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god (21)

1 Name: Nel : 2012-04-21 20:38 ID:9SpWPX4Q [Del]

Is it normal to think that there is something or someone out there that has full power over your destiny, something that is testing you. and please nobody say "its called god" because im not sure, ive thought it over and i think that... well that's the problem im not sure what to think of the idea of a "god" im worried that if i chose i certain god i am closing off part of who im supposed to end up being. as if theres a god out there who no one knows of and its just waiting for someone to figure that it excises and i might be that person (or one of those persons.) i want to hear others opinions of this and i want to learn if there is anyone out there who thinks the same.

2 Name: walker : 2012-04-21 20:49 ID:/uLhTfYO [Del]

i kinda believe in god but not enoough to really mention anything about it. For some reason i belive in the devil and saiten more. Sorry i dont know how to spell it.

3 Name: Kaori : 2012-04-21 20:53 ID:OGCpX043 [Del]

>>2 Hurhurhur. you believe in Satan more? But you can't spell his name? hurhurhur :w gud luk wi' dat

Yes, I believe there is a God. I think he's a good God too. Not one that abuses power. And don't even start playun them devil's advocates, im jist puttin in muh thoughts. I think he's a God who gives people what they can handle, and is just there to be there for us. :D He's GOOD of course, that's whai the name God is in Good, and Evil is in Devil. right? :O

4 Name: Firo : 2012-04-21 21:41 ID:aWecjPEI [Del]

>>1 i think what ur thinking is perfectly normal, ive thought it too, what i believe is that there is some higher power, how powerful and omnipotent he is, i have no idea and i also dont know that he is as people portray him or if hes something completely different, but i do think that this power does what he/she/it does for a reason and that we shouldnt focus on why he/she/it does it. well thats my oppinion anyway.

5 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-21 21:43 ID:J82At3Gf [Del]

I personally believe in god but, I also believe you choose your own destiny. Yes, there are certain benefactors that can help persuade how you choose your path in life.

6 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-21 22:13 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

I don't exactly believe in a 'god' or 'gods'.I believe that they're false impersonations of perfection made to keep people in check.I personally think everyone has power.The power to make decisions, and make differences.

7 Name: kimimaro!oBOTQMIm2o : 2012-04-21 22:54 ID:YYz3SJTS [Del]

While I don't believe in a god or gods, I have no problem accepting the existence of beings superior to humans, which probably exist somewhere within this universe. If such beings took an interest in humans, and decided to influence their lives, it would fundamentally be the same as any other human influencing another through intimidation, bribery, love, ect. In response to the original question, it is perfectly normal to believe in a higher existence influencing the lives of humans. Also, it is entirely possible that I am wrong and that a god or gods do exist, so I believe it would be best to gather as much information as possible and reflect on it until coming to a conclusion of your own.

8 Name: Mahiru : 2012-04-21 23:17 ID:F3wPdRD5 [Del]

I think it is normal for someone to think that, I remember when I was younger and even to this day think that, I am sorry but I am going to use the word god, because I came to the conclusion that there is a God but I just don't know who. and I really don't want to make any statement on saying yeah it is God because who really know's right now when because we are humans and so we are curious on what is really out there and try to solve it as we go.

9 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-04-21 23:26 ID:fFiwhJua [Del]

Basically, you've come up with a "What if" question and are wondering if the thing you thought of is normal? No, it's not. Most people probably haven't thought of the exact same idea you've had.

If you're wondering if it's normal to think about such different possibilities, then yes. It's normal. Every person has at many points come up with "What if"s about religion, themselves, science, etc. They may not be the same ones that you came up with, or they may be nearly identical to your new thought. There are so many of these "What if" questions, and most (if not, all) of them go unanswered when it comes to deities, gods, and the universe. Even if what you typed above is completely correct, it's quite probable that you will never find out, because that higher being doesn't want you to know for sure.

10 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-04-22 06:22 ID:/Qn/imVS [Del]

In my honest opinion, you have to have a faith in something. Be it faith in a God, or faith in humanity, or faith in oneself, you need something that you can spiritually cling to in order to stay sane.

11 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-22 07:11 ID:AwbxYZdU [Del]

>>10 We are on the same wavelength. I've been saying that for a good majority of my life, almost word for word too!

12 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-04-22 07:18 ID:zISgeiIg [Del]

For me I chose to believe in myself and in my fellow man, nothing controls our destiny's; we make our own. But believe what you want it doesn't matter to me. What does matter is if your happy with it; I know sometimes it's hard to chose just one side but maybe you don't have to do that; perhaps you should just believe in what you want; or even study many religions to see if you can find the answer. Truth is to find out what you do want you should listen to what is logical in your mind (if it make sense ya know?) and listen to your heart.

13 Name: Terroth : 2012-04-22 08:07 ID:7Bv6768O [Del]

It is normal to think that there is an power out there that is higher than yourself and that controlls "destiny" there's nothing strange in that. However I do not believe in "Destiny or Faith" since that would "weaken" my own control over my life. Therefore I state that nothing alike that exists, It's just wishful thinking of mankind to have someone that can help you or you've someone to blame something bad happens you or someone you know.
Of course this is just my opinion.
Believe what you want, cause there is nothing wrong in that.
I do realize that I repeat quite alot of what >>12 said.
>>10 Wonderful statement, I believe so as well.
>>1 Good luck with your with finding your own answer! Since we all have diffrent opinions in life, don't be afraid too believe in your own opinion no matter what others say.

14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-22 08:50 ID:xfhOBBEE [Del]

I don't think that there's much to believe in. I believe in myself, and that's all. I guess that makes me sound self-centered, huh? Either way, I just can't rely on some higher power. I don't like thinking that there's someone else determining my life; that makes every decision I make sound pointless, like I shouldn't even try. I don't like thinking that I'm being judged continuously, even more than the world judges already; that makes it seem like God is just another high schooler.

I think it's best to believe in yourself and be the one to make your life move forward. When something happens, instead of relying on some higher power to fix it all, get up and move. Fix it yourself. In my opinion, praying is a waste of time. When something is out of your hands and you can't fix it, don't pray - make the best of what you can with the time/whatever you have. There's no reason to lose that time praying.

I'm not against people who believe in god(s), though. I think it sets strict morals that are good to follow. My problem is with people who are overly obsessed with religion and can't use their own heads anymore. I don't like it when people judge someone based on their religion, either.

I'm not sure if I believe in souls, but I believe everything has an energy. In some cases, after someone dies, that energy stays around. Even with objects, imo. That energy is still there for a bit after it is destroyed or moved. I also believe that there is an "aura" around people. I don't know if that's a part of their energy or if that's just created by the way they move/talk/walk, et cetera. I know some people who have really obtrusive auras - they can be completely silent and out of sight, and you'll still know they're there, just by "feeling" them. Then, there are people who have really small auras. They can be stomping right up to you and you won't notice them until they say something or touch you. And, finally, there are people who can change their auras. Once you understand how they work, you learn what makes you stand out, what makes you fade in. It's great for cheating; make your aura a little less and the teacher passes right by you. However, people that cheat tend to have very obtrusive auras.

Anyway, enough of that talk.
tl;dr - Point is, I believe in something, but it's not a higher power. I don't judge people who do believe in a higher power unless they treat others differently because of it.

15 Name: Vickram101 : 2012-04-22 09:11 ID:b0wUNQw3 [Del]

Every book of every religion was a Novel written back in the days. The only thing religion proves is that in a Million years people will worship Spiderman as god. XD That's ofcourse if the apocalypse happened already.

16 Name: Oh_Yeah!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-04-22 19:49 ID:HbVQTf+j [Del]

Yeah bro it's totally normal to think that. Every one does. If you look at the world around you and go down to the atomic level and see how complex and strictly in order everything is you can see that this universe we live in would need a creator. In your case I'm guessing what your not trying to find is a particular "god" but an "Intelligent designer". As for destiny I think that you have the power to to make your own decisions, but God (sorry for using that word plz forgive me) can see the out come and will love you unconditionally even if you fuck up. This is just my beliefs on destiny, but they don't really matter in this conversation. What you should understand if you want to see proof for intelligent design is have to look at the evidence surrounding it. Dr. William Lane Craig has some videos on YouTube about that and also I think there is a documentary on Netflx called Expelled.

Hope this helps you out broooooo.....

17 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-04-22 20:32 ID:emcjRFHn [Del]

In my opinion....
God gives life and takes it from people, sure angels exsist, and not even they can have influence on people, and neither can god. Sure, he can communicate like angels and try to help out now and then, but otherwise, life and its decisions are things people make decisions in themselves

18 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-23 02:09 ID:0ESEpw3q [Del]

>>16 Are you really that stupid? Hell no not everyone believes in a god. Ever heard of athiests? They exist, you know. I myself am Buddhist, and no, I don't believe anyone controls my destiny or fate.

19 Name: Oh_Yeah!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-04-23 10:24 ID:do10Xn0o [Del]

>>18 sorry if I was unclear. I didn't mean to say that every one believes in a god, but I meant to say that every one wonders from time to time if there is a god or not. Sorry if I was unclear about it, my bad.

20 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-23 13:40 ID:0ESEpw3q [Del]

>>19 Okay, gaotcha. I've run across people who just assume everyone is of their religion before and thought you were one.

21 Name: Harukaze : 2012-04-23 19:32 ID:k0tWNOrm [Del]

God is a different person depending on who you are. Not everyone believes in God or a god, and then there are people, many people like you in fact who feel that there is an all powerful being that is beyond human comprehension. I think its easier to believe that we were put on this Earth by some divine deity than to say that everything just exploded into existence and evolved for no reason at all. I believe that we live for some purpose, that we live to find and fulfill that purpose. As for a destiny set out for you, i don't know. All i know that every choice you make is yours and the consequences are also yours to bear. You only live once...