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Am I in the wrong? (13)

1 Name: INeedATreeHere : 2012-04-20 17:47 ID:uPByShh7 [Del]

Ok, my dad has always told me not to curse. He believes that I should not be able to cuss so he doesn't either Just now his friend was over and he quote on quote said "D*** that guy really took a fall" (my turtle fell off the rock in his tank.) I went off on him and he started yelling at me saying "my friend is over you don't call me out when I'm trying to talk to him."

Am I in the wrong for calling him out?

2 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-20 17:50 ID:whX52m3k [Del]

Well in all honesty no your not wrong to call him out on that but you probably should've waited until his friend was gone, even though he deserved to be yelled at.

3 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-04-20 18:21 ID:ryzTq1jQ [Del]

You're not wrong, you just didn't handle it in the most diplomatic way. You could have done things differently, but most people would have done the exact same thing.

Here's the deal, though. He's your dad. His house, his rules. Sadly, you don't have a lot of choice in the matter even if your opinion is the most justified.

4 Name: Naru : 2012-04-20 18:28 ID:3ZPCnwcj [Del]

You're not in the wrong but yeah would have waited till your friend left. Ps not cursing isn't that bad I've gone 20 years without cursing and it turned out fine.

5 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-20 21:10 ID:HATwnwZ1 [Del]

Not really in the wrong, but it isn't your house. You don't pay the bills. You most likely don't put food on the table.

Therefore it isn't really your job to call your dad or his friends out. He makes the rules, and he can break them. It being a bad thing to do, is a hole other story entirely.

6 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-20 21:16 ID:HATwnwZ1 [Del]


7 Name: Zero : 2012-04-20 22:37 ID:HF+6dl31 [Del]

I cuss and i never get in too much trouble. just have to avoid the sailors' curses (lucky i don't know them!) and the f and s words. So i guess you're either under the age of 13 or your parents are pretty uptight.

8 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-04-20 22:45 ID:Onn53pjk [Del]

Kind of a [phallic profanity removed] move on your part, from my perspective. He doesn't curse around you to attempt to put on a good example, or to show that it isn't necessary. That isn't to say it's wrong to use them, but it's what he's trying to promote.

I would be mad at you too if you started being that picky about it - you're missing the point if you're only concerned about whether or not he curses as well. The point was for you not to, at least around family, because it's unpleasant.

The point is to teach moderation of that kind of language until you're mature enough to use it well in context without sounding needlessly vulgar.

9 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-04-22 07:54 ID:zISgeiIg [Del]

You kind of are im sorry to say. Be respectful of him when he's around friends; when he's done talking pull him to the side or wait till the fiend leaves then say what you have to say. It's alright it's a simple mistake.

10 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-22 08:55 ID:xfhOBBEE [Del]

I don't think you're in the wrong, personally. If he sets restrictions for you, he should follow them, as well. Otherwise, he's a bad example and should be called out on. If he is trying to set a good example for you and get you to avoid cursing, he better as hell not curse anywhere near you. That's just wrong and, yes, he deserves to be embarassed for it. The main reason why he's pissed is probably because you embarassed him in front of a friend; you would be pissed, too. If you want to get your point across, this isn't a problem. However, if you want to stay on really good terms with him, don't curse, and don't call him out on it.

Then again, I'm not sure how valid my input is. My household is different from most. We all have equal authority and are only limited by what the other members are limited to. My parents cuss, so I cuss. If they don't cuss at certain occasions, I don't cuss, either. It all depends. I still think he should be embarassed if he's not following his own rules.

11 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-22 17:43 ID:9+hbbDvf [Del]

Still, he is the parent, they are the kid.

It doesn't matter how he acts (in terms of saying a few curse words). Technically he can act anyway he wants, and shouldn't have to watch over his shoulder in hopes his CHILD WANT YELL AT HIM, for saying 1 curse word in his own home that he pays for.

You got to be a bit more respectful than that of your father. He is the boss in any situation, till you move out. He pays for your food, clothes, a place to sleep, and TRIES to watch out for you in terms of cursing. A slip up isn't going to be a home wrecker.

12 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-23 02:11 ID:0ESEpw3q [Del]

>>11 Yeah, I agree with Thiamor. I mean yeah, he said you shouldn't cuss, but honestly that's like saying you shouldn't watch an "R" rated movie, and then him watching one. You have no right to try to discipline your father.

13 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-23 02:13 ID:9+hbbDvf [Del]

Won't. Not want.