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trapped in a fire (16)

1 Name: seikatsu : 2012-04-18 16:56 ID:QXNPXLBI [Del]

this is really weird BUT if you and a friend where trapped in a burning house and there was a tiny opening that could only fit ONE more person before it completely closes up. would you go through the hole and leave your friend to burn or let them go because you want to be the hero at this point of time.
just something that would seem to have fun answers.

2 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-18 17:02 ID:57J2zI9M [Del]

I would let them through instead of myself,then try to find another way out.

3 Name: Piratemansion : 2014-12-14 07:56 ID:RwXK312n [Del]

we would propaly die both because we would be agureing who would go through it

4 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-14 08:01 ID:YKYXUSSF [Del]

Chi-chan would Let my friends escape first, and then Chi-chan will find another way sounds naive and illogical, but I felt like it

5 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-14 11:22 ID:9tStr1tx [Del]

I give him a blanket and dose it with my water bottle. ( I always carry one around. I am a really safe and cautious fellow so blanket is usually something that isn't a synthetic products that burns well. I know pyro technician stuff so again yes cautious. I then squeeze in the hole and run to the fire mans.

I give specifics on the situation to the exact spot were my friend is and we try and act as fast as we can. Also I a really agile and small. So the odds of me making out in time are high.

And most important of all... I do not fear fire, but I do resent it a lot. There was a time I was mortified by it.

I would take a bullet, get rammed over by a car, get stabbed and much more for a friend. But I would try to get out fast if there is a fire. ( You can't really stand up to it or take it (fight) it as the other things)

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: xephyo : 2014-12-14 13:55 ID:d9KRsAL6 [Del]

>>4 Stop typing in 3rd person, you downy fuck.

8 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-14 17:47 ID:YKYXUSSF [Del]

Stop swearing, please. It's rude, and don't swear on other thread. You can swear in my thread but don't swear in other people thread :(

9 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-14 20:21 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>8 Swearing is fucking allowed here, sorry ♥

10 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-14 20:51 ID:YKYXUSSF [Del]

Is that so? Well pardon me for being too polite here. I suppose I should try swearing for once ._.

11 Name: Chapel : 2014-12-14 21:38 ID:R4O5Qksf [Del]

Ide crawl through first

12 Name: Nova : 2014-12-14 22:29 ID:Oc6InPAz [Del]

I'd crawl through

13 Name: SEOSHI : 2014-12-15 00:16 ID:B/PK47GM [Del]

My friends are mi familia away from my blood related family.
I will let my homies go first.
But I will still find another way to get out.
Psh, cause hell imma die in some run down, nasty @$$, heat level higher then Wiz Khalifa kill me. Somehow it doesn't appeal to me in the slightest to die before I can even attempt do achieve all that I want and all that I need.

14 Name: Aia : 2014-12-15 00:32 ID:ih2uloGq [Del]

Well I would first think about how that life that I would save could be better than the life that I led or will ever lead, if that person is no good, even though he or she is my friend I would crawl out first, but if he/she is worth it then I would want to offer my life to save his/hers.

15 Name: Minus!pDyHU0r2E. : 2014-12-15 09:16 ID:5DgOx4TY [Del]

HAHA this sounds interesting!!
Well, like a well-raised child of my family and the queen that I am, I will let the other person get out while I go look for another exit myself.
There is no way a petty fire will kill a diva like me XD

And even thought I said it funny, I actually meant it. Unless the other person is a guy(a strong one) and decides to hold the opening until I get out and he comes afterwards, using the same one. Or he decides to go find one by himself.

But being with normal people I will get them to safety then I'll get myself.
I don't have the hero sindrome. Is just that I am stronger emotionally and physically than most people I know. And I can think straight even in those kind of situations.(I've been in similar situations MANY times before lol)
I will manage to get myself out using another way/window. There is no way I will die before managing to reach my goal in life. After all, there is only one "me" aka Minus in the world.
Enough with the queen attitude. See you later peasants!
*joke to make the situation funnier*

16 Name: Master-Sama : 2014-12-15 11:35 ID:iwDKzDfB [Del]

If it was a friend, then I would let them go ahead while I find another way. If the person is someone I consider a friend, then it's worth it.