry for them. After all, they were probably never exposed to people that much different from themselves, and can only think within a narrow range presented to them by their parents or society. Tolerate them, and try to help them expand their world. And if they don't, their opinions are probably worthless and unworthy of affecting you. Remember, if the idiots in your life become too much to handle, that's why were here (well, at least me. I don't have the right to speak for anyone else).

29 Name: Kelandis : 2012-04-27 21:54 ID:/LLo/kwv [Del]

After the Typo Fairy all internet trolls are next. Muahahahahah!

30 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-27 21:55 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]


31 Name: Kelandis : 2012-04-27 21:57 ID:/LLo/kwv [Del]

Up for chat at the chatroom, i think you would be an interesting person to talk to. More fun that the people i normally hang out with.

32 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-27 22:02 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

Sure, I'd much rather talk with someone NOT sheep u.u much more refreshing, yes? lol

33 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-04-27 23:09 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

I'm going to say things in a quantity proportional to the amount of compliments you've received. So get ready, and try to refrain from thinking I'm a troll, and just someone with an alternate and potentially constructive opinion. I say potentially, because you might disagree anyway, and I might be wrong. But keep your mind open to it.

So I'm not going to lie. In light of my previous post in here, I didn't read past "I'm a lesbian, a Witch, a pyro, midly apathetic, slightly bi-polar (kinda redundant, I know) and also kinda an insomniac" for a few reasons.

Anyone who mouths off a list of controversial and detrimental qualities does not actually identify with any of them outside their own imagination. It's silly to think they do, because people who do identify themselves with them do not flaunt them like trophies.

I can assure you the only lesbians that make a huge fucking deal out of being a lesbian are just assholes, baiting people into making homophobic comments so they can mouth off at them for their own reputation.

I can assure you nobody calls themselves a pyro with seriousness. Being a pyromaniac is far from a "cool" activity, unless you're 11 years old and you think destruction is badass in general.

No one says they're "mildly apathetic, slightly bipolar, and also kinda an insomniac" in the same sentence unless they're just calling attention to various words and phrases they hear that describes mild mental conditions they only just learned about this year in school. Individually, nobody says "mildly apathetic," nor do they identify themselves as generally apathetic. On top of that, this entire damned post screams you're far from apathetic, at least when it comes to talking a shit-ton about yourself. I only hear people say they're bipolar in a casual context - and the real word they're looking for is "moody." They don't actually have bipolar disorder, otherwise they wouldn't take it so lightly as a description of their character.
...The insomnia thing, though, I just feel sorry for, so you have my condolences. Sleep is important.

Instead of moving on to what may be the most ridiculous part of your post, I'd like to tell you that reading this sentence alone has put my impression of you into the position where I think you're just seeking attention and exaggerating your personality. At your age is when some people hit a pubescent identity crisis where they try to distinguish themselves from the masses through any means necessary.

This is why cliques form, and why people seem to be really different and rebellious in school. And why you're making all this shit up and acting outlandishly. Because let's be honest - you don't do all that stuff because you enjoy it in particular. You do it because you enjoy the stares you get, the criticism, and the stigma of being a social inversion. It's masochistic, but also kind of narcissistic, in that you consciously withstand the criticism that befalls you even though you made them happen in the first place, and come out as a hero to yourself for standing up for apparent beliefs in your planned scenario.

Seriously, it's like the only reason you wear dog collars and tell people you're some kind of lupine witch is because you like hearing their reactions, and not because you believe it's who you are; otherwise, you wouldn't be so provocative about it.

I'm not addressing the other topic you brought up about homosexuality because I've broached that topic too many times and it always reaches the same conclusion anyway. This is mostly just questioning your apparent disillusion with humanity and society as someone who fell out of phase with it, and in frustration, began to deny it. And frankly I'd like to hear what you think of what I said about you - and if you'd consider trying to act normal around people.

Because later down the line, do you honestly know any adults that say they're insomniac wolf witches who talk to demons and also have bipolar disorders? Do you see adults walking around wearing dog collars and combat boots without much context? I ask not because I want you to consider how disdainful adults are, but that there must be a reason why they don't do these things anymore after going through the not-quite-unique phase you are going through.

34 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-28 00:13 ID:57J2zI9M (Image: 240x320 jpg, 29 kb) [Del]

src/1335590001754.jpg: 240x320, 29 kb
>>33 This.
I really hate people like this-Maybe because it reminds me of myself,in a way.
Anyways, when I think of you, this is all I think of.

35 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-04-28 00:32 ID:4AQ/zGiZ [Del]

I avoided this thread because of the wall of text. But then I saw Misuto's post, and then thought I'd check it out. I was then daunted again by the wall of text, but I noticed a sentence that piqued my interest. Okay, not interest. But it piqued me.

"before you make a complete BAKA of yourself". WEEABOO. OH MY GOD. IT'S A WEEABOO. Yep. So on top of being an attention seeker, OP is a weeaboo.

36 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-04-28 00:40 ID:v3MRZRtB [Del]

You can't stop doing what you like to do because other people don't like it.

I work out during school time, usually push-ups or sit-ups, and sometimes people (women usually) will laugh claim that I'm just "showing off". It's incredible how arrogant those cunts are, and sometimes I want to get up and do something that'll probably incarcerate me for sure, but I can't do that if I want to reach my real goal; my legitimate goal.

I want to get to the top and I can't stop for anything. Once I get there I'll turn around and exterminate anyone that tried to halt my progress on the way up.

You may not have a quest for power like I have, but you can sure as hell use some of my wisdom regardless.

37 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-04-28 00:45 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

>>36 Well, you're doing it in public. You're basically asking people to look at you. It's not necessary to do so - you can always do it on your own time, or not in public, so getting mad at people for commenting on things you do in front of their face is entirely uncalled for.

I mean, I would think you were showing off too, no matter the sort of excuse you try to make. A thing I've noticed is that pride prevents people from discerning their ulterior motives clearly, and sometimes they believe they are doing things with pure intentions, when in reality it's purely narcissistic.

One has to stop and wonder why they do things that provoke people to pick on them, before blaming those people for picking on them in the first place. Why couldn't you work out at home, or at a gym? Is doing it in school, in front of people that laugh at you, necessary, or are you trying to make a statement?

38 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-04-28 00:49 ID:v3MRZRtB [Del]

>>37 I do work out on my own time.

39 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-04-28 01:05 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

--My point-->

(Your head)

40 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-28 01:33 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

Wow. Okay. Where to start. First of all. What the hell, dude. I don't go around saying I'm a "Witch" as I'm, "ahahahaha I can wiggle my nose and make you wear a clown suit!" I'm saying it because that's my goddamned mother fucking religion. I used to be Wiccan, but I decided against it for various reasons that I don't care to explain. That one sentence really pissed me off. I firmly beleive in the Goddess and the God and I really don't like it when people claim I don't when they don't even know me. Second: I said the "midly apathetic, slightly bi-polar" (yeah, I didn't say I was "generally" apathetic) because I am apathetic when it comes to tragedy. If someone tells me their grandmother died then I'll be like, "Oh.. I'm so sorry." but not really care. When my house almost caught on fire, I really didn't care. Lots of other "tragic" stuff has happened and I really didn't care, because I just didn't.

And yes, I am very "moody" as you put it, but I have been medically diagnosed with a mild case of bi-polar-ness, so don't go around saying that I'm just saying that to "get attention". Honestly, I just posted this whole thing because I felt like ranting. I didn't do it to get attention. I honestly couldn't care less if people see my post or not. I became a Dollar to help others and also so that I could have a place to go to when I feel like there's no one out there for me.

I never, once, said my age. So it might be nice if you didn't assume. And yes, I'm young, but age is just a number. About the whole comment about me saying "Baka". I said it because I felt like saying it. Sometimes I say words in other languages. Sometimes I say, "Bonjuor!" or, "Kuso!" or, I'll be counting and say, "One... two... tres..." Why the hell does that even matter? I know a few words in other languages and choose to use them. So what.

I do not belong to a clique. I hang out with a group of friends and friends of friends that vary from emos, to jocks, to glitter and unicorn girly girls. I don't like to stereotype people and only hang out with them because of their social standing. I did not make up a single thing that I said. That is how I feel. I honestly just wanted to rant(I say again) and I thought that this place, being like a second family to me, would simply let it rest. I respect your oppinion, but I choose to defend myself.

I do not go around telling people I am a "lupine witch", I don't go around telling people anything at all. I only tell people ANYTHING about myself if they ask, or, in this case, if I'm ranting. I really don't even know what you mean by "lupine witch" but I'm fairly certain that there is no such thing.

I have no fucking idea if I will still be this way when I am an adult. I tend to live in the moment and plan a few steps ahead. And hey, you know, if I am still this way when I'm an adult, I don't give a fuck if you think that you don't "see adults walking around wearing dog collars and combat boots without much context" because hey, have you seen every person in the world? No. So how would you know. I don't give a fuck if "adult society" will accept me because of how I dress and how I act. I'm me, and that's it. Due to circumstances that I don't care to share with you, I have a backup plan that is practically fool-proof in case I can't get a job, so I'm not going to worry about that.

I never said that I "talk to demons", I said that I talk to MY Demon, and that's the term I use to describe this thing that's been following me around lately. I firmly beleive in the "supernatural" because it's part of my (perfectly valid) religion. I also don't care if you think it's a phase because it very well may be, but as for the moment, that's who I am, so either deal with it or move on.

41 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-04-28 02:40 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

I kind of figured you'd latch onto the witch thing and bring up wicca. It's in your nature to pick on anything that could be perceived as controversial. My mentioning your religion was not to ostracize or call you silly for it, but to point out that you seem to enjoy making issue of it.

Yeah, being apathetic towards tragedy doesn't make you dark and edgy, or even quirky. It just kind of makes you an asshole. But that's okay - because that's a more or less normal thing as well. A detachment to emotional response when you don't give a shit is very, very normal. And I apologize if that goes against your intention, but you're realistically just an unempathetic jerk. Take no offense, that was objective.

Apathy is the act of not caring about something. But I'm rather certain you care more than the average person about this sort of thing, considering you bothered to respond. Which I'm glad you did, because we're clearing the air here - your level of apathy can be narrowed down to being self-centered, since you only take great offense when it's about you. Progress!

You posted this rant in an oddly specific manner, was what I was getting at. I was mostly talking about the examples where you say people pick on you for being weird and different, when you obviously have a knack for picking up the most "weird and different" traits possible. The altruistic would feel pity, and the cynical would consider ill-intentions. I'm providing the latter, since, as I stated in my post, nobody else bothered to. I state it again: my post is to be considered an alternate opinion and observation for you to think about.

I'm only assuming your age because there was always this type of person around that age group (not 11, that was a joke; but moreso around 13-15) that refuses to think outside of their personal bubble. It always diminished in years to come, so it was more of a statistical guess. I'm glad you confirmed it, though, more or less.

You can always rant in your personal journal or diary. Posting it on a public site is asking for opinions, comments, replies, pity, spite, criticism, adoration, abhorration - the whole array of responses. Don't tell me you don't care when you had to have had a reason in the first place. Nobody does something "for no reason" - the reason just isn't always obvious.

The weeaboo comment wasn't solely founded in you saying "baka," it was an amalgamation of your mindset in addition to you saying "baka." Also you're on a site where we get a lot of weeaboos, so it was also a statistical guess on insertnamehere's part.

I never said you were part of a clique, that was less of something directed at you personally than it was a general statement. And I know from experience you won't really change anything just from my single, anonymous opinion, but I'd like it if you took anything constructive at all out of it. Mainly, the psychology behind why people might pick on you for being different, and what you aren't doing to prevent that. Namely, being different, needlessly. Maybe consider that you're doing it for a reason completely out of your character and more in touch with basic human natures, like the need to feel superior to others, whether or not you consciously agree with that.

I may have jumped to an unnecessary assumption that you actively tell people these things. It just seems odd that you would do it here, and never do it anywhere else. Because let's be honest, you slip in a lot of information that may or may not have been needed, and you can't deny that's because you do want to share it, regardless of who it is to. In any case, whether or not you find a huge difference with interacting online and interacting in person is your own preference, I guess.

You also missed the point of why I brought up adults not doing these things. It wasn't the fact that it would be weird if they did (even if that's true), but that there must be a logical reason why they don't. It's a semi-related topic worth thinking about if you're considering anything I say at all and not just rejecting all of it on the grounds that I'm being intrusive and mean.

Once again I'd like to clarify I never said anything was wrong with your religion. The way you flaunt it would have been similar to a christian guy calling himself a "BLESSED FOLLOWER OF JESUS" everywhere. It's kind of silly to throw at people, albeit completely valid.

And Lupine means wolf.

42 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-28 02:56 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

I'm aware that lupine means wolf. And well, I suppose that your veiw is pretty interesting. I'll admit that I am very self-centered, never said I wasn't. And hey, I don't think you were being mean, you were just sharing your oppinion. I can honestly say that lots of the things that you're saying are true, but there's just ooonee thing that gets me. Your saying that I'm being different "needlessly". I'm not being different needlessly, I simply feel the need to be who I am seperate myself from boring people. I suppose that if you look at it in physcological angle, it's a defense mechanism to keep people away from me. I can't imagine anything worse than being normal.

About the whole religion thing, I wasn't flaunting it, I was simply saying that that's my religion and it bugs me when people claim/imply that I'm just following a "fad" or trying to be "cool" by saying I'm a Witch.

I totally agree with you about me being a self-centered asshole. It's very true. There are only about two people in this world that I actually truley care about.

But hey, maybe this is all just a phase and I'm just a self centered bitch who doesn't give a shit about other people. I figure that this is how I am right now, so I'm just going to go along with it.

43 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-04-28 03:42 ID:RuNcboNM [Del]

To keep people away? That just sounds unhealthy. And I guess "need" is a subjective thing. I meant it as in, you seem to do it in excess just to drive a point across. The needless part is how much you do it, not that you do it at all.

I also didn't intend for you to embrace being a self-centered asshole, but whatever floats your boat I guess. As long as you are aware of what is floating your boat, and what that means in context.

Nobody ever said you had to interact with other people, even though inevitably you will, but then this raises the topic again of you differentiating between interacting with people online versus in person. You don't seem to have a problem opening up to people and communicating online, why would that be any different?

44 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-28 14:09 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

It's different because it's anonimous(sp), and it's not that I do it excessivly, it's that I'm not a sheep so people find it odd, is all. Such as yourself, you find it necessary to criticize and look at how I am in a different light other than the truth, which is simply that I like being different. Not that your different view is not appreciated, it's actually quite interesting.

45 Name: Nel : 2012-04-28 14:30 ID:9SpWPX4Q [Del]

ok girl, I TOTALLY GET WHAT YOUR SAYING! i wish i could know you, everyone at my school calls me a weird because im not afraid of being myself!

46 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-28 14:32 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

>>45 This! :)

47 Post deleted by user.

48 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-28 17:10 ID:xfhOBBEE [Del]

>>1 OP, ignore >>47. He's the lunatic of BBS who doesn't know the boundaries of roleplaying.

49 Post deleted by user.

50 Post deleted by user.

51 Post deleted by user.

52 Name: Aktherion : 2012-04-28 20:54 ID:DYGKCC8X [Del]

@Wulfie, there is no reason to hate on yourself... Calling oneself "weird" is only bound to attract jerks that will agree with and make fun of you. Everyone is weird because being normal is incredibly boring. (Trust me, I've tried) I am a bit curious as to how you act Offline (I refuse to say In Real Life as if I'm pretending that the internet has no connection to what happens away from the screen) "Being yourself" is one thing, but it's when your actions disrupt those around you that one needs to take a step back and evaluate your behavior.

I dated a Wiccan woman once while in highschool, and while it never bothered me one bit how unorthodox her behavior was. I found that she almost flat out refused to leave people alone, she would accost people in the middle of the hallway and intentionally draw attention to her personality differences, I thought it was adorable, but at times it did give me a bit of a headache. (I actually had to pay a fine because she was "disturbing the peace" or some such nonsense, at a mall)

My point is, It's fine if you want to walk around barefoot and dance in the fountain, but don't steal the shoes of strangers and try to pull them in with you.

53 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-28 21:18 ID:Mu0tJ3AX [Del]

Ermm.. I'm not Wiccan anymore, I'm a Witch, there is a difference, although I get what you're saying. Overall, I keep to myself and don't drag others into my life. And I don't hate on myself, I love myself,and I certainly don't disrupt other people.

54 Name: starwizard : 2012-04-28 21:20 ID:YQSAkl8I [Del]

ummm... I'm not exactly human so I don't really get this concept that you call normal... what I mean to say is that everyone thinks differently so wouldn't that mean there is no such thing as normal? wouldn't normal just be in the eyes of the beholder? that asides, even if it did exist, who would want to be the same as someone else? that would just make life boring... so I say that being what one would call "weird" is good

55 Name: Aktherion !CXiwsDH/uY : 2012-04-28 21:24 ID:DYGKCC8X [Del]

Ok :) I'm glad to hear it! But if you don't mind, can I ask why you decided to post all of this in the first place?

56 Post deleted by user.

57 Name: starwizard : 2012-04-28 21:32 ID:YQSAkl8I [Del]

are you talking to me Aktherion?

58 Name: Aktherion : 2012-04-28 21:36 ID:DYGKCC8X [Del]

@starwizard no, I was asking Wulfie

59 Name: starwizard : 2012-04-28 21:42 ID:YQSAkl8I [Del]

@Aktherion oh... ok

60 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-28 22:20 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

Since religion seems to be a key concept here, let me put in a brief word about religion. Yes, the bible says being gay is wrong. To use that as an excuse, you would have to follow strictly by the bible, or else your point is highly hypocritical and therefor void. I can say honestly that most of the people that use that lame excuse aren't ever christian. The ones that are christian don't follow purely by the bible.

To use the "Adam and Eve" vs "Adam and Adam" excuse also means you'd have to follow strictly by the bible. The bible says hat yo should forgive, love, and not judge. The bible even says that you aren't the judge of who goes to heaven and hell, but God does. On top of that I don't even believe I've read a verse saying that being gay sends you to hell. I've looked it up many times. If I'm wrong, then someone tell me where the fuck it says this. Every passage I've read on the subject up until now has only said "it's wrong" or "don't do it".

The whole, "pray to god for forgiveness and he'll heal you" thing is also BS in my opinion. Yea, I'm christian and believe God will listen to out prayers, but the second part of that theory is it's own undoing. I've asked, "Why would God make them gay if it's wrong?" I was told, "It's a test." So tell me why he'd heal you if he's testing you? I don't understand ho he can be testing someone by making them gay, only to make them straight if they pray for forgiveness when he made them gay in the first place.

Since science is followed as readily as a religion by some, let me put in my opinion about science as well. You cannot say that it's wrong because they cannot have children. A study was done on overcrowding with lab rats. The scientist saw that the rats began to turn to homosexuality when there was overcrowding. I was not told much on the subject, so I looked it up.

Here is an article on his study:

Here is a forum discussing the study:

Of course, people are not rats. That does not mean that what the rats were facing and what the human race faces is not eerily similar. What is this to say for us? Well, I am not trying to explain away homosexuality. I am simply saying that it isn't grounds for hating someone. It is beyond the person's control.

I, however, have a simply way of looking at it. As long as you are not hurting yourself or someone else, I don't give a fuck what you do. If you want to be a homeless man on the side of the world listening to conspiracy theories of aliens taking over by pigeons as you are mauled by zebras, be my guess. As long as your behavior isn't dangerous to you or those around you I don't care what you do or who you are. Another condition is if you don't attempt to change or force your opinions on me. I will give you the same respect.

61 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-04-28 23:03 ID:v3MRZRtB [Del]

To any new comers to this thread if you want to read all the comments to stay up-to-date you can just forget it. Apparently it's big-ass story time here at BBS.

62 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-28 23:36 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

>>61 Every thread gets like this after a certain number of posts. There are always the people that write long posts. I happen to be one of those people. Don't judge. I like to go into detail because I fell like I have a hard time explaining my thoughts so other people understand.

63 Name: Justified : 2012-04-29 02:06 ID:z47VkjAr [Del]

Yo WULFIE! You seem like an interesting person, I'm a writer, just curious... Would you be against me basing a character off of you?

64 Name: ultispy : 2012-04-29 03:42 ID:lYoSKwA4 [Del]

I haven't read the entire but I'm just using it to complain because it's just slightly relevant.
My school is stupid. I'm in an anime club, and I dyed my bright red. However I'm far from a weeaboo, I can assure you that. Some girl in the hallway stopped me to ask me if I'm an anime girl now. Wow, clever. You're clever.
I don't react to people like that. Just smiled, told her no, and walked away. She actually looked kind of embarrassed because she was trying to look cool in front of her friends but didn't get anything.
While embarrassment like that can be satisfying sometimes, I couldn't care less about people like that, it's just really annoying. Don't do anything out of the ordinary ever or you'll get attention and that means you want it
I think it'd be unfair to have to tone down my "weird" style for others, as long as I dress appropriately at the right times.

I'm not defending Wulfie or whatever. From what I've read Misuto is right. Just using this thread.

65 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-29 15:47 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

>>63 I'm a writer too! I would ask before I based a character off of her, but I don't bother because by the time I create my plot-line, I'll have to change the character so much that you wouldn't be able to see the resemblance. I have to have the right character to drive the plot forward in the situation I create. That means a lot of altering. I find it easier to just use one or two traits to make a character interesting and stand out. I like my characters being colorful or bright (meaning far different from each other so you can tell one from the others) so that they are interesting and they each are able to have an important job in the book that no one else can do.

Basically to put it short. The things that people perceive as "weird" in another person is what I put into my characters to make them interesting. I don't base characters off of people. I see it more as observing what makes each person unique and using that to make each character unique. It could be a way of talking, a way of dressing, habits, likes, dislikes, looks, style, etc. So each difference in Wulfie will go into a different charter. One of them may be similar to her by coincidence, but very different do to other character traits from other people being put into the same character.

66 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-05-16 23:41 ID:4K9GBtCa [Del]

o.o wow. Didn't expect alot of people to read this.. whatever xD Sure, what'syourface, you can make a character after me lol.

Anime chick. :D I would SO join an anime club if my school had one. Heh. Dyed my hair electric blue two days ago. And actually, I prefer to be "out of the ordinary" not because I want attention, but because I simply dislike being "ordinary". I don't know why, I just think that I want to stand out and not be classified in the same genre as all those other sheeple. I figure that, hey, if I'm gonna live life might as well be someone people will remember, eh? Some people could think that that means I just want attention, but hey, you can think what you want. :)

67 Name: PainKiller : 2012-05-17 05:32 ID:F1DGIQeM [Del]

I simply love these types of humans. Those who live by a certain paradigm in life, and are truely hated because of it. Perhaps it's the enviornment? Maybe people there just don't understand you. Perhaps it's the people themselves who aren't used to such a unique being. Or perhaps it's you, insisting on being different. I couldn't care less, and it doesn't seem you do too.
However, have very little to rant about. I'm a somwhat young person, only 16 actually. And I'm a writer, artist and musician all at once. A triple threat in a young boy's life, if you will. Now my only problems are as follows:
1.) Everyone is my enemy. I kind of follow the "Demons must relish solitude" Philosophy, but in human's point of view.
2.) I truely and undoubtly HATE, HATE, HAAAAATTTTTEEE people. There's a mutual relationship between me and students at my school where they despise me and shun me, and I do the same.
3.) I care about very little things. My music, art and writing are everything. And just recently, my girlfriend has become a huge part of my life as well. So I have very little to complain about there.
There are actually a lot more deeper things I hate and would LOVE to rant about, but I'll leave it at that. Wulfie, I'm sorry you live in such a bad place for you. And I'm sorry the wolves in sheep's skin are just trampling all over you with this. But please, do not rant against my Lord in that manner. Blame the humans who spout nonsense and give the Word of God a bad name, not the Bible itself. I know how you feel, truely. But still.