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I'll make this short and sweet. (5)

1 Name: Raie~ : 2012-04-23 20:51 ID:dIt0Y+zu [Del]

I saw this guy around my school, thought he was god sent or something xD Found out his name, found out his grade. One year younger than me. I left it alone. Couple months later couldn't leave it alone. Found out his last name. Happened to be the girl-who-sits-next-to-me-in-art-class's brother(Let's keep her name confidential ;). Her, me, and another are like bros. I freaked. She disproved of me (of course, it's her brother any sibling would)
Now I'm unsure of what to do...Still REALLY like him.
Been a while since I felt anything for anyone; Besides those facts. I don't even have the guts to go and talk to him with out his sister there/ my friend. >: He always seems that he doesn't want to speak to me or maybe that's my perception. Not sure.
and wow...this is honestly the shortest I could make it...;;; xD

2 Name: YYCSoul !EFZ/Outf1I : 2012-04-23 21:33 ID:4u5EmVL8 [Del]

Do you know if him and his sister hang out a lot with each other? (Do stuff together) If so, make an outing with his sister and tell her to bring him along. If you're good friends with his sister, I'm sure she won't blow up a country to prevent you from getting with her brother.

While you, his sister and himself are hanging out, keep the group small so that there will be higher probabilities that convos will be exchanged by all members of the group. This way, you can get to know him more and be more comfortable around him.

Be friends first (because we all know that guys can't 'friendzone' girls, it's something only girls can use against us). Once you guys are friends, give him signals that you like him, always look your best (come on let's face it, guys are guys). If he picks up your signals, go from there.

Good luck! Don't be shy, be out going. Remember to portray a happy go-lucky image and sometimes mix it with a flirty/mysterious attitude. (This can turn on guys sometimes) Most importantly, do not act in a way that makes you feel extremely fake or uncomfortable. The suggestions above may make you feel like you're acting fake so it's up to you to modify it accordingly.

May luck and courage be in your favour! :)

3 Name: Loveless : 2012-04-23 21:38 ID:vPPmqH5G [Del]

yycsoul think of it at an older siblings perspective we wudnt want anyone hurting our little sibling and we wont allow tht
gain her trust then ask her again

4 Name: Raie~ : 2012-04-23 22:34 ID:dIt0Y+zu [Del]

>>2 Thanks for the advise YYCSoul~ Yea that kind of hang out a lot together; It's getting even one of them to hang out is the problem. Don't see her much outside of Art class but it's was like out little haven in there until someone else had to come ruin it =.= but beside the point. I have no problem with being fun/outgoing/flirty....with all the guys I don't care for in that way. T.T I'm clumsy and always seem to say the wrong thing with those that I do actually like...;;

>>3 I'm sorry, I didn't specify. She is two years younger than me and he is one. hehehe;; I feel bad for liking someone younger than me but I know that's society talking *_*"
But I think it's the same concept no? I have her trust, but I still don't think she would think to fondly of me dating her brother...what would you suggest I do if she doesn't favor it and doesn't wish to help it along?

...This was so much less complicated when he was just that cute guy who sat from me in the quad XD

5 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-04-26 11:43 ID:685xaPhZ [Del]
