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Becoming emotionless (7)

1 Name: Мика : 2012-04-16 23:16 ID:WIW5z0Zr [Del]

I used to be talkative, fun, playful, etc. but lately I've become very solitary... After a month long pit of depression I attempted suicide and failed. After That I started becoming less involved in everything. It's getting to the point where I only speak to my two best friends...and that's sometimes. It's not that I'm sad anymore,although I get really sad sometimes, but I'm slowly becoming emotionless... I'm trying to talk but it seems when I talk I say things that don't make sense or are just down right depressing. Is this just a case of social awkwardness?

2 Name: Raie~ : 2012-04-17 02:31 ID:dIt0Y+zu [Del]

There isn't a full story here yes?
Well obviously something is getting you in a slump...
Sometimes it's good to be solitary, so what's got you so down?
Being with yourself isn't bad, at first it's scary but when you discover yourself you'll understand, anxiety and depression is all part of it, but don't go doing pointless things like Suicide . No matter what you believe in, suicide is still pointless.
You only got one life ey? Why not give it a shot?
You just need the right people to show emotions too, emotionless comes with discovering how bad people are, but there are also people who will brighten your day.
One mans trash is another mans treasure.
Forget about people for a while and find hobbies or interests you would love to take part in and find out how and where, and keep yourself occupied until the feeling blows over, cause after all being numb is a feeling after all.
Take a bit out of everyday to make yourself find something you appreciate or are grateful too.

Don't think too much. Just breathe.
The world isn't as bad as you think (:

3 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-17 12:46 ID:WA3/VE1V [Del]

I had this problem a few years back. Life was just going to hell, and I wasn't sure what to do. I'm still a little socially awkward, but I have my emotions back, and they're at just the right balance. The best thing to do is to just wait it out. In the meantime, try to find some sort of emotional outlet--writing, reading, drawing, video games, the sorts--that just takes your mind off things and gives you something to occupy your time with. Try going to something big (if you're into anime, perhaps a cosplay convention?) to just attempt to have fun. Meet new people. Or even try to set a goal in something (finish writing something, level a character to a certain level, get X number of goals in a sport, et cetera). Be sure to get plenty of sleep, but it's also important to stay active. Take a lot of walks. They may be annoying at first, but once you get used to them, they really help. I like to walk to 7-11, and that way I have a Slurpee as a reward for the walk back.

It is social awkwardness but it's a natural thing. Not everyone experiences social awkwardness in this way; those of us who do know it's really, really annoying. Whatever happened has probably made you uncomfortable around people, or perhaps you have come to realize that it's easier to protect yourself with less emotions out there.

4 Name: Ikiratuki : 2012-04-17 13:31 ID:BJC2wTsV [Del]

Try concerning yourself with another person's struggle or involve yourself with something bigger than you. You could be focusing too much on yourself I think. Perhaps pushing yourself to complete a physical challenge will help.

5 Name: ameterasu!VGzOHdOTYc : 2012-04-17 15:49 ID:1y1aIWiT [Del]

I know the feeling. Some things hurt so youd rather not feel anything at all. But i can honestly say theres no better advice that this, i've been there,
smoke weed have fun with those you care about and fuck the rest!
Strive for your goals. Get educated for those goals. And just follow this advice the whole time.
Peace love and weed for all!

6 Name: Мика : 2012-04-17 17:59 ID:WIW5z0Zr [Del]

hmm i can live with being emotionless, but how do i keep a relationship if im emotionless. not like dating relationship but a friendship. my friends are all i have left so....

7 Name: WesbsterSnowJR : 2012-04-17 18:18 ID:RetGvQOL [Del]

I can relate to the original topic. For a while I was feeling the same way. It got to a point where I just didnt care about anything that went on, or who tried to be a part of my life.
Recently though, I can honestly say that ive been happy. Part of it was involving myself in other things. I started doing activities outside of my comfort zone, and leaving the house more. I also went back to the friends that I know I can trust, and will always be there for me. After being around the people that dont care how im feeling on one given day, but know me personally, on a deeper level, I started to feel better. Now I know what truly matters to me, and have invested in these things. I no longer deal with people who mean nothing to me, or try to put me down. All that matters are what makes you happy, and the people that you know love YOU.