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Whats the point? (6)

1 Name: Taka : 2012-04-22 21:45 ID:muHQlRj2 [Del]

Heyokay so...
Im not here to complain about my life...or say how horrible it is.
im not not starving.
Im not the richest kid on the block
but im not poor either
what im saying is
i have a pretty good life
But i hate it
i hate humans i hate life i hate living
it just seems so useless to me
theres no real point is there?
the point is
what i think anyway
is to become something and creat a family
but recently i found out love isnt as amazing as I think it is, my friends talk about love and boyfriends as something that just comes and goes..So is that it
love means nothing?
Thats the only thing i stay alive for
the one boy i love.
but i havent found anyone yet
so im waiting to meet him.
but what if
its true that love isnt worth shit
that the feelings that theese anime characters have isnt real love and it be nothing like that?
I just dont....see the point then...i tried killing myself once.....and i dont regret it...i still hate being alive.

2 Name: Мика : 2012-04-22 22:03 ID:WIW5z0Zr [Del]

the great question of life...what's the purpose? well no one answer is right or wrong. but in all honesty its as simple and cliche as "its what you make of it." I chose to write poetry, play guitar, do parkour, etc. and those are what i love. life is boring if you choose the normal, get a job, have a wife, get kids. really think down and deep on what you want... make it happen. although life, for awhile, seems to repeat and become redundant but after that you have the power to make of it what you will. i cant you to do something but me and you are in the same boat here and trust me, even though it seems the sadness and loneliness will never leave, it will. all things, good and bad, come and go. and the way the world has been going, i dont blame you for hating it

3 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-04-23 09:43 ID:zISgeiIg [Del]

Whats the purpose of life? Two things, becoming happy (do what makes you happy) and just living it; to take the opportunity and chances to do something new or experiencing something new everyday till you find your passion or purpose. Well that was a little longer than what I wanted to write it but yea; life is beautiful. Lot of people don't see it that way but I do and I hope you can see it like that to one day. Don't give up; your too young for that shit.

4 Name: Harukaze : 2012-04-23 19:40 ID:k0tWNOrm [Del]

We could never know happiness if we didn't feel sadness. We could never know love if we didn't know what hate was. We couldn't be comforted, if we'd never felt pain. Life needs balance. We need good just as much as we need bad, we need the day just as much as we need the night. Don't give up on love, or life or happiness. We don't know what tomorrow holds. We'll never know what would have happened if we did yesterday differently. Today is a gift. Thats why we call it the present:)

5 Name: Raie~ : 2012-04-23 20:40 ID:dIt0Y+zu [Del]

Then go die.
If you hate it that much;; But it's just as worthless and life if you wish to look at it that way..There is no point to killing yourself.
Since you're here why not try at least to find some kind of happiness? I mean that's what we're all striving for right?
Don't think so much and live in bliss and maybe you can find some kind of happiness. Breathe once in a while.

6 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-23 21:06 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

A good question indeed. The question you have posed is, "What's the point?"

The point you have named is stereotypical. Not everyone falls in love, gets married, and has a family. The beauty of life is that you make your own point. You make your own reason to live. I don't mean to make this suicidal, but these are questions you need to answer. Why do you get up every morning? Why do you try? Why don't you just kill yourself now? Why do you live? Not everyone is able to answer these questions. You have to find the answer yourself. It took me years to find the answers to mine. No two people have the same answer. When you word it, it may sound the same, but the answer to these questions aren't just words.

The answers are feelings that can't be described in words. Kind of like a word in french that won't translate perfectly into english. It isn't supposed to be words. It's thought, feelings, history, and everything that describes you. You read these books with "true names" that, once someone knows, can cause a person to have complete control over you. That is the idea behind these questions. Your "true name" defines you as a person. It defines who you are, but can't be put into words. The same thing with the answers to these questions.

Forgive me, for I cannot completely explain it. The whole concept is not one that can be put into words. It's a power you have by knowing yourself. It is to know yourself completely and fully. Not only does it explain the parts of you that can be easily worded, but is explains the parts that cannot be explained. If is an instinct and driving force more than anything.

The whole idea answers 6 basic questions about yourself.
Who are you?
Why are you here?
Where are you going to go in life?
When will your task be finished?
What are you supposed to do with your life?
How are you going to do it?

It is knowledge without words.
It is thoughts without explanations.
It is answers that you cannot respond with "Why?"

It is the truth about yourself. Everything and anything about you. It's what makes you you and not me.

Your thoughts on love are something that can be explained a little better. To love someone is to be by them unconditionally. You enjoy their strength as well as their faults. It is to like the good and the bad. To see their imperfections as perfect. You essentially will enjoy being around said person, and want to be around no other because every part of them make you happy. Being around this person will make you the happiest you have ever been. You will not be able to explain why. You will want nothing more than for this person to be happy. Their happiness is your happiness.

That whole paragraph was cliche, I know. Love is not a word to be defined, but an idea to be understood. You will not understand it until you feel it. When you feel it, there will be no doubt in your head.