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FML!!!!!!!! (7)

1 Name: help me :( : 2012-04-20 00:06 ID:LI05BYjR [Del]

I am a lesbian and i like my bestfriend who is a girl, and she likes another girl (yes she is lesbian). the girl that she likes is her god sister so their like always together. and i'm in love with her but i know it's only one sided. well she's always talking about her crush with me and it gets me pissed off. Her crush leaves for florida tommorrow so she was really sad today and she started crying and i started crying because if she realy loves this girl then i have no chance whatso ever at making her mine :'( so i want to know????? should i give up on my feelings for her?it's so hard! i think about her everysecond of the day!!!! HELP ME PLZZZ

2 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-04-20 00:45 ID:lI+s2dVq [Del]

Get over it.

3 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-20 01:40 ID:0ESEpw3q [Del]

>>2 Basically this. It probably feels like it, but honestly, chances are, you're still too young to honestly be in love with someone yet. Right now, you have other things that you should prioritize.

4 Name: Shiyo !hiBXn.e9Tw : 2012-04-20 02:05 ID:f7Do6U52 [Del]

>>1 Have you told her that you like her yet, or are you scared of ruining your friendship? Anyway, the only way that you'll know is if you ask. Otherwise there's nothing we can do...

And >>3 has a valid point. Perhaps you should think about this before you come to any decisions. Anyway, good luck to you~

5 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-04-20 07:17 ID:g4/8M+w5 [Del]

Sleep beat me to the "Get over it" comment. Anyway, if you love her, then you'd be willing to do anything to make her happy, right? Then if she's rejected you, get over it and let her be happy with whomever she chooses. If you haven't even tried, then do what >>4 says and ask. You'll never accomplish anything by hiding.

6 Name: Ms. Sexii Cece : 2012-04-20 07:44 ID:e2My/pGW [Del]

Do what's in your heart. I would tell her the truth. You never no she may like you to. If it ruins your friendship or not at least she will know, and this is coming straight from a lesbian.

7 Name: Zero : 2012-04-20 10:28 ID:lDB/9Wiv [Del]

Confess you feelings. Shoot, even from a guy's point-of-view, my advice helps. If you love her, tell her that and things might turn out great.

If not, you have the right to hate me.